OK...about 2 months ago my Xbox decided to die on me, so i called Microsoft customer support and they said they would send me a box like they always do. so i wait for the box, and nothing comes. a week later, i get a call from them saying that they cant find my address, witch is a lie because i got my Xbox fix before and they malled it to my house. so they try to send the box again, and i never get it. i call support again, and they decide to tell me that you can get a prepaid shipping code by email and FedEx it yourself. why they didn't tell me this from the beginning, i still don't know. so they tell me that it will be sent to my email, and i never get the email. So i call back to see whats up with it and they say "they forgot to mail it". At this point my xbox has been broken for a month, and I'm starting to get pissed. so they say there going to mail it AGAIN and guess what...I NEVER F*CKING GET IT. i call back to see whats up, and then they say they think tray cant send stuff to my email address, which sounds like a load of crap. i give them my dads email address, and still nothing comes. so i call again, and get this girl who seems like she she actually cares, witch is surprising from their customer support, and she says that they CANT send me the email thing, and are going to send another box. since they wont deliver it to my house, i give them the address of my dads office ( he owns a local business ), which receives FedEx packages on a daily basis. that was 2 weeks ago. i still haven't gotten anything, and am about to call again. if anyone knows how to actually get stuff done with their support, i can use all the help i can get. also if you have had a similar experience with this crappy support post away. ~mackmack5 (P.S. sorry for the length of the post i mostly wrote this to let off some steam so i don't explode at the customer support)
lawl block of text. Paragraphs are your friend. I had to go through similar problems with Microsoft support in the past. I had to sit through about 2 hours on hold, and 5 minutes in, the tech support gal decides to hang up on me. I call back, and this time I was on hold for about literally 4 hours. During which, I decided to plug in my phone and put it on speaker. I got the same lady, and again, she hung up. Never has Microsoft tech support been helpful. They just don't take their jobs seriously. It's healthy to let off your steam. For the shipping info, double check that all the address information is correct. Also, if you have the Red Ring of Death, try the towel trick. Here's info on how: http://youtube.com/watch?v=avWs4-wD15w
Well when I had to talk to MS support to send mine off I just told them exactly what was wrong, told them where I live etc. But try to like talk friendly to them, small talk etc. Anyway the guy I talked to eventually told me exactly what was gonna happen, he sent me the address to send it to. All seems to be going well =] P.S. The guy I talked to on the phone was Australian (not some indian) and also may have been gay, I was kinda flirting with him =P So there you go, all you have to do is flirt with the person on the phone and you get what you want =] EDIT: I was put on hold once for about 30 seconds because he said he was going to talk with one of the higher ups to get something, I can't really remember exactly what it was but he told me it would make everything go faster. Also i was only on the phone with him for about 15-20 minutes =]
LAWL TWICE!!! paragraphs are indeed ur friend... as for microsoft customer support, they are the same as any customer support, they'll do it when they can, rofl...which can be a very long time...
The woman you were speaking with hung up to shorten her call length. Most customer support systems measure an employees ability to solve a problem as quickly as possible, and pay accordingly. So if it isn't easy, they don't want to deal with it and hang up on you. Its a poor system that doesn't measure customer support quality or satisfaction. If you continue having this problem, ask to talk to their supervisor. Explain you situation to them and hopefully they can resolve the ongoing issue.
The same thing happened to me. I had the red ring and they took FOREVER. I told my brother to call and yell at them and they said that along with the new Xbox, they'd send a 6 month Live card. We never got the card, just the Xbox. And now, my Legendary Map Pack is ****ed up and I'm dreading another hour long call that won't get me what I need.
I had no problems with mine. They sent me labels, I sent it off and got it back within eight days. Sucks for you guys lol
Similar thing happened to me. Sent in box for repairs, but they lost it. I waited for 6 months or so, calling time and time again asking for a refund or if they found it, but no...so I got the 360 Elite. lol. By the way, if you have a box you need to repair, DON'T send it to Hidalgo, Texas. I did, and apparently, they always lose what is sent to them.
If you bought it from Bestbuy and still have the receipt, they will reimburse you for 3 years. I've called Xbox Support just to blow off steam. I'll call and while they are talking just blow my heart out, girlfriends, school, parents, work, etc. And sometimes i'll actually be given to an actual operator. I've even gotten some "i'm sorry's aswell."
I didnt read the whole thread but... Yea, I have had to deal with some morons and foreigners on there a few times. (/noracist) The quick and easy way to solve the problem if you are talking to an idiot is to demand to speak to their supervisor. When they ask why (they probably will) just be polite and say that you arent satisfied with the service they are giving you. When you get their supervisor on the phone, they will usually be english speaking and coherent and familiar with how everything works. (this next part depends on what happened but...) In most cases, i simply could not understand what the person was saying/they didnt know what they were talking about, so i would start by explaining that it was not the other employee's fault and they did not do anything wrong, but that you just couldnt understand them and wanted to speak to someone higher up. If you still get another *** that you cant understand, hang up and call back. Hopefully you will get connected to a call center in america and not one of the outsourced ones. Ive also had to do this a few times. Above all be respectful, but assertive. When dealing with customer service, YOU are the boss, not them. Its THEIR job to please YOU, and as long as you dont act like a jagoff and start screaming, they are kinda sorta obligated.
i dont know i had no problem with support (other then spelling my name lumbquist instead of lundquist. but ya it was fixed and back in three weeks
Wow, thanks Titmar. And the impossible just happened... THE BOX CAME!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully i will be playing on XBL in a month or so.
lol, i just watched that towel trick video chips posted, i knew about the towel trick, but in case i get rrod, that will be a really helpful tool considering i = no warrantied sadface
this is the worst thing you can do, because if you are being abusive to them, they arent obligated to help you.
Wow Titmar, I wouldn't have expected that from you, lol. It is a good recommendation. A customer service employee will be more willing to go out of their way for you if you're polite and respectful to them. Remember, they deal with hundreds of angry, ignorant assholes every day. So a bit of kindness and understanding can get you a long way. Oh and that towel trick is a BAD IDEA.....I'll repeat myself TOWEL IDEA = BAD When you're using the towel trick, you're heating the internal portion of the system to point that the sodder melts. This severely damages other parts of your system, and while it may start working again, its only a temporary solution. The system will break again, only this time Microsoft won't repair your system for free. They will tell you the system has suffered from heat damage, which isn't covered by their extended 3 year warranty.