Infection maps underpowered?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Firetag, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    *Please note that this is a matter of opinion not totally realistic statistics.

    I believe that infection maps are underpowered, so I made this thread to post infection map names that I believe should be featured are at least get noticed. But, before I post any maps I am just going to talk about how underpowered infection maps are.

    Reasoning behind my theory...
    Well, when I play custom games with my friends...which is pretty much all I do other than forge on halo. All they want to play is infection or VIP. So, what I am saying is how is it that almost everyone I talk to on halo likes infection more than the competitive play. But, here on forgehub all I see is everyone likes competitive maps. Now I know what everyone is going to say...Well yeah thats because there's like no good infection maps. This is where the thread comes in...Please leave your opinion on this matter too! And also if anyone has any maps that you think deserve a spot on this thread then please post a link to the forgehub thread and I will take a look.

    Maps (w/ corresponding gametype)
    I'll compile the list later.....
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    There have been infection maps featured, but they aren't the standard "infection" maps that you're thinking of. And believe me when I say they are a lot of fun. FH features maps that show ingenuity and quality. Most infection maps do not show either of those qualities, which is why most infection maps go unrecognized.

    While I might have agreed with you 2-3 years ago that infection was the most popular custom variant to play, thats not true anymore. I think this site is proof of that in itself. You very well might have surrounded yourself with people who like to play infection such as you do. Thats probably why they are on your friends list. But do not mistake your friends for the voice of the Halo community.

    PS - I like your sig reference to Omega Journey, I'm sick of hearing about it.
    #2 Draw the Line, Jun 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2008
  3. PlasmaGlory

    PlasmaGlory Ancient
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    2-3 years ago?
    I assume you are talking about Halo 2, yeah people played it but I didn't see that many people play it.
    Also, most of my friends prefer Infection but I prefer competitive,
    I never get what I want :(
  4. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i still like a good ol' infection map now and again. the thing is, i can't really think of any to consider and bring to this thread...
  5. CabooseKilla678

    CabooseKilla678 Ancient
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    Infection is overrated. I hate all those people who ruined the gametype by making the humans impossible to kill and the zombies die in one shot. Or vice versa, never making it even. Infection better shape up. I'm on Infection strike for now.
  6. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    Hence your insta kill map pack....where it's instant kill lol
  7. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    people tend not to like Infection because most variants are like DTL said... unoriginal... or they favor one side too much. For a good map and gametype...there must be balance between the two factions... and I'm not saying "well the humans are underpowered in this part, but when they get here it makes up for it since they're now in an impenetrable fortress"

    most infection map-makers tend to forget this fact, and instead rely on the same old concepts

    also, the infection maps I see nowadays have the "ability" to be compatible with "any infection game variant". While this may work very well for a Competitive map, allowing for more versatility... I have found that giving a specific gametype for this type of casual map gives it a unique touch... its not just another run of the mill game... This also gives people the best gameplay available...who knows the map and the ways it plays and is balanced more than the mapmaker? Why allow someone who's never played the map come in and dictate what is best for the map, then sully it in the forums by saying "zombies are too overpowered" "this is sooo unfair" etc.

    To summarize, infection maps must be entertaining, unique, balanced and if you achieve all that... I guarantee it will be fun...

  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Absolutely agree with sarge & DtL.

    As for the op, I just want to say that infection IMO is so very old, and only little kids like to play it sorry this is my opinion maybe NOT just little kids, but for the most part.

    Everytime i am in a party playing some semi-serious competitive maps in customs, and there some kids in the party, they always go "Let's play infection" or "ooo give me party leader, i have this super cool zombie map" etc.

    I just find infection to be pretty lame IMO...there have been VERY few maps in infection that I've personally found to be rather balanced, and even at some points, they get unbalanced...
    #8 Tex, Jun 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2008
  9. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    Unfortunately Dom hasn't even posted in this thread, you haz mistaken DTL for Dom.

    I don't necessarily hate infection, I think it is an excellent change from competitive games in a custom game party. It can be just plain fun some times, and you don't need one of those stupid super-human base zombie maps either. My friends (real friends) and I love to play infection on default High Ground occasionally, because of the pure fun (and no, I don't mistake them for the whole Halo community, duh). I don't think that infection is 'lame' either. Lame to me is playing the same games over and over again in MM. As I said, infection is a great alternate gametype to play in customs.
    #9 super trooper88, Jun 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2008
  10. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    I think the word you're looking for is UNDERRATED not underpowered. But infection maps and gametypes have a community just like everything else, my brother has freinds that all they do is play infection, whether it be on maps they made themselves, or maps that have been recognized by the majority of the halo population, whereas I basically only play mm and forge. The biggest reason I am on forgehub is becuase I belive that this site has THE best user-created competetive maps. And with v5 of mlg out now, I don't see how anyone who enjoys competetive maps and mlg can be anywhere BUT here.
  11. IxSl4Y4xI

    IxSl4Y4xI Ancient
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    Well, if you are looking for a well made infection map and gametype you can check out my map: ambushed
    I think it is a load of fun personally.
  12. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    I don't get why we don't play juggernaut 24/7...
  13. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Infection is boring, most infection maps are piles of random stuff all over the map with human base and a single zombie respon, although are a few good ones. Infection is ment to be over powered, the tale of the zombie is an epic human struggle for survival against the odds, not an equal force of humans against their infected brethern. Although infection is often overplayed, it is a good outlet for fun in after playing a few hours of competitive maps.
  14. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    wooooops, good call, i edited it...they just look so god damn close xD
  15. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    Wow, thanks for all the feedback guys...I can now see that not many of you like infection then...I think you're right I have surrounded myself with people that like infection (which I obviously share an interest in too ). But, now I have a new goal....making the people of forgehub obsessed with infection! (lol) No really though I do still believe infection is the "funnest" gametype to play. Although most people think it isn't on here. Maybe you have persuaded me to make a more competitive map. I will keep this thread alive and I am now testing out a few infection maps I found here on forgehub. I will post any maps I see that either play really good or look really good ( can't be both (lol jking) ). I hope I can change all your opinions in the future!

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