Community Favorites: January 2022

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by I Crush All, Feb 6, 2022.

By I Crush All on Feb 6, 2022 at 12:21 PM
  1. I Crush All

    I Crush All The Bojack Horseman of the Forge Community
    Senior Member

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    Hey everyone, welcome back to community favorites! This month we have a short article, sadly it seems we'll have a slower map pool so we've come to some temporary decisions based on that. Sadly more recently maps have been coming in slower and slower which has led to this month being a very small amount of maps being shown, at the end of the article we'll go into more about our decisions about Community Favorites, but now is the time of the month for a look at more great maps here on Community Favorites, so let's prioritize that for now! We also have released a new episode in our new series on the site, Creators Spotlight, which has quickly become our most popular content (based on the last 3-4 months of content viewership), I'll talk about that more at the end of the Article along with the aforementioned news for community favorites. Without further a due, let's jump right into this month's Community Favorites!!
    As a reminder, you can check out all these great creations by clicking their screenshot/picture or the yellow text below!

    Here are the nominations and community champions for January!



    This month, our 3rd place spot this month is Among by Starkey213036, this map is set inside a remade version of the Among Us ship from the game but in more of a Halo style, there are places like the Asteroid minigame, the ventilation system, and a minigame game mode that replicates the game. Find the imposter or finish the tasks for the game to end. This map is a minigame so it has a custom game mode to download in order to play it properly. 4 - 8 Players is recommended and the minigame mode "Among Us STK1" to play the map properly.
    Be sure to check this one out in your next game night!


    Second place this month was Devil's Anvil by Ivan Diaz! This map is a map built back in Halo 5! This map is themed and located in the battle of Verdun from World War 1 and also works for Big Team Battle! With a primary inspiration from battlefield 1's rendition of Verdun, the aesthetics here really hit home and are eyecatching. Be sure to give this one a shot in your next big team battle game night! Or look at it in forge if you want to!


    Finally, for our 1st place spot, we have Waketide '88 by DC ValorStrike! Waketide '88 is a small team doubles map with a cool (No pun intended) Neon winter map that also can play 4v4 super fiesta! With a said artistic expression on the map, there's also a myriad of gameplay possibilities on the map that allows for unique gameplay while playing in the unique astetic. Be sure to give this a look next time you're on Halo 5, whether that be for a custom lobby or just a gander in Forge!

    Congratulations to everyone who placed this month and if you didn’t, well, I can’t wait for all of your fantastic entries next month! All these amazing creations really show how powerful and creative of a community we have even in a dry spell. While we've been coming back from our holiday breaks and slowly getting ready for valentines day, we've also been going back to old games and old projects. Recently we announced we'll be doing game nights on ALL Halo's currently supported by the Xbox platform, I just wanted to preface this that for Master Chief Collection, please have ALL Halo's that have Forge downloaded to the game, yes that does mean we could be playing Halo 3 and Halo 4 maps, not just Halo 2 Anniversary that way we can play a variety of content during the game nights. This week's game night got postponed to next week February 12th at 9:30PM EST and will still be on Master Chief Collection. The following week will be on Halo 5, then Halo Infinite, then another round of voting will ensue and we'll go from there on what games are voted for the game night again. However, on a more of a negative note, (well, depends how you see it I guess) we here at ForgeHub have come to a conclusion about the current state of Community Favorites, currently, there are a fluctuating amount of maps that won't always fill the top 10 maps requirement for Community Favorites, see this article, so we are reluctantly going to retire community favorites temporarily (Probably until Infinite's Forge mode) and pivot towards something that can be a bit more consistent. We've been brainstorming new content ideas to keep everyone hyped to watch and intrigued about the content. Creators Spotlight has been one of those avenues that have thankfully come off as a good piece of content you guys like, but more on that in a second. With the temporary retirement of Community Favorites, we're going to either start Staff picks or start a throwback series that'll highlight older projects that may not have got enough love before (This includes maps we have not featured before). If this decision doesn't sit well with everyone PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF SEEN AND COMMENT AGAINST IT, we wanted to just give a more consistent content drop rather than a random amount of content for everyone in these articles so please let us know if you'd be opposed to something else temporarily replacing Community Favorites. On a more positive note, the recent Creators Spotlight we posted with Infinite Forges has been a hit with the community! Even more than the first episode, we're excited for the amount of support with the series and I wanted to just say thank you all. However, there has been some concern related to possibly the series being for more prominent creators so I wanted to take this concern head on. From its inception, Creators Spotlight has been to highlight the community as a whole, with that being said of course there will be more prominent creators being spotlighted, however, the rule we currently have in place is a 4:1 ratio. By that I mean for every 1 prominent creator (Known largely) there will be 4 underdog/lesser-known creators. This of course is subjective to those who know the creators but I wanted to primarily let everyone know that this series from the start was to focus on creators as a whole, not just those that are publicized constantly by other channels/forums/mediums. With that being said, the next Creators Spotlight is set to release on the 20th of February and will be with a member of the Scripters Guild most of you probably haven't heard of. Hopefully you all will enjoy that episode too! Sorry for making that so long but I had to address a lot there haha. Thank you for reading this edition of Community Favorites and we'll see you star side Spartans!

    You’re friendly neighborhood writer

    #1 I Crush All, Feb 6, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2022
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by I Crush All, Feb 6, 2022.

    1. DC Valorstrike
      DC Valorstrike
      Honored and happy to see my map make first spot! It'll be a bummer seeing community favs go, but it makes sense why. I definitely need to start watching more of the forger spotlights as well, keep up the good work.
    2. ProwoodStuff
      Congrats! I'll look around the map when I can, I think it looks VERY 88'

      Except for the Vice City thing but yeah! Well done!
      I Crush All and DC Valorstrike like this.
    3. DC Valorstrike
      DC Valorstrike
      Thanks Pro!
      ProwoodStuff likes this.
    4. I Crush All
      I Crush All
      Appreciate it brotha, miss you, we should get the old gang back together soon for a throwback gamenight (You, Me, Kyle, Jumper)
      DC Valorstrike and WAR like this.
    5. DC Valorstrike
      DC Valorstrike
      Absolutely, I need to get the group to join one of the game nights I've noticed you been hosting for the site. Lets do it, miss ya to Crush!
      I Crush All likes this.
    6. I Crush All
      I Crush All

      Doing a gamenight every Saturday at 9:30 EST :3

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