What would you want the new map pack 9if they make 1) to have? Well i would want a new forge map thats bigger and has awsome new items! And ive always wanted a water map! idk how it would work but it would be soo cool! and then you could even have water vehicles! And then a really cool small map. i want some good new small maps. there the most fun in my opinion. edit: and think,( i know this would never happen) if on the water map you went under the water and you have a air supply that only lasts a little while, and then you through a bubble sheild under the water, you now have a air supply!
I think spartan armor could hold underwater, but that would be sick- I dont know about small maps, cause you canmake those in foundry
all i would want is a forge map thats a cube (unlike foundry which has different sides)and a bit bigger than foundry with more forge items
"Remakes, lots of remakes..." I definitely want some remakes. Maybe Waterworks, Ivory Tower, Midship, and a real version of Blood Gulch/Coagulation. vv Badassninja just got owned! Remember Metalock? vv
most of all i want a warlock remake. fighting under water would be sweet,heck id even settle for just an under water base with big windows so you can see fish and sharks swiming by. and i want a map with lots of water (but not under water) and they can have some kind of new hog that looks like a striker so it can go in the water
I think we should be aware that bungie isnt listening because most of the population wish for a square foundry but bigger
i would like to see a BTB map with three bases, or at least two bases and an optional third base to the side, a controlling factor for the game. maybe it has some power terminal..
A new forge map for sure, but I am really craving some fresh, new small competitive maps such as Guardian. We need as many of these as we can get, because right now, we only have a single good one, which is Guardian.
I really want the map Terminal to be remade. It was such a versital map to work with and had the train..THE TRAIN! Besides that Midship has been buzzing around on bnet, it was a very good map but not my favorite.
I'm hoping for 5 maps total: With the breakdown being something like this 1 new forge map even more revolutionary than foundry with tons of *easy* ways to change the size from BTB level to arena map. Also more pieces and ways to color code things. That would make my life 1 remake: Competitive map from halo 1 and 2. Plenty of maps that I'd be happy with here so long as bungie doesn't try to make "improvements" to it. 3: New maps- Purple reign sounds like an arena map which is awesome, so I hope there is some other solid small to mid size competitive maps. Or blood gulch would be fine too. Anyway I'd be really happy with that, especially if they fixed the BR spread at the same time.
I think you've been reading my mind, because I've been wanting an underwater map/island map for the longest time. Start off on your team's island and then you can take the water vehicles. Make the mongoose into a jetski, and the warthog into a speedboat. Territories on an archipelago or between islands would be so epic.
i would like to have just a way bigger foundry thats a cube and awesome forge options like unlimited items(if this is already possible pls tell me) and easier forge tricks(floating platforms, merging....ect.)
headlong, ascension and forthem not to ruin it like every other remake.. and also i new forge map maybe with some real forge feature effects too.. like lighting and ****. now that would be kool. but when does bungie ever do anythign right. lmfao.
Water maps would, in my view, be a BTB map, which would be cool. Have Island bases, with some water vehicles. Also, add an extensive underground tunnel system. It would offer two forms of fighting, on foot, and on some type of water vehicles.