Download Through my travels on Forge Hub, I have come across many good maps that were bashed because of lack of "merging". "They" say you must have merging to make your map look nice. Using a logical thought process, I of course cooked up this map. It is irregular and abstract, leaving almost no item or box "un-merged". Please excuse the blue spawn points, I forgot to add something, and took the pictures from the forge game I played. Awkward Scene supports Slayer and Capture the Flag... TeamDBX Download Awkward Scene
It's messy for one thing but, if it WORKS it's good for me to paly - good job, messsy but, a good idea - and next time I wouldn't make your map messy because most people don't like messy map, just a suggestion OK.
This is so stolen ive dl this before from some1 else o my god hahahaha thats really good. and by the way this map is terrible you cant really even move.
You vna't say this, this is onsructive critisism to the poeple not salsh there map and I think this map is a pretty good map - don't be so harsh.
Sorry, worked on this map for 2 days... It is mine. Could you provide a link to "Copied" map? Didnt think so...
First of all what the heck are you saying you can slow down on the keyboard hahaha and it is just bad srry but it is true i have played it i tryed it a couple times and i try to be nice :!
Wait maybe i dl it from u and if i did i apoligize but to be honest u can get in hectic jams and in my opinion i dont like it but that is just my opinion. Wow did u report me for voiceing my opinion u broke the constitution its called my freedom of speech ha i top u. U.S.A. rocks yehah
Now your mocing other member!!!! this is a good map and you just want to say it's bed not giving it a chance, how many time have you played it probalt 0 and you say it's bad thsi is a good map. Also I reported you becausec you broke forge hub rules.
You're no one to talk... I really dont believe that someone else created this exact map, so I will assume you are a troll. Thanks for your "constructive" criticism...
I hav played it check this ha a troll?
I'm not a troll i'm try to defend this good map that this guy is trying to say bad things baout + this map could have more pics for gameplay so and that would make the map overall seem better.
number one no double posting + Lolololololololololololololololololololololol didn't send him the link, just a game you played !!!!!!!!!haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ok well this map is still god plus you realy shuldn't double post cheese.