Responses lol you should, quite a fun way to start idea's amongst your friends, i'm sure they'll get a kick out of it too! Yeah was gonna say, haven't seen one yet, you should make one, Peep needs a friend! (also im sure you could do better, this was made with minimal forging experience.)
Coll map but, I would make a secound one that is a little neater, could get you another 100 downloads, to a remake I say.
Okie well thanks for the compliment however, yes it's an elephant. you should rate this based off how the elephant was constructed, id give myself about a 3/10 but your choice. This means not on if you like elephants or not, i personally don't the idea came to me randomly. Oh and Supreme, lol that is true im sure it would work but i dont really have the time to re work this idea, it was just a spur of the moment thing and if im gonna do another aesthetic i'll probably do a different animal lol, thanks tho
Nice! I'm not a fan of art maps, but finally someone comes up with an art map that you can play on! That's pwnage.
Wow this looks great! The legs and head are my favourite parts of the elephant! However the dumpster trunk and door tail are good too Good job
Replies Lol i hade started him with a full intent to make tusks out of who knows what, but near finishing i forgot about it and didn't realize till later, which is when i became lazy enough to say Peeps is a baby elephant! Also yeah maybe i should have made stands for Peeps fan club? lol thanks guys alot! glad your enjoying The map so much.
This a political statement? Haha, just kidding even if it was I'm Republican so I would take absolutely no offense to this. I like it though, looks really good, I normally just see shabbily put together maps , but this is not, do the droppings appear or are they just there? if they appear make it so they fall for fun!
lol lol yeah this was before i really figured out about dropping items. however there is one propane tank that spawns in the crevice of his tail, which drops occasionally. also i think i have decided on my next aesthetic. A sea turtle! probably going to be named slappy. or flappy. who knows!
how the heck do u post maps off the gamertag and get screen shots to this site? do i need to be a unsc graduate or higher to post maps?well if u have an answer for me send me a friend request on live and tell me or send me an email telling me. My email is and me gamertag is SB0B. remember the the O in the middle is not an O its a zero.