Hey could anyone tell me what type of games are asymmetric and symmetric because i want to close off certain parts of my maps for certain games but dont know which goes to which. Please reply thanks..
A symmetrical gametype is where things are the same on both sides. Gametypes like multi-flag and assult are symmertrical, along with other (god how to you spell nutral?) nutral gametypes. A asymmetrical gametype is where things are (you guessed it) uneven. So that means 1-flag (take avalanche for example, one side starts with human vehicals and the other starts with coveant). Hope that clears it up for you.
it doesnt really matter which type of map you make more because its just a personal liking. Asymmetrical Maps are One Flag, Assult, And most single-objetive game types. Symmetrical Maps are, Multi-Flag, All the Multi's... its all just how the map is based If you have 2 bases its more likly your map is Symmetrical, if you have 1 defensive base... and one attacking spawn point... your map Is A Symmetrical.
i sided or ffa games are Asymmetrical such as 1 flag infection or slayer or maps such as high grounds blackout or last resort. symmetrical is team slayer multi flag or natural bomb and maps such as the pit or isolation. semi symmetrical maps, they are symetrical but like narrows whre they have a man cannon on the 1 side and nothing on the other or foundry where they are ballenced and have the same geometry on both sides but the itemsaround are not the same. or epitaph where the shield doors are on 1side and the other side extends outward on 1 different ridge.. i hope you understood that. lol