MLG Arena

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Echo, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    Yes more downloads that's what I want. No I don't care. You must be illiterate or something if you still can't read my other post of why I named it MLG.

    I have friends on here that want to see my map and they told me to join forgehub and upload my maps on here since their is a great community unlike Bungie's File Forums which has uncontrolled bumping and advertising in threads.
  2. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    Yeah I didn't realize everyone overturns the boxes on their maps. Next version will be better with all the tips I've gotten, but for now I guess I have a sense of originality.
  3. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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    the b side looks Fancy

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Congrats then you've proven that you're not only a d/l ***** but a retarded one too, give yourself a pat on the back. When you put MLG in front of a name it means the map is designed for mlg settings, which your map isn't. You could've put something else in front of it that wasn't designed to trick people into d/ling or you could have thought of a better name than arena for a map but that's clearly beyond your bordering on autistic level of comprehension.

  5. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    I feel bad when I have to argue with people that have some form of down syndrome. Download *****, I was being sarcastic, but you probably don't realize that because you're trying to hard to argue with me about a map (get a life).

    I can put whatever name I want. I don't see why you're so angry about the name of my map. It says MLG but it doesn't mean it's for MLG settings (yet). You can alter it for the settings. Just because others have arena for their name isn't gonna stop me from having it.

    The map isn't even perfected, but yet you're hell bent on calling me a download ***** when I don't even give a **** about them. Constructive criticism is what I'm looking for. Yet Ignorant fools like you have to flame every post you see. READ THE OTHER POSTS, before you start calling people a retard. Such a hypocrite.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    You very clearly lack an ability to read. I told you why the name was not appropriate several times but you are too retarded to comprehend anything.

    It says MLG but it doesn't mean it's for MLG settings

    Thats what its supposed to mean you ****ing dipshit. I started out by telling you why this isn't an mlg map and say its perfectly okay to call it that anyway?. An mlg that doesn't support mlg settings, wow. Its the same thing as when people tag their map with forge hub on bungie, it misleads people which is annoying. I think I'll make a blackout variant and title it "Forge Hub Infection racetrack (9 million d/ls!!!!)" that seriously makes about as much sense as what you're doing.

    And I don't flame every post I see, but when you act like an arrogant retard for post after post eventually I will call you out on it.

    I'm laughing at your stupidity right now.
  7. Shimazina

    Shimazina Ancient
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    Looks cool. I downloaded the map and will sheck it out.
  8. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    I like how you didn't even put "(yet)" at the end of your bold sentence like I clearly put at the end of the sentence originally. Just change what I really said to prove your point.

    Do you not get that the map is NOT done? I told you that you couldn't read. I have to alter it a little before it actually becomes an MLG. You obviously are flaming when you're bad mouthing in every post you have.

    We started this by you saying it wasn't MLG at all. Yeah when it's all done you'll think twice little kid. You think this is the final version when this is my first post

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Nothing about the map is mlg. Now you're saying you're going to make it into an mlg map later, rofl. It clearly wasn't designed as an mlg map and was never intended to become one and now you're just trying to talk yourself out of the hole you've dug yourself. Your logic is severely flawed, no way you're older than 12 (no offense to the cool youngins here)

    I cannot however debate you further due to the infraction I have received for flaming.

    Carry on.
  10. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    Keep saying it's not an MLG map. You're not an MLG Pro map maker so it's not gonna change anything. I was never dug into anything you're small mind is too dumb to even realize what you're argueing about. So i'll be the bigger man and walk away. None of your points are valid. goodbye.
  11. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I agree in the fact that it's not at the standards of most MLG-intended maps. It's not symmetrical (most are), and it lacks those certain "combat focus areas" that MLG maps have.

    As per the flaming, both of you guys pulled the "I'll get the last word in, but I hope he says something back" trick. This is supposed to be different than the Bnet forums. If you don't like a map, say that in a somewhat tactful manner at least, or just don't comment. It's not exactly difficult.
  12. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    I agree with you oh so much. It's not MLG yet, but there is no rules about that I can't have it in the name. Yet people will probably think I put it in there for "Downloads", but I obviously don't care about them.

    You can say this map is like Blueprints. I'm only looking for constructive criticism. Not what hitthelights's immaturity has given. I never said he had to reply but he insisted to act like a 10 year old.
  13. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Then truly pass it off, and be the bigger man without the small, subliminal insults.

    As per the map, I do the same thing. I make something I think is sweet, then work on my next map according to the criticism of the previous (and others). While there are no rules saying that you can't name your map "ForgeHub Sucks" if you want, there is still the understood law that if you name it that, you better come packed with enough work to back it up. See where I'm headed?

