oooh, looks aesthetic, i'd download it but my Q is full atm. Yellow beast is well better though! Good use of interlocking and looks like a fun environment to play in!
You always have some crazy awesome aesthetics to go with your maps. I like it a lot. I'm definitely gonna have to DL this and give it a closer look. Keep it up, I'm always looking forward to seeing what you come up with next
Just a question but are you supposed to be able to get the overshield and custom power ups in the eyes?
Okay, I had just had a forgethrough. Overall I'd give this 5.5/10(which is a C), its pretty good. The middle area, although beautifully made, it is very awkward to walk through it. Also, the weapon placement made me cringe. It appears that everything is on default setting except for the hammer. 2 shotguns with a 30 second respawn and 2 spare clips will ruin this maps playability, I'd reccommend changing the shotties to maulers. Other than the middle tunnel area the forging looks average, nothing amazing. It appears that you havent put much thought into the placing of objects. I am assuming that you didnt test this map. As the the weapon details are appauling, all of the weapons have 30 second respawn. Breakability: I escaped this map with ease. No trick jumps, no grenade jumps, no crouch jumps. All I did was push the left sick forward and press A. The tunnel is, without question, the highlight of this map. But I see know reason to keep this on my hard drive. It dont see this map providing decent gameplay, the fact that there's a high possibility that upwards of 2 people can be carrying a shotgun and sniper at the same time is a real put of, the tunnel is awkward to walk through and would affect gameplay, the easy escapability factor, these attributes are what make this map 5.5/10. I appreciate your effort but some features of this map would ruin playability.
First of all it was difficult makin the map with almost no memory on forge left(hints the reason why I couldn't block the top of the map. The rest of the map I wanted to keep simple and fun. 2nd this is a symmetrical map so if I gave only one team/side a shotgun that would put the other team at a sever disadvantage. If you dont like the map then just delete it. Obviously this map isn't for you.
hahaha! that is awesome! I really like the whole beast concept for each base, and the interlocking is done really well. Congrats on a great job!
the tunnel idea is very popular but this is really good i like it, the map around it is good and looks very fun so im sure ill giv it a try
I tested it out today, and it was pretty easily broken. That's no qualifier for a mad map, I'll say, but I thought I'd let you know that it is possible to break, if you were aiming for that not to be so.
You didnt get what I was saying. You must change the respawn on each shotgun. 30 second respawn for a Shotgun is way too short, no matter the circumstances. What I was saying is that, for playability it would probably be much better if the Shotguns were set at, 90 second respawn and 0 clips, I think that setting would suit this map. Alternatively they could be replaced with maulers. Just out of curiosity, have you tested this map?