____________________Hello, Forge Hub Community. My name is Jester, and today I am making my third contribution to the Forge Hub. Perhaps some of you have played the Infection variant, Cops and Robbers. I for one love this game variant, but was always frustrated by the honor rules required for a successful game. A while back I set about making a map for a more in-depth game of Cops and Robbers. Recently I came upon my old variant and tweaked a few things in the map to make it Forge Hub worthy. I am proud to present my Cops and Robbers map, Penitentiary. Game Type: JailbreakThis Infection variant is meant to encourage fair play. Fugitive attributes: Normal movement, health, and motion trackers 0% weapon damage SMG/Magnum Policeman attributes: 2000% health Normal movement Ally-only enhanced motion tracker Shotgun Last Man Standing attributes: Normal health 300% movement speed 50% gravity Custom power-up attributes: Invincible 300% movement speed Normal gravity Good camouflage Enhanced motion tracker Instant kill To answer the obvious questions regarding the Last man standing and custom power-up attributes, they are part of my attempt to eliminate the honor code for cops and robbers gametypes, where the cops must agree to not shoot the robbers except for in self defense. The aforementioned custom power-up is suspended out of reach above the beach area of the map. No player can reach it, except for the Last man standing, who has lower gravity. To explain this, if the cops decide to "shoot first/ask questions later" or, as many players put it, "act like douchebags", they will soon have an invincible Last man standing with instant kill swooping down on them from above. The only sure way to safely eliminate all the robbers is to first get them all into the jail. That way, the Last man standing cannot escape to reach the power-up, and the cops will win. In order for the robbers to win, they must either assassinate both cops or outlast the 10 minute game time. Map: Penitentiary Now to the map itself. Penitentiary is built on Last Resort, and utilizes its natural terrain. The jail is built into the "garage" of the main building and is accessed by the nearby teleporter. Robbers can help their allies escape jail by first lowering the gate, then stealing a police cruiser and using it to ram the bars. The map includes multiple places to elude the police and buy yourself a little time. Pictures will follow. The jail, from the front. Surrendering to the police. Breaking the bars. JAILBREAK! These pallets can be destroyed by firebomb nades, halting pursuers. The fugitive hideout is immovable, and the entrance ramp can be destroyed. The anti-popo power-up, just begging to be used for ironic justice. DOWNLOAD Penitentiary DOWNLOAD Jailbreak (omg dl to pwn robberz in da face)
Hey you posted it jester and I'm even in the pic with my security armor. The map plays well too one of the better cops and robber styled maps I have played.
this looks cool, i like how you made the antennas the jail bars. great forward thinking, and its nice to see a last resort map every once in a while
Why would the robbers voluntarily go into prison if they know that the cops aren't going to kill them anyway?
its been awhile since ive seen a map on las resort. it looks nice. very original, i like the use of the pallets and radio antenna.
Nice idea with the antennas in front of the base to make a jail, but it seems rather barren other than that? (And the floating base)
Ya in regards to the anti-honor rule thing...it's not so much to completely eliminate the honor rule (that would be insanely hard) but to create consequences for breaking it.
your popo map is the uber pownzrs I be stealin it off yur file share yo! just practicing for when I'm the robber, great map, I love the jail
you know what, every cops and robbers game Ive played was just plain pointless because it was just an open Cell on Foundry from which you could escape whenever you want... you had to play by the honor system which no one ever follows. This however is great... an actual jail break game that the prisoners cant escape without someone blowing out the bars... nice Thumbs up man... thanks for making me finally not hate "Cops and Robbers" games completely.
This map is one of the funnest cops and robbers I've ever played. I will only remove it from my map gallery is you make a better one. You can haz juicebox. \\ _\\_______ |..............| |...Y.U.M...| |..............| |..............| |..............| |............. | ------------