Yeah i agree with the post above ... The katana ruins is a bit .. But apart from that great pic with good effects
yes i did and no it was not leg brawl so if i make the same pic but without the awesome sword! I should post it?
Fail. Anyway, sweet pic man. Others don't like the sword, I reckon it's the rocket launcher that's the problem. Anyone can be fearless with a rocket launcher lol.
omg, ever since arby n the cheif came out with the episode where arby burns the hell out of cheif because he wears the katana, everyone hates the's pretty typical i should guess though, i mean, i speak cheif sometimes, you know ZOMG HE IZ HAXORZ!!!one!1ONe1 blahblahblah...and etc...yay for digital fear...ruining the katana... dont get me wrong, i love the series... Anyways, the pic looks pretty good...and the katana DOES NOT ruin this picute. EDIT: picute? picture* wow... also, i edited DOES NOT to DOES NOT
the affect is cool i dont know wher u did it, but the rocket launcher and katana ruin it a bit, but still good.
this isn't my picture, but i would really like to know how the katana / rocket ruin this picture, i don't seem to have the same understanding as you, and an explanation would be greatly appreciated.
I don't hate the katana lol... I think people just hate it because they cant get 1000/1000 gamerpoints haha
well that is most cases i think, but then there are people who do have the katana option, and feel like they have the need to not use it, then flame anyone who does use it, makes me sad as i dont see what the ****ing big deal is...i mean in arby n the cheif, cheif thinks the katana is so badass because it will show how pr0 he is or some ****, but in reality, i think i can take most of the people who try bashing me for wearing the katana (please don't think i'm trying to boast, as i get pwnt just as everyone else does)
it looks pretty good nice job! but yeah i reckon the katana is alright in the pic its just the rocket launcher