Ascension v2.5 By The360Assasan As many of you know from Halo 2 and don’t know (Those of you new to halo), Tower of power is a BTB slayer game. There is one tower which if you control it, it gives you a significant advantage because of the turret and the ability to camp with shotguns. Thats the only weapon you have besides the turret. You must play with people who have respect and WILL NOT BREAK OFF THE TURRET. Press RB to get off the turret not “Bâ€. If you rip it off the game becomes no fun. The main features from Ascension on Halo 2 are all there, the tower, the bridge, anything that affected gameplay. This game will ONLY work if you have two teams. Or else you will have tons of people spawning right behind the turret. IT SUCKS. The spawning is much improved from previous versions. Please enjoy the classic Tower of power map. Pics + Video YouTube Video Ascension v2.5 Map Variant Tower of Power Gametype (required)
woo first post but honor rules are never fun so if there is a way to fix the turret rule it would be good to know
I do like this map I made a tower of power and to be honest it sucked and i was sad but this one is really good judging by the Screen shots (SS)
well the turret isnt so bad because you cant pick up turrets that are lying on the ground. so example: They rip off the turret. they walk and jump REALLY slow, they are very easily killed then the turret on the ground cant be picked up then anotherone spawns soon after. Just tell the people not to and it will be just fine.
You can put a warthog under the wall and I'm pretty sure the turret might stick up. This has been remade a lot, and the interlocking looks pretty messy, too. Sorry...
w8 this isnt his map the origanal map owner is someone that i forgot srry but i know this isnt his map becuse ive downloaded it from forgehub like 2 months ago and he didnt make this the map name was called acension remake just to let yall know
this map looked good, but when i played it kinda sucked. only one building was accurate and it played sloppy
lOVE THE WALKWAY THAT IS GOING UP WITH THE BARRIERS but this map is lacking interlocking also looks kinda sloppy iono why but it looks fun good job
I found one really easy way to get out of this map like reallly really easy without nade jumpin or anything
this is a very good looking tower of power map, the structure looks good, i shall give it a download and play tower of power on it
Thats was ME this is version 2.5 MUCH better. and if you think it plays bad then make SURE you use my GAMETYPE and you have ONLY TWO TEAMS AND 16 people. it works great Ive played hundreds of games of it just take a look at the video. Yes this isnt my neatest map but is damn good. I ran out of room when making the rest of the map. It IS fun if you want to prove me wrong then come join my games and THEN just tell me it isnt fun.
First off please don't bump your thread. The reason people aren't applying because maybe they don't like your map...Now I believe TOP was really hot in halo 2. But, this map just shows no originality at all in Halo 3. I thinks this has been said many times before, but honor rules suck! Try making your own map design ( not ripping off of Ascension's ). And improve the flaws that were seen in TOP on Ascension and on your map. I also believe you should try to improve on your aesthetics a little bit. Aesthetic wise this map is very bad. Your interlocking looks very sloppy, and you added in no aesthetics at all to begin with. Please try to not take my criticism to harshly...I'm only trying to help. But, really this map needs some serious work. Overall Score : 5/10 Originality : 3/10 Aesthetics : 4/10 Interlocking/geomerging ability : 4/10 Edit: Also just a note maybe you should geomerge the fence walls a little bit to make it more like Ascension.