The Elder Scrolls

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Iv0rY Snak3, May 1, 2008.

  1. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Daggerfall > Oblivion
  2. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Morrowind > Daggerfall > Oblivion
  3. KB

    KB Ancient
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    I never played Daggerfall. Was it as good as Morrowind?
  4. Dwert

    Dwert Ancient
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    I actually DO play Oblivion for the 360...When I am not playing GTA IV or Halo 3.I am a level 33 argonian thief.Everywhere I go I have to steal something.I currently have one house,well a shack anyways, on the Imperial City Waterfront.He collects anything that has that little blue circle next to it (a magic item) and throws away ANYTHING that doesn't.Or it gets sold.

    On my online character though,I am only a level...I think seven.I don't know what happened.I am still continuing what I have always done,Argonian Theif that collects the magic items,but I am just not that interested anymore in it.To tell you the truth I would rather have Morrowind.
  5. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Woohoo I have beaten Oblivion 100 %
  6. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    no you haven't, getting all the achievements and completing all the quests isn't beating it 100% to beat it 100% you have to explore every dungeon, talk to every person, own every house, have every item, all skills max (along with level) as well as all achievements. have you done that? i think not, i don't think anyone has...
  7. SLY JD

    SLY JD Ancient
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    You would need:
    - Every map marker unlocked.
    - Every house/horse owned.
    - Every quest completed.
    - Every book (one of each type) read.
    - All skills maxed out.
    - Every rumour/topic unlocked (not really a biggy though).
    - Every artifact found.
    - All plugins downloaded to do extra quests/own extra properties.
    - Collected every Nirnroot.
    - Every spell type casted so you could make all from altar.
    - Every Oblivion gate shut.
    - All wayshrines visited, to unlocked specials at places of worship.
    - All greater powers obtained from doomstones.

    Good luck.
  8. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    ROFL... Same goes for Morrowind...
  9. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    I just bought the Game of the Year Edition. I <3 it. But thats not the point of this post. You guys know that one mission in the Shivering Isles, when you have to uncover a conspiracy against Syl? You know how she dies in the torture chamber and you can search her? This is where it gets weird. I searched her, and for some freakin reason, she had a bunch of clubs. Lots of clubs. 13,204 clubs!:surprise: I'm trying to figure out where in the f'in world did 13,204 clubs come from! And the more you think about it, the weirder it gets. How could a person carry 13,204 clubs without being so overincumbered as to break your back? Could you imagine how strong she was? Or so paranoid that she thinks everyone's out to break her clubs?

    Here's how I dealt with it: I used the left bumper to carry around the group of 13,204 clubs. Then, when I came to a door, I took the clubs (becoming overincumbered by 160,000 lbs or so). I was close enough to the door to go thru it. When I was thru, I dropped the clubs, in a single group, and repeated this process until I got to a store to sell them each at first one coin, then for 2 gold coins, ending up with a HUGE profit of 25,000 gold coins. Now, Cutter's Weapons in Crucible has 13,204 clubs to sell, lol!

    I wish I could show some pictures or something, but I don't have anything to take pictures with, not even a cell phone.
    #89 Wraith, Jun 7, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2008
  10. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    oblivion is clearly the best game ever made..... when i played it i was thinking, oh bolocks.... but after saving martin from kvatch i was immersed in a land where i would waste 117 hours of my life. wow! still MGS4 will be a billionmillionzilliontrillioninfinity times better!
  11. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Quick question about Oblivion. When you sleep to level up, if you cast an Endurance spell before you rest and level up, does that extra bit count towards your health when you sleep or no? It would be easy to get your health up if that was do-able.
  12. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Since the minimal amount of time you can sleep is an hour, and Endurance spells don't last that long, no. If you could make a spell that lasts a little longer than an hour, then you would find out, although that will take a crap-load of Magicka...
  13. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Actually, there is an endurance 50 and willpower 50 at the First Editon book store in the Imperial City. It's a costly scroll and only has negative effects on you're personality stats I think. It lasts for I think 360 seconds, but it costs a boat load. I tried doing this, but I forgot to record the amount of health I would get normally.

    And for you Oblivion fans out there, here is a great video on youtube. Check out the comparison of the actual ad to the Oblivion ad, it's scary similar. Also, find some good Adoring Fan videos. I couldn't stop laughing at them.
    #93 Juggernaut, Jun 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2008
  14. Ether

    Ether Ancient
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    I'm sorry that I'm too lazy to check further back in this thread for news, but has there been any word on TES V? I know it probably won't be out until next-gen, but has there been anything?
  15. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    I just used a calculator. It lasts 6 minutes, according to your guess. You would have to have something that lasts, literally, 10 times as long in order to find out.
  16. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Really? Cause one hour in that game is either close or is one minute. If it lasts for three minutes in real time, then it should last for 3 oblivion hours. Sorry, I know the time stuff can be easily mixed up when typing text. I meant that at lasts for 3 real time minutes/3 hours oblivion time. I've rested with it and leveled up but forgot to record my readings, and it also lasted for a lengthy time period after I woke.

    I haven't seen anything on TES V. Right now they're doing Fallout 3 and until that's published, we won't hear much news about it.
  17. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    After thinking about it, just wear something that Fortifies your Endurance, such as a ring. Since it has a constant effect, it might do the job. BTW, you may be right. I was thinking about actual time. Your replies didn't confuse me, so it's not your fault.

    DR MAJESTIC Ancient
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    i never played elder scrolls,but i own's so fun, but i'd still rather play halo 3
  19. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    My dad glitched my guy so im like level 82 redguard w/ acrobatics somewhere around 350.

    I have beaten the game 100% 3 times (all the way down to the last mini-quest).
    #99 Ja Red is Ninja, Jun 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  20. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    I actually think an MMO style could work for the elder scrolls series. Make two seperate games, one for just the player (single player) and one online. Quests are the same, and you can use the same character you use in single player, it would just be online. Sure you'll still get the people saying 'Waer d1d u getz teh sh1ny armorzzz?!?' But you don't necessarily have to see them, you can just play it like a regular Elder scrolls game, adventuring on your own! Btw, I love Oblivion, I'm impatient with one character and I'm always creating one, my top character is a Kajiit thief, (custom class I made), The towns are so blank for me... I go on rampages as the grey fox... often.

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