If this is back open for bussiness, then can u plz make this for me? Otherwise, just leave it. Sig colours - Name on Sig - Doughens12 Slogan - Lights out Main colour - icy blue Secondary colours - none - Spartan Colours and Perms - Head - Recon LS - Recon RS - Recon Body - Recon Primary Colour - White Secondary Colour - Light Blue Detail Colour - White Emblem Image - dont add an emblem - Holding Weapons - Primary Weapon - Sentinal Beam Secondary Weapon - Gravity Hammer - Font Used - Font - use the font that you used for Shadow Viper's sig, but if you can't remember use http://www.dafont.com/ice-caps.font - Signature size - Size - Default Style - description - Avatar - Avatar - Yes - Extras - put my spartan in the middle of the signature and an exact replica of that spartan fading in the left part of the signature. put frostbite around the edges of the signature. Add a dead grunt speared into the top right corner with blood dripping out of him. Put the hijacker medal on my spartans chest (if possible).
he doesn't want to make any more halo related sigs unless he really knows the person requesting it, sorry.
Hey Reyn, i got photoshop awhile back, im not the best with it... Heres my job of a sig. I was wondering if you thought it was anygood, and maybe some time we could get toheather on live and you could give me some tutorials
It's not bad, it's seems a bit blurry though. You need high-res images and use the sharpen filter when you're finished. Other then that it's not too bad at all =] Text blending could be better xD
how do i shape it? like get curved edges? also i got to add you on xbox live if your not allready full i got the 28 days later font
Specific Size:no Background: Render (s): Render Placement (s): Text:My name Text Placement: top middle Text color: red Text font:if u can please can i have halo 3 style if not suprise me Special Other Things: nope Main Color:Black Secondary Color:faded into Blue (if possible) Sig Light (like light or dark): What ever suits best Name:Corey D97 Quote:none Font:if u can please can i have halo 3 style if not suprise me Picture (not required but helpful): Medal:killionare Spartan Armor specs: A dude with recon helmet (if not scout & other good armor ) No border Special Requests:if u cant find halo 3 style wrighting then something like it.
he is not taking requests anymore, also same goes to you halostriker unless he promised you one RECENTLY
Hey Reynbow, can I have a sig? Find a picture of Homestar Runner and include my GT "COMMANDERMATT1" and it will do, thx!