indeed, i also quit when i got bored, also I have a few friends who actually do precisely what you just said, played for 2 years, then quit, then started bashing it, rather hypocritical, and besides that, it's a great game, if you just take it in moderation...
I played for about 4/5 months,got to level forty(ish) then id just become sick of it.I just got tired getting new lvls,paying money to train but not actually having any new powers...just rankXIII or whatever of the same power ive been using since 12. Not to mention lvling consisted of either grinding or repeatedly running the same tired old instance over and over. I'm sure it "gets better at lvl 70" but i just didnt have the patience. Although i do love all the machinima that game has spawned
Yeah can't really talk till 70, what did you play? Some classes just don't have many things (like rogues) compared to others who have to fill all their bars (locks) And it's obvious that you didn't know where to level if it took 4 months to get 40, and especially since you grind instances instead of questing. Did you even know about
1.used thottbot so yeah i was never stuck,unable to do a quest 2.Found instances more interesting than the lucky dip between three different types of quest-kill x no. of this,find this by killing this,kill "named mob".Mindless and trivial after awhile but at least you ran into "interesting" people every now and then 3.Four months didnt=1 lvl 40,i tried out multiple classes over the timeframe,had a lvl 44 shammy(the lvl 40) a lvl 35 druid,a lvl 36 warlock and a lvl 29 rogue,oh and a lvl30-somthin preist,tried a little of everything but basically trying out the other classes a number of levels was all that kept me going for the few months.If i'd stuck with one i possibly could have got to 70 but i'd say i'd have gone insane from it. Thats just me though,i know plenty enjoy the game
I really want to stop and say "well thats your opinion!" But when your playing the game wrong then bashing it, it's hard to stop =p But, I will. yeah. There shouldnt really be a way to play a game wrong though.I was playing wow for fun not to just to desperately scrabble to higher levels to get better gear so i can get better powers to get better gear,i just got bored when it became tedius. Regardless this is going a little bit off-topic anyway since this was about the wow-zealots dying not whether wow is a good game or not. And i try not to go completely bashing it(okay that MMO thread way back when was an exception).It just didnt appeal to me is all,and ill leave it at that.