Dueltacular Forge Contest

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Dec 1, 2022.

By SIR IRON WOLF on Dec 1, 2022 at 9:34 AM

    SIR IRON WOLF A Floating Lightbulb
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Welcome one and all to our first Halo Infinite forge contest, Dueltacular! This will be a 2v2 map contest with our biggest prize pool ever. You read that right, our biggest prize pool EVER, with it being $10,000.

    We are also partnering with our friends over at the HYE Energy Gaming Community to help judge this contest.

    Dueltacular is a 2v2, or doubles, map building contest. With the advancements of Halo Infinite Forge we wanted this first contest to really allow people to show off the potential of forge while also creating content that the community is craving. Below are the basics.

    • 2v2 Core Maps
    • Must be set up to play slayer. We will be using Ranked Slayer in the 343 modes browser with a 25 score limit.
    • Maps can only be made using Halo Infinite Forge
    • 1 map submission allowed
      • Once submitted you can’t submit another or make edits, as in order to make sure the contest can be completed in a timely manner we will start initial judging as maps get entered in.
    • The Map must be created no earlier than today, the start of the contest (12/1/2022).
      • If your map is created before the start of the contest then it will be disqualified. If you attempt to circumvent the creation date then this will also result in disqualification and a potential ban from future contests.
      • Clarification: You are allowed remakes if you want to work on an old design that you have not started in Halo Infinite yet. But if you have already started on a map in Halo Infinite before December 1st, 2022, then you cannot use that for this contest.

    You will have two months to create your best 2v2 Map. Make it play well and look good, with the power of Forge we are expecting to see some awesome looking creations.

    Start Date: December 1st, 2022

    End Date: January 31st, 2023 at 11:59 PST

    Judging Period: To be Determined and based upon the number of entries. Estimated a month and a half starting February 1st, 2023.

    These are the people that will be judging your maps, they come from a wide variety of backgrounds and specialties.


    I Crush All

    Guest Judge:

    HYE Energy

    While this is a 2v2 contest and gameplay is the primary factor that will be judged, we don’t want you to forget about aesthetics. With the power of forge in this latest iteration we are looking for maps that can check all the boxes without hindering gameplay.

    There is a lot of money (USD) up for grabs! In addition to the money, there may be prizes in the form of merch. Lucky for you the prize pool can only grow!

    Grand Prize:

    2nd Place:

    3rd Place:

    4-10th Place

    Community Vote


    Submissions will be open soon. There will be a location on our new site where you can submit your map. Or a submission thread will be made available. We will let you know when it is open and we will also provide more detailed submission guidelines.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure you follow the proper way to submit your map as well as the guidelines in the “What is it” section. Many times people with good maps unfortunately have to but cut because they missed some basic rules or guidelines. Especially with only allowing one entry, making sure you dot your i’s and cross your t’s will be very crucial.

    Question: What if I am co forging with multiple people, how will submissions work?
    Answer: You are allowed to co-forge, but you can only submit one map as the main author. You can be the secondary for any map but you can only submit one. Your co-forge buddy will have to submit the second map if you create a second map. Remember though, only the primary author will receive the money and it is up to them to split it up.

    We will be providing lobbies that you can partake in to get playtests and potential feedback on your map before you submit it. We recommend joining this lobby or getting a lobby started, we can help promote lobbies too. We will attempt to have feedback lobbies after the contest has concluded but this will be dependent on judge availability.

    #1 SIR IRON WOLF, Dec 1, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2023
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Dec 1, 2022.

    1. Mags
      Cant wait to call you the two time back to back 2020 2023 2v2 contest champion.
    2. Halo4geGod
      I doubt I have a chance of winning, but excited to share what what I can come up with. My last 2v2 competition was a bit embarrassing since my map was almost too big for a 4v4 haha.
      JurassicWeeMan and a Chunk like this.
    3. Filipus
      Do we have any updates when submissions open or when the groups to help test forge maps will be made?

      Also is this still happening? We have 3 pages of comments for a 10k contest (and I bet forgehub expected more). Not sure how the low activity is affecting this whole thing. Haven't seen much wubwub about it so Im just wondering where things are :)
      leegeorgeton and Cardnal like this.
    4. LargerFiend
      Good maps take time to make. Everyone has one submission, so I wouldn't expect a bunch of half assed entries
    5. Chronmeister
      Are the judging sessions going to be streamed like the last contest? Watching the judges play the maps was really great
      LargerFiend likes this.
    6. Cardnal
      Someone asked the same over on the Discord server, SirIronWolf answered it would probably be around the 7th of January hopefully. I hope I've helped
      SIR IRON WOLF likes this.
      Activity on the site is usually lower, a lot of the discussion is happening over on our discord. We will get a submission thread up within the next week.

      You can also check out the discord for lobbies that are being run for the contest. Judges will not be playing or giving feedback to avoid as much bias as possible but other staff and community members are there to help.