    Personally, I despise most MLG maps, because they're usually just box-gameplay. I'm more of a fan of originality in design. My complaint stands as stated, I can't fault you for naming it the way you did. I only recommend that you prepare for some controversy if you describe a map with other qualities than the standard of what you've described.
  14. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    You haven't made a point yet, I've made several and you've only responded to them but by regurgitating what I just said and repeating it in different words. My argument is very clear, yours is garbled and inconsistent.

    Also, there are no pro-mlg map makers (forge is not a profession) but I d/l a lot of mlg maps and know all the standards of them, and you would have to completely re-do the map to call it mlg. If you really want to be the bigger man you would just take the mlg part out of the name which is all I've asked for, or give the map a major, MAJOR facelift. I mean no insult to your map as a whole because I haven't played it, but I still recommend you change the name to make it non-misleading because in its current form its not mlg.

    You've changed your reason why this map has mlg in the title twice now, so don't claim I was flaming you in a bnet-ish immature fashion. I came in trying to be helpful but you responded with both immature and uninformed posts. I've spoken my piece here in this thread. Good day.

    EDIT: Another good reason for an overall name change is that MLG had a "forge the foundry" contest a while back and the map that won was called "arena" and it was an mlg map. I think you should just change the name overall because there is multiple ways people could be confused here. Just some advice.
    #34 HITtheLIGHTZ, Jun 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2008
  15. FirstXboxKid

    FirstXboxKid Ancient
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    i like the map a lot, and good job on your first post! I HAVE A PROBLEM!!! ONLY EVERY OTHER POST GOES TWOARDS MY POST COUNT!!! HELP!!!
  16. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    Yeah as I've figured out some people just can't grow up. I like MLG. Not as much as most people who think if you can't use the BR then you suck.

    This is my first map I've EVER made. People are just to under minded to realize it. I had no inspiration except for that amped map. This map was done all by myself with the tips of the forging 101.

    The name is not going to change because I chose it and I like it. I'm not going to flame someone because I don't like the name, that's childish. The game is rated Mature for god sakes so act like it. I've got the feedback that I wanted and now it's time for another version. Thanks for all the positive feedback also.

    I'm not going to respond to hitthelights until he reads the other posts, he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about or what he's saying.
  17. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I've read your posts man. I'm really past flaming at this point, if you're going to make it into an mlg map at some point than thats fine I guess.

    I never intended to turn your map thread into a flame war, but I do feel I've brought up some valid points as to why a name change might be a good thing that could actually help your map. I think you could handle what was at first constructive criticism a bit more maturely than you have.

    If you are actually making it mlg you can use some of the things I outlined in my first post. I would also recommend removing some of the ledges that grenades could get caught on because mlg people don't like that very much. Also it looks like spreading the cover out would increase the flow a bit better. EDIT: Also I would recommend taking a bit of cover away from the buildings as they seem a bit overpowering if you have a br, also make sure its not budget glitched.
    #37 HITtheLIGHTZ, Jun 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2008
  18. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    great map for a first post, gameplay looks pretty good, there are just so many great mlg maps out there, but this is a pretty good one, nice job.
  19. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Echo, hit the lightz is just stating that in no way does this map meet MLG standards, as the name implies. Yes its your map and you can name it whatever you want, but I would suggest changing it.

    Also, MLG maps have to be very smooth with little bumps. Turn the boxes upside down and interlock them. Add cover to the open areas, as in MLG it seems to be easier to die quickly (from the longer shield recharge rate).

    Shield doors, mainly due to Snowbound, are not usually in MLG maps. They seem to provoke camping and clog up game play.

    Teleporters can be used in MLG, but in this case it would probably be better not to use them. A person could easily camp the suspended towers and when they see someone coming up (as the sender node is out in the open, it appears that it is possible to see who is coming up from the tower) get behind the teleporter and get a quick and easy assassination.

    I would also suggest blocking off the back hallways of foundry, as those don't seem to have a point to them.

    Just another suggestion, but if you ask for critique on your map and people give it to you, its not exactly a good thing to snap back at them when they are just trying to help.

    You say not to judge by pictures, but there is a reason pictures are required. They tell everyone else how good the map is. Most people can tell right away if they are going to download a map. If they wanted to point a game play flaw that would be nearly impossible to tell from pictures-then they would have to download and find out.

    Hope that helped
    #39 xxAl Capwnagexx, Jun 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2008
  20. Echo

    Echo Ancient
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    By saying that, I wanted to know what I should do to make a good MLG map.That's why I took the time to make a forgehub account to see what others would recommend SO it was one.

    I never wanted to change the name, because the map isn't MLG potential YET. When I have gotten the right feedback I would make changes of what to make it into an MLG style map. That's why I want to keep the MLG in it.


    Do you get me now?

    I like MLG. I wanted to make an MLG map myself since me and my other clan mates like MLG and play it in customs a lot.

    I've taken all you're considerations and have been working on the new version so don't think I'm ignoring them.

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