What made this map so popular in the first place was the 8000 microsoft points contest we had which ended april 15th. Players had a two week period of time to show their skills, reach the end legit, and earn the ms points. Unfortunately nobody reached the end. Besides the ms points making this map popular, people now just want to reach the end for the bragging rights and to be able to say "I got through a map nobody else could." If anyone is further inclined to see more of this map without actually downloading it, I urge you to travel on over to youtube and type in "miles halo recon."
i like the idea and uv used foundry inside and outside very well but in my opinion it doesnt seem to hard its just the jumping because u hav to get it just right but still looks fun if i was racing my friend
Yeah, I've played this before with a friend, and it was insanely hard. By FAR the hardest obstacle course I have ever done. I got as far as the fence walls that lead to the teleporter (to the mancannons) and I fell. Made me a sad panda.
ooohh i have this map... ITS GREAT! Nobody has ever completed it legitly and sent to darkest warrior, so if you do send it too him! Are you up for the challenge?
Did you make this map? i cant tell because its your only one up and this map is very known upon the bungie community
Stolen? I could of swore Ive played a full version of this months and months ago, Also I thought bungie created this.....