Well this is my first switch map so give me a break lol. Well im tired of those people who get the sniper and camp at the sniper spawn so ive invented a swith to get rid of those pesky campers . wen a sniper or any other enemy is camping at the sniper spawn, or u just want to make that area unavailable, just hit the Yellow button and there u go. the havok will go on for 30 seconds,but not a straight 30 seconds, it stops every 3 or 2 "shots" most of the time.Or wait 180 seconds and it will go off for about 3-5 seconds wen the switch is activated the gravity lift spawns and pushes the fusion coils off and onto the sniper spawn its a basic max/min switch How it works: the custom power up is holding up a fusion coil. wen u get the custom power up it enables the fusion coil to fall and blow up the gravity lift inside. wen that gravity lift is destroyed, the other one on the top spawns and pushes off the fusion coils into the sniper spawn. Switch Sniper Spawn A Base (B Base is the same) Weapons 1 sniper 1 mauler 1 plasma pistol 2 carbines 2 battle rifles 2 assault rifles 2 pistols 5 plasma grenades 5 frag grenades 4 spike grenades 4 spikers Equipment 1 bubble sheild 2 regenerators 1 custom powerup (button) 1 oversheild 2 deployable covers This map seems pretty small for an oversheild but if go for it at the wrong time u will most likely die. I made sure of that. This map is made for slayer,CTF,Assault,and KOTH Download SRCBG Switch
I don't get this map be a little more descriptive in your post and you will dfinetly get more downloads..
i dont really know how to add more of a description its a map with a switch that helps take care of people who camp at the sniper spawn. nothing special really but ive been working on it for a while and i didnt want to delete it so here it is i guess. im not to worried about downloads, i just think its fun so i put it out there for the community. its not really a competition for me.
i can't see the whole map and the switch fully, and one screenshot isn't working, more would be useful, pritty cool from what i can see though
It's difficult to understand the map and what happens when you activate the switch. Also, please do not double post. There's an "edit" function.
o ok sorry umm wen the switch is activated the gravity lift spawns and pushes the fusion coils off and onto the sniper spawn its a basic max/min switch How it works: the custom power up is holding up a fusion coil. wen u get the custom power up it enables the fusion coil to fall and blow up the gravity lift inside. wen that gravity lift is destroyed, the other one on the top spawns and pushes off the fusion coils into the sniper spawn. Hope that helps Also, how do i add polls here?
there are 2 symmetrical bases and the sniper spawn i have a pic of one of the bases and there is a mauler tunnel. u can see it in the first pic. u see the dumpster? that is the side of the mauler tunnel and the stairs lead to both ends of it to answer metals question and thx scott
i already put a better description and i cant put anymore pics, i already had to delete some to get the ones i have on this post sry if u want to see the whole map u can download it
not very many pics... maybe youll want to add how the switch works.. btw i like this alot by what i can see.