Doenload Map Players= 4-16 Gametypes= Slayer, Team Slayer, KOH, Asasault, Multi CTF ( Any other gametypes you find work well, post and I will add them ) Weapons= 4 Assault rifles, 2 needlers, 2 spikers, 1 rocket launcher, 1 spartan laser, 1 gravity hammer, 2 smgs, 1 mauler, 1 shotgun, 1 carbon, 2 plasma rifles, 1 brute shot, 1 sniper rifle, 1 flame thrower ( very hard to get to and never respawns ), 1 fire grenade, 6 plasma grenades, 4 spike grendes, 1 active camo, 1 cover shield, 2 ghosts, 3 mongeese, 1 warthog ( drivable ), 1 warthog ( in a cage non- drivable ). If I missed one I apologize. These weapons have different respawn times. This is my fourth interlocked map. It is a good mixture of everything. One four story structure with a sniping point at top. One three story with a an assult rifle. Another three story structure. One two story structure. One room with windows and assault rifles. Two vehicle hangers with 2 ghost, mongeese, and one warthog. Both hangers are climbable. There are teleports in the level, but you do not need them to reach any level in the map. The teleports takr you to larger weapons. Be careful, the cages these weapons are housed in are full of explosives. Of course with risk comes reward. The flamethrower is hidden atop the cages, can you figure out how to get it? The back area is also used, it has closer combat, and lots of places to hide out. There is so many palces to explorei this map. I wanted to make sure that everyone was catered to in some small way. Some weapons are hidden and have different respawn times. This is an awesome team slayer map. I am usually a pretty good picture taker, but this did not come out on screenshots as well as I would have liked. It is alot neater then it looks, and is alot of fun! Make sure to play with at least 4 people, but I reccomend 5 on 5 or 6 on 6 team slayer. If you have seen or played my other maps and liked them you will love this one. Please tell me what you think. Tell me what needs to be fixed and I will make another version. I have tested this map. If ypu ask me why should I download this map. 1. It has vehichles on Foundry and it is well balanced. 2. It has close combat. 3. It has open combat. 4. It has several sniping points. 5. It has a good variety of weapons. 6. Its fun to play. 7. It has places to hide. 8. It has hidden weapons. 9. Its original, you wont find another map like this. 10. It uses all of Foundry. 11. Its interlocked. 12. It has a really wierd name that has nothing to do with the map. : ) 13. You have to play and explore this map to get good at it.
Sorry , the pics are not that great, I swear its not sloppy. And thanks for the comment, yes its original.
whats with you and map these map names. first it was black betty and now this lol. anyways IMO the map looks pretty clean and the buildings look pretty unique. good job
dang loco, your pooping maps out everyday! there all pretty decent too. how are you doing this. i really like the layout on this one too. but i really dont understand how you name your maps. Black Betty, Dirty Diana? whats up with that.
this map is ok i think its a little to open for me though i like maps with short narrow halls and lots of shottys
Did you mean popping? LOL!!! Thats the funniest **** I have heard in a while. Thanks. I like the names, I think I'll name the next one Slutty Cindy, or Funky Franny? : )
wow excellent use of the whole map. especially the sides of the map, most maps usually have the sides blocked off so i really liked that you didnt. i also like that the flamethrower is very hard to get becuase it is such a nooby weapon. Great map overall
Thanks. This one took a while to arrange, and I had to use a budget glitch. After playing it alot, I realized how big the map feels with all the places to go.
Thanks. I really gives the map some strategic points. I would love someideas on gametypes and spawn points.
The reason most people block it off isit really doesn't go with most levels, but I kinda made it go with mine. Crap! |My bad on the double post.