Distortion Created by buddhacrane Distortion is a small FFA slayer map designed for 2-4 people. But there's a bit of a twist, you can walk on almost every surface you see. Walk straight up a wall in Distortion, buddhacrane's amazing new tilted map where you never know which way is up. The map creates a unique and exciting experience as perspective is changed when you walk between rooms. In one spot, the floor of one room is also the ceiling from another. As you walk across the bridge, you'll find another bridge you can walk on, straight down. The turret setup is very unique, as they both use different surfaces of the same box as the floor. Playing this for the first time is an experience you simply can't afford to miss, and you'll probably want to keep it saved as well. You can laugh at your friends as they wander around trying to figure out what's the floor and enjoy a unique and refreshing competitive match when you know how to get around. The map supports one flag, one bomb, crazy king, oddball and land grab; one flag and one bomb games can often handle 3v3. Download Distortion View Original Forgehub Thread for more Info
Awesome map, Buddhacrane! The creativity is off the charts, and the upside down room is awesome. I love how you got the Mongoose to stay on the roof. The main bridge is incredibly trippy with its 90degree turn. Great feature. Take some notes, kiddies. Warning: You should wait at least 30 minutes after you've eaten to play this map.
This map had featured written all over the second it was posted. Buddhacrane is an amazing map maker and hold my record for evilest puzzle maker. Congrats cant wait to see the followup map to this masterpiece.
HA! i knew it, i knew this would get featured. i loved it from ths start but my friends hated it. i actually said "This is feature worthy". P.S. sorry if i sounded a lil retarded there, im just so glad to prove them wrong
This map is very similar to shift but definetly much better (sorry shift creator : p) IT WILL DEFINETLY GIVE YOU A HEADACHE!!! I know that seems like a stupid little note but it is true. After 2 minutes of playing my head was spinning and I didn't know which way was up. Good job!
wow im so glad this got featured, it really deserved it. much better than Shift (sorry Stouf) and any other tilt map. the map is so twisted and sick but yet so amazing. congrats Buddha.
This looks truly awesome and i cant wait to throw it at my friends. theyll be all like "omgWTFBqq?" and ill be like "loloLOLOlololroflcopter PWNED"
I'm glad this got featured. I played a game here and it was pretty fun. Not something that's gonna stay on my hard drive forever, but a cool map nonetheless.
Played this earlier today, but under another name with someone else taking credit. I know for a fact they couldn't forge for beans, let alone tell you what a receiver node is. Well designed, and nauseating fun. I now have this in my collection- the REAL one.