Wow 6 months without a Forge mode after release? I would've guessed 2022 but this is way too long if you ask me.
Disappointed about forge, but pretty upset about no co-op. They should know better than to not release with co-op. Who is the genius who thought releasing a game as a service without core features is a good idea? You get the bulk of your userbase during the hype periods. It's like they learned nothing.
Had they said Jan-Feb for both it would have at least been something that people can wrap their head around but it could be any time in season 2 and 3 respectively which means it could be as much as 6 months post launch for co-op and 9 for Forge. Seriously how does the editor take longer than the game. Did they build a fancy Forge and then suddenly at the last second realize that it wasn't going to cut it and finally went back to adding something far more full editor based. Hey but it's a game as a service, so no biggy right? Game as a service . . . no biggy . . . right? anyone? hello?
every three months so season 1 through 2 is 6 months total then we would get season 3. 9 months would be the start of season 4
On one end I like that I will be able to grind on some multiplayer for awhile without forge to tie me up but at the same time, I feel like forge isn’t going to get the audience it deserves being released half a year later.
It’s one thing to add features no one really expected in subsequent seasons: Fortnite, Halo 3 (better forge and dedicated forge maps), CoD Warzone, GTA Online expansions It’s another thing to advertise a game with expected features for over a year before a delayed release only to then state that those key features will not be released for months Key issue is MAKING PROMISES YOU CAN’T - or won’t - KEEP
You and me both man. I just like to forge for fun and enter contests every now and again. I wouldn't mind getting another map into mm at some point again. I cant wait to see what people make when its ready.
I better start playing some Halo again this fall before 11 year olds and bots wreck the **** out of me. I hope it's fun though, or I'll be done playing before Forge even comes out.
Looks like the info I got was sub par. They said that it will drop in season two and three respectively and then a more official post said it will launch with season two and three updates. So it may in fact be 3 and 6 months. The problem was that on many occasions when they've said season two or three much like saying in the spring and summer it always finds itself releasing at the end of the seasons as apposed to the beginning. So my bet from my experience these days is that it will always be at the end. Even with this added info I'm hesitant to trust it.
Anyone else throw down some Quake this weekend. I don't think I ever played more than 5 minutes of the umm "campaign" if you want to call it that. Anyway we threw this up on the 160" today and had some good old fashion 3 player couch co-op action and it was a blast. I love that these oldies still have a lot to offer. As much as I'd like a remake I think to do it justice you would have to reimagine the entire game and create a whole deeper story around why it's all happening. I can totally see why they chose to honor the source this way instead. You tend to forgive the randomness of the level design when it looks like this.
What the hell man lol. What kind of crazy reason is behind this decision? I would love to be a fly on the wall at 343 just to see what makes decisions like this happen. levels don't need to mean anything, its just nice to see how experienced the people in your lobby are. I just have to hear one of these meetings to see their reasoning. I wonder if they removed levels because they think it intimidates new players or because of some absurd way to push battle passes that sounds good in their head, but is awful in practice. Clearly just a made up examples by me, but there is almost certainly a reason. I hope they learn from Gears 5 and see that challenge based progression is not great, as half your team is more focused on arbitrary nonsense than winning. Why does it always feel like Halo news has a catch to it? I also have a hunch that they won't give brutes bruteshots, we haven't seen that weapon one time despite being a mainstay in the original trilogy.
Levels give opportunity to discrimination. As a game ‘partially’ releasing in 2021, it is 343’s obligation to make a stand. Stay woke bro.