Halo 3: Forge the Fight

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Aug 19, 2020.

By SIR IRON WOLF on Aug 19, 2020 at 3:59 PM

    SIR IRON WOLF A Floating Lightbulb
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Contest_Banner (1).jpg
    "Finish the Fight", this is the phrase we all know and love as it brings us back to those great memories and to a time when many of our forge careers started. With the launch of Halo 3 on PC and with the new items introduced into forge we once again get to relive the spark that started it all.

    In a collaborative effort with 343 Industries, we are announcing the Halo 3: Forge the Fight contest to give you, the community, an opportunity to have your submitted maps considered for matchmaking as well as a chance to win $1,000 from ForgeHub.

    The Halo 3: Forge the Fight contest is a map building contest in which we will be revisiting our original roots of forge, but this time with the added bonus of new objects and more advanced forge controls. (We can phase objects by default now!). Lets go over the basics of the contest.
    • 4v4 Core Maps (Judges will be using BR starts for all gametypes)
    • Maps must be set up for at least one of the these core modes: Slayer, CTF, or KOTH
    • Maps can only be made using MCC Halo 3 forge
    • 3 map submission limit per contestant
    • No time restrictions on building. This means that if you have a map that you already started building or finished, you can work on it and submit it up until the end date.

    You will have one month to finish and submit your map. When the submission period ends the judging begins and will end when we review all of the maps.

    Start Date: August 19th, 2020
    End Date: September 19th, 2020 at 11:59PM PST
    Judging Period: Roughly a month and a half


    Guest Judges for the Top 10 Maps:
    Whos Blaze
    The main Judges will narrow the maps down to the top 10 maps which we will then bring in our guest judges to help determine the winners. Judging will primarily focus on gameplay and how well the maps fit the modes they are built for. We will also be looking at the technical aspect of the maps as well as art. With the new tools and objects introduced we expect to see maps utilize these new features.

    Judging will also be done on the Xbox version of MCC.

    There are some great prizes up for grabs this time around and just entering the contest means that your map may be considered for matchmaking!

    1st - $1,000 and a ForgeHub t-shirt from FH + 12 month Xbox Game Pass Ultimate code from 343
    2nd - $700 and a ForgeHub t-shirt from FH+ 12 month Xbox Game Pass Ultimate code from 343
    3rd - $300 and a ForgeHub t-shirt from FH + 12 month Xbox Game Pass Ultimate code from 343

    *Placing in the top three does not guarantee you map will make it into matchmaking.

    Important tip from Blaze to get the most out of Forge with the budget.

    "The items on the default canvases will count toward the hard object limitations of your overall piece budget. This is not conveyed in the UI and this happens even after they are deleted. They will act as a 'reserve' object. So the best practice is to reuse the existing pieces on the map toward your own. On Sandbox this will give you an additional 300+ pieces before hitting that object limit."

    Organized canvases with default map objects organized can be found from @Faulk Smash. To download these canvases, use the "Find Player" option on your profile and type in "Faulk Smash" the canvases are called
    Sandbox+ GBlock, Avalanche+, Foundry+
    Sandbox also has the Gaurdians blocked off so forging can be done in the surroundings of Sandbox.


    #1 SIR IRON WOLF, Aug 19, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2020
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Aug 19, 2020.

    1. Hunter117
      Can I only edit my posts for a certain period of time? I have an updated version of my map ready.
    2. xpimpfamusx
      Hi y'all, I'm having trouble with objects disappearing after I save, exit, and re-enter the map. They are still there and I can collide with them, but they aren't visible. It seems like it only happens to objects that were present on the default map. It doesn't seem to be affecting all of the objects though. Has anyone else encountered this?
    3. AlbinoRhinoTim
      Will judges be using default settings or can we request they use hard-core or custom gametypes? My map would be completely non enjoyable without BR starts
    4. WaiHo
      This also happened on my map, it happens due to the object being merged too far into the ground or wall. Try replacing the object with something that doesn’t go as far or change up the angle.

      They will test the maps 4v4 BR starts for all gametypes. It’s written in the first post.
      xpimpfamusx likes this.
    5. Mr PR0 007 117
      Mr PR0 007 117
      How do I upload my map so that I create a ForgeHub map link?
      Here --> https://www.forgehub.com/maps/add ?
      There's no map upload button, just "get a link from HaloWaypoint" huuh?
      There I can go to my fileshare and then that's it. Nothing there.
      How do I add maps to my fileshare in MCC then? I can only "save as private" when I try to navigate in there.
      What am I missing? please help :<

      I tried joining forgehub discord but it won't load. every other discord channel works fine for me :/
      RECLAIMER117 likes this.
    6. Hambxne
      Im trying to figure out the same thing...
    7. Kikker13
      Uploaded to the wrong spot. Ignore this please lol
    8. WaiHo
      Will the top 10 maps be announced once they’ve been selected to be tested with the guest judges or will only the top 3 be announced? I personally always liked seeing the top 10 back in the day first.
      Mags, II SEGA USA II and Hunter117 like this.
    9. Zombievillan
      I’d like this as long as I make top 10 lol
      II SEGA USA II likes this.
    10. BioTrek forging
      BioTrek forging
      Hi, how do i create a post for my map on Forgehub? I need to have the map Link on Forgehub to post it.

