Map: The Panic Room Gametype: Breakout The Panic Room is an infection map in which the main goal of the to-be-infected are to get to an impenetrable room known as the Panic Room in time. But there's a catch: Not only does the door to the panic room close in 30 seconds from the start of the round, but also people inside of the Panic Room have a tendency of being bored. So, if you get bored and want out of the Panic Room, you can go through a teleporter, but you can't get back in. For those who don't want to go to the Panic Room, they can still camp in 2 seperate sections in the area I call the "Complex", which is a series of tunnels. !!!EXTRA BONUS!!! I actually did some interlocking!!! Pictures: This is an overview of the map The inside of the Panic Room The "Garage", one of the 3 rooms within the Complex The "Supply Depot", another one of the 3 rooms inside of the Complex. The door to the Panic Room. You guys know the drill: Download, recommend to all your friends, give me high marks. You know, the works
You do know that some guest in your party is going to stay in the panic room don't you? Does the round have a time limit? It does sound cool though!
well I cant tell if anything is interlocked by the pics and thats a bad things ane really this map just wouldn't flow good onslayer infection would be a mabey but I dont knwo overall 3.5/5