Hey again! I know like two days ago i had a new sig by DRiSCOLL but he was bored and decided to make me another new one Honesly i love this one a lot more and the person in this pic is Leon from Resident Evil 4. (one of my favourite games apart from halo) He also used the sig to make me a avatar which is a lot better then the Cardiff Rockers one Feedback would be nice Let me know what you think. P.S DRiSCOLL is a legend and if you want a new sig i suggest getting it from him Thanks Boydy
Well thankyou Glad you like your sig i had a lot of fun making it And yes i will be happy to make anyone a sig if they want. Just pm me with what you would like However i shall make a request thread soon so just post in there Soo what does everyone else think of the sig?
Its cool and all that you keep showing your new sig, but if you keep getting them every day or two would you please quit posting them? People will notice your new sig when you post in something anyway >.>.
Yeah but he did say he wants feedback from it ... Therefore he made a new thread. And hes happy with this sig for a while