That's right a thread solely to post gif's/photoshops/videos/gimps of you pwning Ivory Snack! I have 3 now, so I thought I'd start a trend maybe =] my first one, kinda sucks...was my 1st gif ever, but it was a great moment... Basically, he grenade jumped over this wall, then I was about to, but instead, the grenade goes under this wall, and bam, roasted ivorysnacks The next two were taken during testing of a casual map...but were just awesome... In case you don't know what this one is, it's Ivory trying to knock away a rocket with a hammer (duh), but when the rocket goes flying off, it just flings right at him, and KABOOM!
wait, i hope you realise that in the first one i was actually on top of the wall, not on the otherside...
no, you love rey, remember? at the first pic i was at the bottom, when i died i was in the air near the top, otherwise you would've died too...
What? Nobody else is obsessed enough to take pictures of this guy... i dont even know who he is. also btw, its snake not snack
you have nothing to do with this obviously then, if you don't know ivory snack***************** then you don't know forgehub pretty well yet...pl0x...don't...interupt my abuse of ivory
well, let's see, i am currently the 5th highest poster, the only active premium since cosmic has disappeared and i am king of the shoutbox, also, ivory snack is my nickname, along with the 2nd highest trading group in the area of non-toxic snacks in the western hemisphere thank you very much. btw, the instant popularity of this thread scares me...
i may just go out into MM and get myself pwnt just to help the thread, of course, you'd have to do the giffing.
LOL gladly, it's pretty simple to do, just take like 10 pics barely moving the camera, n it'll look cleaner then these do...i just did them really quick as it's for a casual map that is not as important as our competitive maps =D