MAP: "After many years of testing new Spartan armors, weapons, and vehicles, the Expirementers left this old base to be. But the Spartans came back to this base to retrieve the old information before the brutes got their hands on it first. 6-16 players recommended." This is by far the best of my work. Saving and ending, setting to no and yes, restarting rounds ALL to perfect this map. Each team starts in their own tunnels, which both end up inside the base itself. one team ( attackers ) gets a chopper, and the other team ( defenders ) gets a rocket launcher to blow up said chopper. talk about a crazy start! The middle of the map is nice and open, giving free room to drive, ( OR dodge! ), vehicles. the back on the map is mainly the tunnels, and one tunnel stops for an overshield. The front of the base is by far the best looking and best battle stage. there are things to hide behind, and not to mention it holds almost ever weapon on the map! - but the secret of the map lies above you. when you look up, you see the hardest of my work. A sea of bridges for the ceiling, and 5 towers hovering above you. EXTRA SCREENSHOTS: A view of the middle "Vehicle" room and the entrance to the 3 tunnels. A view of the "Battle!" room, along with the 3 connected towers. The Defenders room. small but power packed. *points at rockets* The attackers room. bigger, and there's a sword under the chopper. *hint* ... It's a hallway. you asked for more, I gave you what I could. The view from below. the bridges don't look crappy and you can see the giant towers!
...Or we could comment right here. I think it looks pretty good, but it needs more screenshots for anyone to make a good judgement on the map's quality.
nice From what you show it looks pretty good but you should put more screenshots. Also, i thought there was a chopper not a ghost?!?
the roof would look better but im not saying it looks bad i think you should interlock the rooof together making it look alot better
The roof was not meant to look good on top. the players never encounter the top of the map, so I made it to look good from below. read the other quote. it was not meant to be perfect on top, but it looks great from below. the players ( except cheaters... ) do not encounter being on top of the level to see the sloppy bridges. once again, read the other quotes. it was not meant to be good looking on top, all that mattered was that it looked great from below. ( where the players are ) The chopper is in the attackers tunnel. read through it again.
You understand that you can just make replies. You don't have to triple post just so you can quote everybody that you want to. Just post replies. On the note of the map, why is it called Steel Train? I don't see a train.
Thanks! I'm glad you approve, I just did make it, so I haven't been able to test it out yet. If you want to get a group to test it I would be glad. tag is my user name.
Not a bad map, even if no one sees the top it would be in your best interest to not post a pic of it, haha. Interesting map, though.
i thought the same thing. i play on terminal frequently and this caught my attention right away because of similarities.
Originally Posted by LIGHTSOUT225 This looks strangely similar to Terminal, a ForgeHub featured map. Did you draw inspiration from it? great question! yes, this is where the inspiration came. I loved the look of the circled walls and the gameplay of it. it was fun, and challenging like all games shoud be. I'm still maybe a 3/4 pro forger, so I'm still gonna have bugs in my maps.
after a battle with a friend, i have to tell you... the vehicles seem really forced. it was clumsy driving them, and they had virtually nowhere to go. the weapons are too powerful as well. a rocket launcher and a Fuel Rod Cannon? if someone gets both of them, its absolutely no fun. my last recommendation. fix the roof. i know you only care what it looks like from below, but to be honest, it even looks poor from below. merge it all together flat. even if players are a million miles away from it. dont just sweep the dirt under the rug, make a quality map. these are just suggestions of mine. take them with a grain of salt, as i have never had a featured acclaimed map.