Wow! That looks really good, I like how there's a little window to peak through at each base. I can't wait to download, it kindof remings me of bever creek though.
map is great, i like the style and asthetics. my only complaint is the minority: im not a fan of the FRC.
so this is the map you were all liek " need _____ creek name" for roflofl Looks really quite decent, though bluebases perch looks like there is a bit of a bump up to, aside from that, the layout looks quite intruiging, as waylander said, i will post more after i give this a play through, great job from pics though man
Ok had a look at it. The map itself looks brilliant except for a few things I noticed just running around in it. The area under the sniper spawn is rough as, I could go in and out ok in one side with a minor bump, but the other side I couldn't get out of at all without squatting. If it's something you don't expect it makes it a big deal if you're trying to get somewhere in a hurry. Also the areas behind the bases, yea the grave lifts and man cannons look cool but on the red side I can get past it with a simple jump and on the blue side I can use the man cannon for either a really quick way to get to the middle of the map or even on top of the map. Normally I don't care if you can get out of a map or not if the boundaries are clearly defined as yours are, but the way this is set up someone could accidentally end up outside the main map area. And as others have said the weapons are a it over powered, also, having a bubble shield right next to each sniper just means extreme campage. Other than those it's a brilliant map. The construction is well though out and the spawn placements look hard to camp o well done overall. Looking at what you have left in your pallet you could swap the bridges behind the bases for a double wall and use the bridges above that and slanted inward to keep folks from grenade jumping out even. That would also cure using the man cannon to get to the FRG faster than the other team. And if you really want them there for aesthetics, just put them up higher to clear the new wall hight.
Looks really good, I remember you asking for names the other day. It didnt remind much of a creek until I saw the sword spawn. All of the interlocking looks very clean, I like it. I'd like to know the weapon details, though.
From memory: 2 brute shots 4 Battle Rifles 4 carbine 4 SMGs 2 snipers 1 sword 1 fuel rod cannon And two bubble shields.
pretty decent weapons layout, minus the 2 bubbles, that kinda leaves the sword guy with some good fun...aside from that still yet to test for self, will get back to ya =]
I thought about using double walls in place of the bridges behind the base but.. I dunno. I'll try usin those and see how it works out. as for the brute shot thing, yea I thought i fixed that because when I did a walthrough on the map after i was done, There were no bump. But I'll fix it.
At first I thought this was going to be a remake, but when I looked at it I was a little disappointed. After playing it, the map looks amazing, great gameplay, another one of my favorite maps from forge hub. 4.5/5
that's always good to know lol. I fixed the back like some of u guys sugeested to do. But if I omit the fuel rod gun, do i just leave it blank in the center or put a bubble there? V.2 is comin soon.
I would put the bubble there. gives some cover from fire from the bases. as for fixing where the brute shot is, when you fix the back wall area use that bridge temporaraly placing it over the one that is there ut on top of the boxes. Let it settle, set the respawn on the boxes to no and then grab the one beneath it and move so that the bridge you just placed is between you and the one you are now holding. Line it up and then save and quite. That should make it level with the boxes without relying on a sideways box below it because those don't like to stay level.
ive now played a few games on this map. i still dont like the fuelrodcannon, but the set up for this map makes for some AWESOME capture the flag games. the brute shot spawn on the one side needs some cleaning up, i have to crouch to get in or out of it. the other side is perfectly done though.
At first glance this map looks really well made, some really pleasing things in this map. I mean these pictures just show you want you can do with decent interlocking. Some really nice hills that double as cover and aesthetics. Floors merging into walls etc.. Overall a very nice looking map. As Sticky did say the power weapons on this map do seem a bit too much. In a map this small I would say you should use a maximum of about 1-3 in total. Including the Brute Shot as a power weapon in small maps like these. I would suggest switching them out with simpler weapons and not going thinking "oh I don't have this weapon yet". Going back to the interlocking for a bit, there are some parts that are a little off that could be fixed pretty easily from the look of it but the small amount of these abnormalities I can see in the pictures isn't that bad anyway. Apart from those above two observations this map does look like a really well made and well planned out map and I will definitely be checking this map out.
i like what you have done with the ramps. if it had all of the detail like a normal bungie map, this map would be very good
GREAT LAYOUT (you can quote me on that) k, so i downloaded the map looks like a REALLY good concept, though there are a couple things i would work out... for instance, use the budget glitch good sir, infinite money? i mean, think about what you could do to your map with infinite dollars! (there is an item limit, but you don't even need to worry about that with your map) Also, the center, really quite decent, though one thing, the fuel rod & sword are kinda close, i mean, you grab the fuel rod, then drop, then you have sword too. What I would suggest is simply removing the fuel rod, and put 2 plasmas there instead. Or if you find something else that works, be my guest. Also, the bump in the one sniper tower, as i previously mentioned, should get fixed. Though, for some plusses, i found the merging to be quite exceptional, and the all around layout amazing. The double lined window panels, made it look like you had something thicker there then window panels, or anything else i have ever seen, it was pretty original, and great job with that. as for what i would rate this map, i would have to say 3.75 / 5. great job, and keep up the forging good sir.