As seen in the Bungie Forums!! Download Here ----->The Warehouse V2.0 Version 1 reached over 2000!! Lets start with the main view of the map (Most important!) Anderoo16 and Commit2memory51 are back for yet another hit on the Forums. Introducing the new and improved The Warehouse V 2.0, which has been completly rebuilt, not only to catch the eye, but to offer top-notch Gameplay. This map expands the previous Warehouse, into something almost undescribable! Warning: This map was made by Anderoo16 and Commit2memory, please don't steal it and/or claim it as stolen! Thanks again, read below for full description! Normal Description This one of a kind Halo 3 Warehouse is completly life like, and made of all Walls. Enter a new world as your expierence combat in this life like Warehouse. Go up and down stairs, enter through one of the three entrances, climb on the loft to BR some passers, enjoy the view of an upstairs "Bay window/Deck/Sniper Area/Beautiful View" , Go to the two houses on the opposing side for equal gameplay, go to the top stories of the houses to find active camo to sneak into the bloody Warehouse, AND SO MUCH MORE!! Expierence it all!! Pictures! Differences from Version 1 -----> The Warehouse V 1.0 The entire first Warehouse was torn down by many controversies, and than rebuilt to perfection. Every wall is perfectly place and staight, along with all other objects within the Warehouse! To give a better explanation, I will list the new and changed things using a list! -Entire new attacking base, 2 houses fully equipt with the essentials to take down the warehouse -A total of 3 entrances into the Warehouse, Two in the Front, and one on the side (upper story) -Corner walls on the bottom story, instead of slanted single walls -New weapon placement -Duel Staircase -Loft with BR's -Different fence layout -Different upstairs and downstairs floor layout -New upstairs porch, for sniping and/or the BEAUTIFUL view of the opposing base! -New wall dividing the other half of Foundry -New techniques brougt up by Forge Hub and Killian Forgers -ALL OUT NEW AMAZING GAMEPLAY ( no choke points, un-used area, or uneven weapon and cover placement!) As you can see much thought and work was put into this map, and we both are sure some of you will still find ways to critique it, PLEASE DO, it really helps to hear what you have to say, and there is always room for a possible V 3.0 if requested? Hope you all enjoyed, and many thanks too -Killian Forgers -Forge Hub -Cgrim54 -All downloaders of V 1.0 -All input and suggestions sent to us (I used the wall trick stated in the Forge Discussion posted by myself, check it out, its very useful!!)
In my opinion, this should have been given the time to make playable, but like I said, just my opinion.
This map looks like it could have been great if it was playable, you should go back and edit it some. It looks like it could be cool as a map, but this doesn't look to good as just and aestethic mini map. Please go and edit it so I can play it.
I totally agree. I love how you made that vantage point out of window panels. Make this playable or I will lol!
Ok, many people have noted that this map should be playable, and It was originally for show, but it is 100% playable, and really fun! I am cinsidering moving the post to the other forum, but I'm am unsure as to how to delete this one...??? anyone know?
Looks very well made, thanks for embedding the pics... Hopefully a mod will move this to another forum.
Good call on moving it to the casual maps section! Now it will probobly get more recognition. I just did not know that you could play on it before thanks for clearing me up! Downloaded. :squirrel_rocking:
Like others above said, this map is great. And like others also said, this map would be even better if it was designed so that it may be compatible with gametypes. Good job though.
hey, thanks a lot everyone. I recently got my xbox back, and I was considering having one more go on The Warehous III. Totally new and improved with the unlimited money and interlocking objects. I'm sure the new one would be great, but I am only willing to make it if people TELL me what they want to see. If I get enough ideas, I will jump right to it! Thanks again!