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Mallet I like all the little details you put into your maps, they are so small yet so significant. One thing I am confused about is the teleporters, why would you put those there? You should make sure your map is impossible to get out of. Finally, do you have a Bruteshot on the map, because if you do, the maps better be pretty tall, look at this finding. Bruteshot Problems
this mallet, you don't "probably download" if it's by him, it is a must! this looks really good, and makes feel bad to think that it wasn't something you really like doing... and it's nice to try new things once in a while, i think...
This looks really cool but my only concern is, is the flamethrower supposed to be playable? In pic 10 it is on the crane, which btw makes me guess this is money glitched, but besides that, an easy grenade or brute shot jump off that dumpster and the flamethrower is yours. If it isn't supposed to be playable, move it I'd suggest because that is a powerful weapon to leave lying around. Otherwise looks quite good mallet, like always lol.
this is a,azing mallet. very very nice job... the center piece in your map i acually had for 1 f my commingm aps. lol but i guess thats ruined i will be dling really soon.
You don't call that crazy AND you were debating whether or not to publish it? You = crazy. The map looks phenomenal! Amazing forging and extremely innovative layout. Great job! And I noticed you had a tutorial up on your share a while ago, but you removed it. Could you possibly put that back up for me? I need a tutorial for merging walls on an angle. Thanks, and again, wonderful map.
Its not symmetrical. bigsighhh probably thanks Woah a real reply. It's possible to get out, but pretty difficult. Teleporters are there just in case, with rockets and grenades flying around anything could happen and players need to be able to return to the action. Theres no brute shot. Glad you likes <3 So does your face tru dat. I wouldn't say i didn't like it, its just wasn't as fun to forge as my others. Don't feel bad good sir Yeah thats from the money glitched canvas. Ehhh. None of whats the final pic is in the playable area so it shouldn't be a problem. otherwise glad you quite like it. Thats one of lifes questions my friend. Who are we? Where are we going? Is it symmetrical? holy dictionary batman. Dont worry if you have something similar, I wont acuse you of stealing it too much. =) moar leik ur spam r a miricle of Fh. roflpwwntomg Looks like a nice reply, got my response. Its does not, but thanks for the compliment. Cool stuff spammur lul. Glad you like it sir, maybe I'm hard on myself lol. ps: the tuts are back my fileshare already. At the bottom. Is the video shwoing at the bottom of the OP btw? half the time it isnt showing for me and I dont know why.
looks good but i would just block off the back of the base so it dosent get used just becasue I think it would be more fun that way but im am judging by the pics I meentt where the teleporter is just for the record
i thought i'd never see a map by you where you actually used the foundry floor. wow, looks really nice though. great geomerging, i will DL for sure.
I played 1v1 on this map and it was alot of fun. I really like the guns in the walls, I have never seen that before. The interlocking is exellent. I still cant figure out what you interlocked under the stairs. Also it took me a minute to get the rocket launcher. No complaints, I really like themap.
Lol I do happen quite often to like things quite a bit. ROFLOFL. This really is thoughquite the good map. As Bruce Willis once said epically, *Note: Zstrike is not liable for any curses spoken by Bruce Willis... only curses spoken by Zstrike, and clearly those aren't ****** anywhere. rofl this is so spam by now... Don't hate I'm just random... that's how I roll... XD
-insert generic spam comment here- sigh...I'm sorry to have to put this in your thread Mallet, but honestly, I'm sick of it. I catch anyone saying stuff like, 'gj will dl', '5/5 awesome', or 'nice interlocking look cool', prepare for some of this. Anyways, I can't say that I've actually tried your map, but I will definitely check it out soon. Just gotta go watch this thread for a bit to make sure people stop spamming. BTW, in that video...Is that supposed to be Robyn? lol, I haven't checked it, I'm just guessing.
Wow. I don't really know why you don't enjoy making maps like this. I did my forgethrough today, and I thought it was great. It looked fanatastic as far as intelrocking and some merging, just a clean cut map. And the layout may not be quite as radical as your previosu creations but none the less very well made, I would think it a pity if you didn't make a few more maps like this. And event staff? Did you just get that today? Congrats anyway!
Please read appmx. 2 posts above you and rethink what you said. Mallet, so you'll be handling the new events and such, I presume?
dam nemi I could use your help in my AT-AT map... lol way too much spam and way too much "This should be in aesthetics but lo0ks gud" despite having said a million times why its in comp... srsly me and super midget are trying to handle them, but they just come in swarms!!! It's scary... lol Nemi you neg rep me? WTF??? it wasn't spam.. I had two posts of helpful things, and one was helping you and one asked you something... if it wasn't you it was definitely a retard nub lol...
It still looks freaking beautiful! Wow! Great map. I love the movability due to the step ups and everything. Great map even though it's not the crazys you do. It still cam out great.