
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Shamrock20, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    Anyone can be king of the hill. But how about a volcano?​

    I didn't just want to make any old King of the Hill map... So instead I made a "King of the Volcano" map. There are three tiers, with each tier randomly becoming the "hill". The bottom two tiers are only as dangerous as your opponents, but when the "hill" moves to the peak, look out! This volcano is active, and will randomly spew fire and brimstone skyward as you and your enemies fight for control of the hill.​

    Here are some pics:

    An overhead view of the angry mountain...

    ...featuring random, and frequent eruptions...

    ...that can dethrone any wannabe king who's not careful.

    Additional Details:
    At the four corners of the base of the volcano you will find power-ups (bubble shield, regenerator, deployable cover, and power drain), and while the volcano itself is the star of this show, for anyone who goes searching for additional firepower, there are 3 elevated platforms situated above the room that hold three extremely useful items.​

    Platform 1: Above the volcano itself.
    Here you'll find an overshield (or if you prefer, you can swap this out with an active camo). 30 seconds after the match starts, a man cannon spawns near one of the perimeter walls, allowing access to this platform.

    Platform 2: Above the center of the room.
    Here you'll find a Gravity Hammer. Outside the fencing at one corner of the volcano's base you'll see a teleporter that will take you up to a small catwalk that leads to this platform. Once here, you can easily jump down onto the volcano, Gravity Hammer in hand.

    Platform 3: Back of the room.
    Here you'll find a Rocket Launcher. This one's easy to get to, but also the farthest away from the action. There's a portable grav lift right below this platform. Set it up, jump up, and the Rockets are yours.

    This map is good for any number of players/gametypes, but mostly we've been playing Crazy King with 4-5 friends. Give it a try and let me know what you think.​

    #1 Shamrock20, Jun 6, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  2. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Please read this thread about how to post your map. Note that you are not allowed to have anything but the map title. I have changed this for you.



    Forum rules require that you post and embed images to your map and provide a detailed description. You are alloted 24 hours to fix this problem. If you do not know how to upload images please visit the "Controlled Mayhem" tutorial, which has an in depth description on how to upload you images. Also make sure that you read the forum rules.

    Controlled Mayhem Tutorial:
    Map Posting Rules:

  3. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    I like this map it looks well built and i think i might DL

    What are you on this is a well cool map don't listen to him i will download i have a bunch of Real map makers and they will say it is a good map also many popes may i say how many maps have you posted, cause i think seing as 1 he is only a trainy and 2 this is well over Forgehub standers you are needing specsavers cause you can't see goodness
    #3 sexy dude, Jun 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2008
  4. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    This map is great and is a great first post on forgehub!

    I like all the lava in the middle XD
  5. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    I forgot to say this two of you 6 of your pics are not working but that doesn't really matter unless they were the best ones[​IMG]
  6. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. Which two pics aren't working? They all appear to be ok on my screen, but I am new at this, so it's possible I screwed something up when I embedded them.
  7. niceone

    niceone Ancient
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    looks nice qued wil maybe rate later
  8. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    Looks neat, I wish you made your own GT, it helps alot. But I'll give it a DL and test it out. ^_^
  9. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback and for checking out my map. I've added a link to the Custom GameType VOLCANO KOH. One important detail: I set the "hills" to only award points if they're uncontested, which helps keep things competitive.
    #9 Shamrock20, Jun 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2008
  10. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    WOW! This is a very fun map, I don't think anything could be changed. My parties all enjoyed this map, and it was great to play after a couple of bad ones :/. LOL. GREAT WORK, LOVE THE IDEA, AND THE GAMEPLAY IS FENOMINAL (Especially for not having a specific Game-Type)! :D
  11. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    Thanks to everyone who's checked out my map. I really appreciate the feedback and I'm glad people are having fun with it. I do have a question for those of you who've played it...

    Has anyone noticed any inconsistency with the man-cannon? I only ask because when I tested it out (repeatedly), it worked perfectly every time. But every now and then, when my friends and I are playing a game, it for some reason doesn't launch me up high enough to reach the platform. It hardly ever happens, but I can't for the life of me figure out why it happens at all. Is it possible that certain weapons or equipment weigh you down more than others?

    I'm hoping one of my fellow (yet far more experienced) Forgers has an answer to this mystery, or at least some advice for how to correct it.
  12. TicTock

    TicTock Guest

    Looks fine The explosions could lag up a game though :/
  13. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    LOL, me nor anyone in my parties has even tried to get there, we just enjoy how the explosions go everywhere, and how crazy koth is ^_^
  14. The Shasta Can

    The Shasta Can Ancient
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    great map for anything except infection keep makin good maps looks good though
  15. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    The randomness of the "eruptions" is definitely my favorite part of king of the hill games on this map. It's resulted in plenty of hysterical outcomes.

    With regard to TicTock's post about potential lag due to explosions - I've never experienced any lag in any of the games I've played on the map, but it's a good piece of advice to keep in mind for any future maps I create. I'll definitely take that into consideration when "playing with fire" in the Forge.

    As for the ongoing mystery of the man-cannon (see several posts above), still no idea why sometimes it throws you too low. It's so odd. Anyway, I'm considering tweaking it in the Forge to make it more reliable.
  16. Ether

    Ether Ancient
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    This looks quite cool. I'll check it out.
  17. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    I think I figured out why the man-cannon on VOLCANO is inconsistent. I was making another map the other day and when I placed 2 man-cannons and then tested them out, they worked perfectly. Then I changed the gametype to King of the Hill, and for some reason, all of a sudden the man-cannons were slightly off. I have no idea why this happens, but it seems I've found my answer. Now I just have to go back into the Forge and reset the man-cannon while in KoH gametype.

    Has anyone else noticed this?
  18. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    looks really cool, but the volcano needs to be circular
  19. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    Granted, if this was an exact replica of a volcano, it would be round instead of square, and there would be red-hot magma flowing down the sides of it. Maybe there would even be some frightened Hawaiians cowering in fear nearby, and some scorched palm trees near the bottom, with coconuts that randomly burst into flames due to the extreme heat... but to be honest with you I'm just not that good with the Forge, so this is as good as it gets. I can tell you that I designed this map to be fun to play, even if it's not 100% visually identical to a real life volcano.

    Would it make you feel better if I renamed it "Erupting Mayan Temple" ???
  20. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool, although I was looking forward to seeing an interlocked, craggy surface. Oh well, this is just as good, if not better.

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