I just thought this was too interesting not to post. Original post here: High Impact Halo What do you guys make of this?
I guess if I where to guess what it is/was I would guess some sort of chickenwalker, like a smaller version of a scarab, considering a mantis is like that, sort-of, I honestly IMO can't see why it would be a water vehicle, of course it makes sense considering the fact that no water vehicles shipped with the game, but a: there are no water-based levels/maps, and b: the name Mantis doesn't fit the water vehicle genre.
Head hunter kind of sounds like VIP....perhaps the name was changed early in the game's life but the code was left there. I think safe zones would have been a cool edition to the infection variant, but with a diminishing time when you're in the location. I only bought the basic edition of Halo 3, so I don't know if they have a bonus disk showing everything they left out like they did with Halo 2. Maybe they'll be able to fit everything in the next game.
I recall playing a game with a water vehicle called a Mantis so I assumed it was related to water some how my bad.
That would have been sweet if they kept that extra vehicle, I don't care much for sentinel weapons, but a 15 zombie kill spree medal, that would have been cool. I also agree that 'safe zones' would be a great addition to infection, given that the humans are not able to camp in the zones for the whole game.
too bad, so sad! i wish all that stuff was left in. i woud love to have a new vehicle! and even a smoke grenade sounds cool! and that vortex thing is pro-nes!
I want to see a youtube video of this stuff in action on a modded xbox. Some of this stuff sounds really cool.
Well, it's like how modding got the Flood Juggernauts out. And the Engineers. The references are still in the map files, and sometimes they the deletion process can fail to remove the file fully.
These seem like Bungie's most creative ideas, yet they scrap them all? Im sure they had their reasons..
He used modding to look through the Halo 3 code. This is only fragments of the actual code for the objects in the game it is not possible for anyone to put said objects back in the game It is probable they were scrapped early in the development process.
It still could be possible to get some of that stuff to work with a modded box, people managed to uncover the flood juggernaut from halo 2.
ya a smoke equipment would have bin nice but not as useful as a bubble sheild if they know your there
this is really interesting, and I really wish they included these things. One of the things I really want bungie to add to halo 3 is more Gametypes in an update. If Gears of War did it, so can bungie.net