This is a guide on how to make it so that when you draw the ForgeHub anvil symbol with the right click it will automatically direct you to the ForgeHub homepage. (Note: If the ForgeHub homepage isn't saved as a Bookmark/My favorites, add it now.) You need to have Mozilla Firefox (Download Here) and must use it as your web browser for the rest of this guide to work. Next you must download the Mouse Gestures add-on (Download Here) Once the download is complete, in the top left click the word "Tools." Click Add-ons. Click on the Options button for Mouse Gestures Redox. Click on the General tab (It should already be on this tab.) Click on the Edit Gestures button. Click on the Browser tab. Click on New near the top right of the window. Make sure the Stroke Gesture bubble is selected. In the Gesture Code box enter, RULUR1DR Click on the tab near the top right named Bookmark. Search through the list on the right until you find the ForgeHub homepage and double click it. Now press OK on all opened windows and 'X' out the Add-ons window. Now hold right-click and draw as best as you can the above image, starting with open circle and ending with the closed circle. It should automatically direct you to ForgeHub. Notes: You do not include the circles when drawing the anvil, they are only there to show where you start and end. You can only draw when you are on Mozilla Firefox (i.e., You can't draw on your desktop or a document.) In the Gesture Code box it isn't necessary to enter the given code, you can instead make your own custom gesture, look at those arrows, letters, and numbers they should help you learn how to make codes. This is only if you do not want to draw the anvil logo. If you chose you can use this to do numerous other things with the Mouse Gestures add-on, this is only one small use of it. This is the end of the guide and I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to post them on this thread or PM me. Mozilla Firefox: Download Mouse Gestures: Download
I think you are asking if you can draw on your desktop, unfortunately you can't. This has been added to the Notes section of the guide.
I would do this but mouse gestures doesn't work with Firefox 3. I'll do it when they update it to work with firefox 3.
As implied in the Notes section of the guide you can make a simpler gesture to trigger the directing to ForgeHub, it is unnecessary to draw the anvil, you can instead just draw a line upward. Yeah, but it's cooler than typing "fo" then pressing down, then enter.