      We have not streamed judging sessions for a few years now. However, we do stream the top 10 or 15 maps, which I think is what you are referring to. We are still working out the details for that as there is a couple ways we are thinking of doing it this time, but it also comes down to timing. If there is a large quantity of maps and it takes us a while to get through them then we may skip the stream to get the judging done faster. The hope and plan is to have a stream but we won't know until that time approaches.

      For the questions regarding a contest extension, at this time we are not extending the contest. In the past our contest build times have been between a month and a half to two months. Also, all of our contest minus a couple exceptions have started the day the announcement article drops as that is the standard which we have been doing for the past 5 or so years.

      This is not going to be our only contest but with it being the first in infinite we are seeing how things go and may adjust for the next contest, as we have done over the years, but we want to first see how this goes before making a bunch of changes. We have already announced that our next contest will also be a 10K prize pool, we are hoping this next contest will be bigger and better as we have some plans in the works, but because of these plans we have to keep with the current schedule.

      I hope this clears some things up. I can't wait to see what you all create!
    8. CutoverJester
      so my map was created before the start date but I didn't even do anything to the file it self until a few days after the start date would this be an exception?

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
      Cardnal likes this.
    9. Chronmeister
      If you didn't do anything to the file, why wouldn't you have just created a new one?
    10. CutoverJester
      At the time I didn't know about the contest until after we already finished the map, me and my brother built it in an entire weekend, I didn't really think about the initial created date of the file itself I just hopped on it and started forging. Sadly a dumb over sight on my part
      Cardnal likes this.
    11. leegeorgeton

      I may have a similar problem as Cutoverjester above. Early on I created a clean version of the Void map with only the main large floor and a few of the spawns so I could start new maps relatively fresh without needing to erase all the items over and over.

      I made that map originally on 11/25/22 and named it "Void Cleanish Slate."

      I'm pretty positive I copied that clean slate map as the beginning for my contest entry map. I began building my contest entry map on 12/26/22. Is there a way on the xbox for me to verify the very first creation date? From what I see when I check the map overview on the xbox, it shows the created date as the date I changed the name, (12/26/22), but I imagine there must be a way to see the original file created date.

      Regardless, I need to know if this is a situation that will disqualify my map. Please let me know as soon as possible.
      JurassicWeeMan and Cardnal like this.
    12. Titmar
      I think i might make a map for this lol...
    13. soft sharp
      soft sharp
      Sweet I just finished my Helm's Deep Map and mode. This is super exciting. My Forge friends told me about the contest. Yesterday day I built a map and started testing. Can't wait to show it!
      Titmar likes this.
    14. thesilencebroken
      Do we have a list of "preferred" weapons/equipment for competitive play? Or is this a "do what you want and we may disagree with it" type situation?
      a Chunk likes this.
    15. Filipus
      Maybe can you add the discord on the original post?
      it's also nowhere else on the website. Im assuming it's not a very private discord :)
    16. HAYDN est1999
      HAYDN est1999
      Yo we need more time for this contest!

      Everyone I talk to says that we need more time.
      Infinite's forge is far more complex than halo 5 and the amount of options we have is expanded too, in order to reach the expected level of quality that we have been shown by the forge council maps we need an extension, 2 months would have been enough time in halo 5 but not in halo infinie. We need more time.
      Minister Muffin likes this.
    17. Chronmeister
      This forge really isn't that different from any other aside from scaling which doesn't take that long to learn. I agreed with you for like the first few days, but the potential of this forge with any prior experience can result in a map faster than any other forge iteration. The rest is just textures and art. It can be done in 2 weeks if u devote every moment of free time. Glitches aren't bad enough to kill it. If you have something that is killing you, there is a work around/scripting aside
      SIR IRON WOLF likes this.
      Who thinks this contest should be extended by two weeks at the minimum? A month would be preferred.
    19. HAYDN est1999
      HAYDN est1999
      Dude the lighting changes alone is an astronomical difference, not to mention the amount of textures grimes, scratches, and then there's nav mesh tuning, scripting and before anything accounting for infinite's sandbox is an entirely different beast.
    20. Chronmeister
      Nav mesh tuning and scripting are not really something I'm worried about. Rest is just more options that I've been wishing for. Really sucks for my map there isnt any placeable water, but whatever. I tried the scripting thing and my water body size is like a large river so it looked like ****. Turned it off immediately. Im settling with the odd killscreen over hardscape.Nav mesh wont work in forge for me. I've given up on it. My map plays bots like any other tho. The nav mesh generation in forge is broken. It actually worked fine in the beginning, but now it won't build. Spent quite a bit of time trying to fix it. Waste.Not like it's a requirement that nav mesh builds for the contest so we all should be good there. I tried publishing for a sec and it worked anyway.
      Last edited: Jan 6, 2023

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