Baffled by new forge

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BeardlessBen, Dec 22, 2022.

  1. BeardlessBen

    BeardlessBen Legendary
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    Hi everyone, it’s a been a while!

    Well… I’m sure this halo’s forge is much better, but 5’s just made sense. I can’t get my head around the scaling, it used to be all packaged neatly for you with the various sized objects, now you have to decide for yourself. Everything used to fit geometrically if the objects belonged in the same ‘set’, now it seems as the forger I need to keep tabs on that. Is there any advice on what sizes are best for scaling objects?

    I’ve wanted to make a well balanced, enjoyable map, but this forge seems to have a steep learning curve to even get started. Any tips or helpful links would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  2. MrBamble

    MrBamble Legendary
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    I've found it pretty helpful during the block out phase to just only scale things to a number divisible by 4, most typically 16's (16, 32, 48, 64). You can pop into the properties menu click on the x, y, z size and type in a number on Xbox pretty smoothly. I'd recommend "wiggling" the size by adjusting the number in the properties window away and then back to the correct size after manually typing. Sometimes when you manually type it doesn't register the size change unless you wiggle it.

    I've found having those constraints helps tamp down on the general overwhelming-ness at first and helps to make the map inherently play well in infinite since that lines up with jump height, comfy clamber, grapple, etc. Also, using the "Halo Design Set" exclusively for blockouts helps.

    It took me a second to get the hang of scaling but now I love it vs. Halo 5's rigidness, keep at it and I think you'll really start to enjoy it. Can't wait to see what you make!
    Cardnal and BeardlessBen like this.
  3. BeardlessBen

    BeardlessBen Legendary
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    Thank you so much for the advice, that makes a lot of sense and sounds like it’ll make things a lot more manageable to get started. Hoping to make a balanced 1v1/2v2/up to 4 player FFA map in this halo. I learnt a lot from the last halo and the helpful people in this community and I’ll definitely be uploading here again with infinite maps. Thanks so much once again

    MrBamble likes this.
  4. BeardlessBen

    BeardlessBen Legendary
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    Hey man, this time I was wondering about the magnets. It seems like they’re very particular and I can’t seem to figure out how to make them snap to the object I want. For instance I have walls that are all the same object, but they want to snap to the floor below them in certain positions and I don’t know why. They’re not even attracted to the other wall, so to speak, it’s like the magnets don’t even work.

    Also, at some point when I’m trying to move my objects, the movement seems to change and I can’t figure out why. It starts to be like I’m trying to play a game where the character is drunk! I input one direction and it goes another, it’s really confusing. Any ideas about these two issues?

  5. MrBamble

    MrBamble Legendary
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    I haven't been able to get a beat on the magnet system's issues and how to properly work around them since it's been real hit and miss for them causing me problems.

    It does appear that they get more and more wacky the larger you scale an object. For example, I had some long pipes that were not working with magnets but when I scaled them down to a shorter length the magnets functioned perfectly. So I was able to get them snapped in position and extend the length back out.

    What this translates to in practice I suppose is to use multiple smaller pieces to make something while blocking out and then translating the sizes over once you have it how you like it and everything is in the right spot.

    It seems magnets might work more consistently on a 4x4 grid of 16x16 blocks than on a single large 64x64 block if that makes sense. Then you select the corner 16x16 and change it's X / Y size to the 64x64 since you know that's the dimensions.
    BeardlessBen likes this.
  6. BeardlessBen

    BeardlessBen Legendary
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    thank you very much for the advice man
    MrBamble likes this.

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