(MLG) Bridges Created by skaterdude770 MLG style map. Base: Foundry Supported Gametypes: Slayer/ MLG TS v5 Hi, this is my first posted map on forgehub. This map is based off of the MLG style maps. This map is name for the long bridge going between both of the symmetrical bases. Players start off in the middle of the bases. There is plenty of cover in this map. Its style leads to very interesting gameplay. To the right is more open for across the map Br battles. In the middle is the bridge of course, and to the right is the sniper tower. Weapons List(from memory.) Brs- 6-8 (can't remember) Carbine- 2 (i think) Mauler- 1 --------------- Grenades Frags- 4(i think) Plasmas-4(i think) --------------- Forging 101: [ ___ ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ ___ ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Middle Left side Middle Right Base B/ Base A looks the Same Middle View Download (MLG) Bridges This is my first and last map posted on forgehub. It's just to much work.
You are weak. This map looks pretty good, not clean enough to be an MLG map, unfortuneately. Another reason this cannot be an MLG map is because MLG do not use the Money Glitch. Nonetheless, it still looks pretty good.
wow, harsh... but he is right, MLG does not allow the money glitch because of the effects it has on performance. I don't think that the neatness of the map is a problem, although it looks very similar ton onslaught IMO...
also dont take your screens in forge mode. Action shots can show us angles and what not. Also its good to know how intense the map can get.
thats a relief in the middle of 3 non mlg maps right now not really a huge mlg fan i dont find it that fun and i hate when peolpe hide round corners or on ledges. also how do you get your links to single words
I liked the check list, don't see why ur gonna quit Good map, similar to onslaught, i didnt know about the money glitch, thats a bumer, good mapp all around
O.K. most feedback was bashing me on using the money glitch, and MLG haters... Thanks for those who gave feedback on the actual map. I had to use money glitch or I wouldn't of had enough money... Also, how does using the money glitch effect matchmaking?