
Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by SuperFeiGn, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. AMidgetAndAClub

    AMidgetAndAClub Ancient
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    I turned my computer on again tonight just to tell you how much this map kicks ass. This map should have been used instead of the mess they call Amplified. This map is GORGEOUS!

    This could honestly be one of the best "Midship" remakes ever produced. The feel you get in just running around this map is amazing. I can't wait to play an actual game on this. I also put it in my fileshare and sent it to my ENTIRE friends list. Which if you look at, consists of alot of MLG crazy people.

    The Forging is amazing from what I have seen so far. I really can't wait to try this out in a stream of games.
  2. locoidontknow

    locoidontknow Ancient
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    This looks a whole lot better then some of the so called "MLG" maps that people just throw together. good job.
  3. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    No offense, but I hate it when people make bland maps and say its mlg...
  4. SuperFeiGn

    SuperFeiGn Ancient
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    Thanks a lot for your enthusiasm! It's really appreciated after i spent so long building it :)

    You're in the wrong forum. This is the competitive maps forum. I'm sure you can find some floating sheild doors and falling fusion coils elsewhere. Happy hunting!
    #24 SuperFeiGn, Jun 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2008
  5. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Competitive maps can still look nice. sure it plays nice I think it basicaly plays like every other MLG map I've seen it basicaly has two bases with one center platorm and some side ramps. Basicaly midship gameplay but back to athetics. Athetics help a player enjoy the map more while playing plus it spices up the map.
  6. ash55

    ash55 Ancient
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    I think the attitude and dismissal by Superfeign was justified. The person commented just to say it was "bland" and that Superfeign therefore said it was intended for MLG. Alsmost as if MLG was an "afterthought" because he put no effort into creativity.

    That is completely ignorant. The map was specifically commissioned by XL for their FFA tournament and one of the prerequisites of the map was to trim the crap off it and make it consistent and simplistic. It is certainly not a "creative" map, but it is definately WELL thought out, balanced and flows well as a result.

    Every resource on the map has been used up and the geometry is designed with high-level, balanced gameplay in mind primarily. I actually think it looks nice. It's neat and aesthetically pleasing in a basic way. It's all about taste. You don't need to budget glitch and make extravagant ceilings and all that to have a nice-looking map.


    Also, about it being like every other 2 base MLG map. I would disagree strongly. Saying this is like Onslaught, is like saying Midship is like Sanctuary. Both have two bases, a middle structure and two overlooking towers either side afterall.. But they play completely differently. Hype has much more surface area around the perimeter of the map and on the second level. Onslaught has 1 bridge width and that's it. There is only one line of symmetry on Hype.

    Most of the fighting takes place on the ground and on the towers, and Hype's towers are far more complex. It's not just a double box and that's all... [Like on Onslaught] there are 3 tiers, drop-downs, ninja jumps back up, platforms etc [on Hype]. That alone changes gameplay drastically. It's not just a case of "top A" vs "guy on the floor" [Like on Onslaught]. Instead, it's more of a fight utilising the entire tower as cover... it's intracises [on Hype]. It makes for much more varied and balanced gameplay.

    [*Was tired when I typed this]
    #26 ash55, Jun 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2008
  7. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Well in that case its a fine map for competitive games and its a nicely balanced map varient. I will still always like the good looking maps though even if they are not completly balanced.
  8. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    wow... looks good. nice interlocking and merging
  9. SuperFeiGn

    SuperFeiGn Ancient
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    Well if you play a lot of MLG, then there is no question about just how vastly different this map is to the rest of the symmetrical, arena MLG maps. Most of them them play very, very differently. I wanted this map to play better than the rest of them beause i felt there was a lot to be improved upon and i wondered if it was possible within the restrictions of Foundry, especially with no budget glitch. I already explained why i think it improves upon past attempts at "Midship" maps in the first post but perhaps that falls on deaf ears for people that don't play MLG.

    For me, Halo is about gameplay and competition, as it is for lots of other players. I want to have fun. If i wanted to look at pretty scenery, i'd look out my window. I respect that you prefer maps with unique aesthetic touches dotted about, but in the eyes of a competitive gamer, those things are completely unnecessary and often just get in your way and lower the level of competition by introducing a larger random factor. And that is all assuming you can build these aesthetic touches which you often can't in an MLG map because they cannot be budget glitched.

    I love taking a look round nice looking maps and even playing on them. It's nice to see all the crazy things people can create. I would just prefer to be playing with and against really good players on a competitive map.
  10. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    this map looks really quite good for mlg ffa. nice job
  11. AMidgetAndAClub

    AMidgetAndAClub Ancient
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    I personally think that "2 base, center structure, side platforms bases MLG maps" can never get tiring.

    I have so many symmetrical map designs in my head. I wish I had the time to forge them. Although my next mission is to recreate maps from old school shooters like CSS and CS1.6, Doom, quake, etc. I also plan on screwing with gametypes to make it work.

    I found one map made by Ghostayame from Carbon. It was supposed to be a remake of a CS map. It was absolutely horrible.
  12. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    This is by far one of the best MLG maps that I've played on. And it does play differently than other maps. The larger side towers make map control much more an issue, which is why we went 5-0 in the first game. Those same towers make the map stand out against other 2-base MLG maps IMO because there is adequate cover on every level, so controlling them leads to map control and game dominance.

    It also helps when the creator can go at least +25 every game.
  13. SuperFeiGn

    SuperFeiGn Ancient
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    Sounds cool. I would definitely recommend taking ideas or even whole areas from maps on other games. I made a map a while ago which was basically a part or Shangri 'La (asymmetrical map on UT3) and mirrored it into a symmetrical map. Was awesome. But recreating whole maps is much more of a challenge and often just ends in disappointment tbh. Reminds you too much of the restrictions within Foundry lol.

    Hehe. Yeah that was fun.
  14. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    You know what? I really, really was impressed when I saw the screenshots. Kudos to Rusty Eagle for finding something to complain about. ;) My only problem is your claims at the beginning which make you sound like: "This is the best map ever. It's so great that noobs won't understand why it's so great. I am the best Forger ever." It makes it annoying to read when you come across this way. I don't know if you meant to sound like that, and I am trying to say this in the nicest way possible, but you need to leave your map and post open to criticism without sounding a little arrogant.

    But, as I said, I really like the map. Keep on Forgin'.
  15. SuperFeiGn

    SuperFeiGn Ancient
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    This is the best map ever. It's so great that noobs won't understand why it's so great. I am the best Forger ever. ;)

    j/k i honestly have no idea how you got that idea but i'm sorry that you did.
  16. AMidgetAndAClub

    AMidgetAndAClub Ancient
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    I don't think I could make 2fort4 (I think that was what it was called) or the air platform one from Quake, but fy_iceland should be easy. Well, with the exception of the pool bottom mid. But it's a simple map design with 2 floors.
  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Feign, you already know this map is amazing, so there really isn't much else for me to say. I did get a game or two on it and its a great map to play on. I usually don't enjoy MLG maps too much, but I loved this one. I'll have to check out the updated spawn points.
  18. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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  19. BlueMasterChief

    BlueMasterChief Ancient
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    looks pretty plain to me
  20. rtlbeans

    rtlbeans Ancient
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    looks very good ill have to try it

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