What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Hey all, been a while since I posted anything. I've been working on a remake of Epitaph - titled Transept - with a few added twists, and a complete new aesthetic. You can play the published WIP here. Art/lighting/audio not complete, and gameplay is rough. Hoping to add some additional jumps and pathways also. Critique and suggestions welcome.
    Select 1.jpg Select 2.jpg Select 3.jpg Select 4.jpg

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  2. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    kanye quotes in the style of gravemind next plz
  3. KicksaveKrunch

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    Hello all, I'm working on a 4v4 map which will be an Aquarius Terraforming Solutions facility in the style of Aquarius, based on a piece of Infinite concept art. I'm not experienced in map design, so I'm looking for feedback on map flow and areas that I could improve playability. I've read up a bit on map design during the process, so I've tried to incorporate best practices where I can.

    At the moment, the map is only in the pre-planning phase with no physical blockout made yet—only a top-down layout. I'd appreciate some critical feedback on what's working well and what's not.

    In terms of reading the map, darker areas are lower elevation, lighter areas are higher up. Dotted lines are areas underneath a higher level. The "light side" edge of the map will be a large greenhouse wall letting sunlight in, the "dark side" will be, well, darker.

    My main concern right now is that the top mid area is not open enough, and would allow flag runs to go unpunished, so I'd appreciate feedback on how I could make that area more conducive to balanced gameplay.

    I don't have loads of time to work on this so I don't expect to be updating this thread too frequently, but I'll do what I can to keep things moving.

    Appreciate any feedback

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    Preacher001 likes this.
  4. PeshkyBee

    PeshkyBee Marine

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    Been working on a reimagining of a 1v1 map I made back in Reach into a 2v2, 4v4. Been a lot of fun playing around with all the new forge tools :> think it's turning out alright for being an amateur lol

    Been ages since I've posted on this site so hopefully I get the screenshots added correctly haha

    Here's a link to the WIP version if anyone's interested. Update it at least once a day.


    20230115_112509.jpg 20230115_112534.jpg 20230115_112540.jpg
    #36064 PeshkyBee, Jan 15, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2023
  5. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    Still an overwhelming amount of work left, especially with lighting and design, but I am going for a dream fantasy theme.

    Halo Infinite lighting can definitely be a nightmare, light bounce makes interiors look flat if you enable it, but outside lighting will be too harsh with it disabled, leaving you to light up outdoor sections yourself. This would be fine, but if you are trying to light up your skybox, lights despawn past a certain distance even when baked in.

    Basically, skyboxes are a nightmare on Infinite, purely due to lighting.

    Edit- Removed some sentences that over promised, map is heavily in progress and a lot will change.
    #36065 TheLunarRaptor, Jan 16, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2023
    Preacher001 and Titmar like this.
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    using the wires as emissive like that looks cool af
    PeshkyBee likes this.
  7. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    Really dig the spiked landscape. I encourage you to build on it.
  8. PhoenixVax

    PhoenixVax Legendary
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    Does anybody know why static shadows disappear? I noticed it depends from where I am and where I am looking. Just to be clear, I'm not talking about the rendering distance
  9. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    No workaround it seems. I know exactly what you mean, the same thing happens with light objects, past a certain point it dissapears, it was definitely done with the intention of saving performance. Changing graphics settings has no effect, so it's a hard cap of sorts.

    They have fade out distances for light cones, so I hope they'll eventually add the same for light objects, as well as volumes for shadows that tell the engine to "keep shadows" on objects within the volume.

    It definitely makes creating skyboxes extremely difficult. Id suggest making a waypoint ticket. The more repeat suggestions and feedback to 343 the better.
    PeshkyBee likes this.
  10. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I've been trying to come up with what it was about Halo Infinites campaign that really failed for me and I think a lot of my biggest gripes come down to vehicles and not just the ones in the gameplay. I've become used to being shuttled across landscapes in the Halo universe. From the very first Halo they've used these transport spaces to set the mood for the next chapter. I know it seems like a very small thing but it's a large part of what makes transitioning in Halo Infinite seem out of place. This omission may have been lessened had they oversized their landscape the way they do in the classic games.

    Everything from Bungie was epic, unnecessarily large to the point where it made absolutely no difference to the gameplay but it definitely affected how it felt to play in those spaces. It seemed like almost every other space you were in you were just a speck.


    Everywhere I go in Halo infinite I feel like I have just enough space to drive vehicles to them. This was never the case in the old Halo's. You almost always felt like you could get anywhere even the places that you shouldn't be able to go. You always in the middle of some Valley or fighting away in a large space between deep Cliff sides. I know that was just to enclose play spaces but it also became synonymous with what Halo was.

    In virtually every open space you fought they were all sorts of vehicles already out racing around and fighting, both UNSC and Covenant alike.

    I get that we are rescuing teams in Halo infinite but they are never in a play space that allows for vehicle warfare. Truthfully I only recall one space being large enough to have a classic full scale Halo battle and even then it never really happened. The only vehicle that seems to be in regular use in infinite is the ghost, with the Banshee making the occasional appearance for good measure. I believe the biggest reason for all of that is that there are so many damn trees and rock everywhere that the AI would have a nightmare trying to properly navigate it.

    What I would love to see happen to infinite is for us to add back in valleys, hills and Cliff basins for us to fight epic battles in with both banished and UNSC racing around in vehicles like Halo's of old. Bring back the classic shuttle system bringing us from one play space to another. Heck there was more than enough reason for us to get shuttled in infinite had they completely separated some of the land masses.

    As for the inside spaces most of them I was completely comfortable with, even though I was often underwhelmed by them. I'm not saying everything was underwhelming, just that I expected more creativity and diversity for the time we waited. Overall they typically felt more authentic Halo campaign like, if not often generic and single-themed.

    This was just my minds wandering today.
    TheLunarRaptor, Titmar and a Chunk like this.

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