^lol What's he doing anyways? Moderating? Anyways, I'm fairly certain that it's within the rules that you can advertise your own social group, so I'm not going to touch down on that.
i really only joined because their friends from xbox live and anyway we check up on eachothers maps anyways this just makes it easer to do so Offtopic nimi like the hitler helo kitty very true
LOL, look titmar, i have nothing against you, i actually rofl all over myself reading your posts, though...i just feel like you get away with some things more then others would...for example, YOU JUST DOUBLE POSTED...since when is that ok? i guess i will not remember to not double post nemore...and watch what happens...I haz a pretty good feeling i'm about to be the center of epic burn from titmar...but i dont care...i'm just taking your advice ...also, you swear a little excessively...isn't that suppose to be against the rules, using naughty language excessively? I dunno...I guess I misinterpreted the rules pretty badly...forgive me forgehub, for I am about to be a bit more nub then usual...*holds flame shield strong*
wow, you guys have this all wrong. this group is not trying to boost their maps to the top of the forums (how the hell could we do that unless we had tons of members) The group rules state to comment on peoples maps. this means to tell people if their map is good and bad and how to improve it. look at our maps! they are honest posts that have to do with the map. nobody is going around yelling "BUMP!" at any map. for people who excessively flamed us *cough*titmar*cough*, dont talk bullshit when you dont know what your talkin about
I didn't say that all they'd do is spam. I'm saying, it promotes boosting. For an example, there's a popular trend that used to go over on B.Net where people would boost each other's maps by saying, 'oh, this looks cool', and then in turn, the person they boosted would boost their map as well. That's what I want to avoid. It's unfair and ridiculously inept way of judging something. You're telling your members that they have to post on each other's maps, and that will bring down the other maps here. I'd suggest making your own forums and stuff, instead of messing around with Forge Hub's.
Nemi, it's a FH social group they are using our service. I'm keeping this open because technically they are only using our stuff, and that it seems they removed the bump rule?
I'm suggesting making their own forums so it doesn't turn into a medium-high level of elitism amongst FH. It would be like having GoO, but an open forum. Basically, I'd say that if they made their own forums, it would probably be better. But, all in each other's ideas, I suppose. Honestly, it's fine if they make their merry little groups and whatnot. That's fine; it's what the social group is designed to do. Titmar, on the other hand, is currently in the process of pwning them. Quite hard, I might add. I'd help them out with it, but...whatever, I don't care enough to.
Ok. I just added Ligos Artemis to the Forge of Fame. No, I did not do this just because it was my map. I have received good feedback from everyone who has played it online with me. It is a truly balanced infection map so please check it out.
Whoa! lol... i forgot about this thread Tex, I'm pretty sure i got an infraction for that double post. Also, pretty sure its not against the rules to swear/flame as long as your not in the maps section. Meh.
LOL okay, then i no longer have any concern as to whether or not you "get away" with stuff others don't because that just about covers it.
I say we cut the group in half and give half to Titmar and the other half to nealsaviking. But really, if they want to make a social group let them. The only thing that is really a peeve of mine is when people make a website that is essentially the same as FH and they steal our setup, events, and everything else. They always fail though which makes me rofl.
It's more of a pet peeve when they make a FH clone and then advertise on Forge Hub to try to get people to come. Hurgh....
we're not trying to copy forgehub. PLEASE do not refer to me as your master. i'm no ****/communist/socialist/whatever.
I never said you were. I was actually in favor of allowing this group to exist if you reread my comment.