Tunnel Raid 3.1 The newest in the tunnel raid series Download Map Description: This map was made after I played on a map called teunnel raid. I got the Idea to make another tunnel raid becasue I reliezed that really that the one that I played on wasnt really a tunnel and it lacked a lot becasue it was on last resort which is a map that you can't combine things. So I decided to make a bigger better version. Im sure someone else has had this idea to but this is how I think it should be. Ok so this map works on team (red Team, and blue team) Slayer, KOTH, and CTF. The really only wepon that people get pissed off at is the mauler. luckaly it dosent spawn very ofter (read wepons sheet after) this should be used 4-8 players even though it says 2-8 on bungie. This map was tested at its 3.0 stage but now it is 3.1 and it hasn't been tested so play it before you start yelling at me. Feel free to yell at me after you play it. I haven't tried it but Im guessing you can use the regular Tunnel raid settings but I dont know where you can find that. I hope yuo like this map. and plz tell me what I need to fix. By the way the gameplay screenshots were from 3.0 the base shots were from 3.1. Thxoutside the map (3.1) the base (3.1) the tunnel (3.1) da blue are movin in (3.0) sniped (3.0) base under attack (3.0) Download Map Tags Tunnel raid, KOTH, CTF, Teams, cake by: xUNSCxHeadShot
Tunnel Raid maps have been made over and over again, but this actually interests me. I like the shape of the tunnel as well as the overall look and feel. Good job!
Looks quite nice, but I'm still left wondering after reading your post... Regardless, the tunnel is great, and the hexagon is pure win.
thanks guy for the comment I pretty happy with it but tell me if theres problems and I think you meen pentagon morcam
a pentagon has 5 sides and a hexagon has 6 and mods dont like when people double post your map does look cool though
this is a double post quich get rid of 1 b4 a mod sees. theve been hitting us hard for this.. dont do it agian. if you have any questions headshot ill surly direct you toward some who can help if i cant help you muself.
Replys like these get me very annoyed because they serve no real purpose partially because they dont give out a lot of the thoughts on the map besides the fact that he thinks that it "looks cool". Why does it look cool? Do the aesthetic qualities of the map really go with the flow of the map? You should really get in depth of what can help out the map maker through your constructive criticism. The map looks like a somewhat new take on the original tunnel raid on Last Resort. I like the octagonal shape to the tunnel, it really sets itself apart from other maps with tunnels. Although again with the original tunnel raid map, the gameplay seems rather repetitive. I wouldve incorporated new features and desighn qualities so that it still has the tunnel raid feel but more enjoyable. Maybe numorous tunnels or an ambsh hole, something like that. Edit: Im not the best person in my geometry class but I meant pentagonal rather than octagonal. =]
Blaze, I swear to god, you have commented on every other map that I view. You've obviously been very busy lately. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I've downloaded all the other tunnel raid maps and that I downloaded this one too.
this reminds me of the old last resort one, but this looks 10x more amazing, glad to see one on foundry, i love the shape of the tunnel, multi flag looks extremly epic with 6 people on each team, great job
yea but how would it last forever and again to everyone tell me what i'll need to fix if there is anything.
looks smooth and well built but i have one question: do you have any problems with teleport-blockers? because it looks easy to block and i was just wondering if that was an actual problem with the map. please reply.