      Like, on the main page, where do i go?

      Edit: I figured it out
      Last edited: Sep 19, 2020
    11. BioTrek forging
      BioTrek forging
      Hello, i made 3 posts on the submission page, can you please delete the first two please. I can't find a delete button
    12. RECLAIMER117
      2nd submission
      2.) PC
      3.) Icehalla
      4.)Fileshare hasn't been implemented yet, see attached file to download Icehalla.zip.
      5.) CTF or SLAYER
      6.) icehalla1.jpg icehalla2.jpg icehalla3.jpg

      2:57am EST... I chose the wrong browers tab Post Reply @ 11:57pm PST? ....12:00am PST actual submit page locked. Page 8 of 8 exist.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Sep 20, 2020
    13. WaiHo
      Also I remember from an H2A contest that there was a timeperiod in which the final maps could be adjusted to be suited for matchmaking (e.g. to fix the map from being able to escape). Is this also the case for this contest?
    14. Hunter117
      Is there a twitch channel we can watch testing on?
      Sam Malone likes this.
    15. Sam Malone
      Sam Malone
      Just discovered the cause of a pretty game breaking issue affecting multiple contest entries. You can see that in this image the sniper is merged into the floor and there is no option to pick it up:


      This confused me at first as I've seen multiple maps use this flooring and work fine but they used the standard closed boxes. Turns out however that if you use the clean undersides of Open Single/Double Boxes on Foundry as flooring, dropped weapons will merge into the floor and become unable to be picked up/have ammo retrieved from them. Not seen much talk on the subject so assume it's a largely unknown issue. Making this post to hopefully generate some awareness. Haven't had the chance to check every single map but I've listed some examples I found below:

      Array by @Prat

      Athalon by @ArturBloodshot

      Bunsen by @Nate Rutledge

      101 by @PlaguesNStuff

      Madhouse by @SinixSlays

      - Wider weapon models like Spikers are mainly unaffected but several UNSC weapons which have thinner weapon models will merge into the floor and can't be interacted with in any way.

      - Haven't yet tested if this is also an issue with the open box pieces on Avalanche but likely as it's the same object.

      - Imagine the issue is caused by the collision being shifted to accommodate players walking inside the open boxes.

      (This is easily fixable by swapping open boxes for the standard closed variants if possible)

      Will be a real shame to see a bunch of maps suffer in testing for an issue that can be easily fixed. Noted too that some have mentioned various performance issues they weren't able to discover until the last minute as not everyone can get 8 players to test often.

      So as @WaiHo suggested, some kind of technical fix time period would be really appreciated!
      Mags, Prat, WaiHo and 2 others like this.
      Thank you to bringing this to our attention. We decided we are not going to do a technical fix period as that comes with its own complications and the contest judging is underway. However, we have decided that this isn't going to affect the judging of the maps as this is an issue with the game engine. If any of these maps are considered for matchmaking by 343 then this issue can be presented to them and we can work towards getting the maps fixed. Again we will not be penalizing maps for game engine issues such as this, we are aware that Halo 3 has some issues and are taking those into account when judging.
      VeryHyped, Prat, Zombievillan and 3 others like this.
    17. SinixSlays
      There's also an issue with weapon spawn times if the map has maxed items used ... where the new weapon won't respawn until the original is either out of ammo or dropped and then disappeared ... it's hard to replicate, but I've noticed it a few times, and not just on my map.

      Anyways, I just want to note that if you guys do decide to consider either of my 2 submissions for matchmaking, I'm happy to put in the work to redo/fix any issues with the maps.

      Thanks for the heads up, SM! :)
      SIR IRON WOLF and Sam Malone like this.
    18. Sam Malone
      Sam Malone
      Great to hear thanks! H3 Forge is certainly an interesting one... Hoping in the future that some kind of patch can help raise the limit of how may objects (including ones hidden behind other objects) are in view before object flickering kicks in!
      SIR IRON WOLF likes this.
    19. Prat
      Thanks for the info on my map, I took this into account once my buddy pointed this out when we play tested my first map Array. So for my second map I tried my best on Labyrinth to use other pieces as flooring to stop this glitch, Single, Double and Corner Walls seem to be the best bet from my testing.
      Sam Malone likes this.
    20. Sam Malone
      Sam Malone
      As far as I can tell basically any piece can work fine as flooring so long as it isn't the open variants of the boxes.

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