Halo 3: Forge the Fight

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Aug 19, 2020.

By SIR IRON WOLF on Aug 19, 2020 at 3:59 PM

    SIR IRON WOLF A Floating Lightbulb
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Contest_Banner (1).jpg
    "Finish the Fight", this is the phrase we all know and love as it brings us back to those great memories and to a time when many of our forge careers started. With the launch of Halo 3 on PC and with the new items introduced into forge we once again get to relive the spark that started it all.

    In a collaborative effort with 343 Industries, we are announcing the Halo 3: Forge the Fight contest to give you, the community, an opportunity to have your submitted maps considered for matchmaking as well as a chance to win $1,000 from ForgeHub.

    The Halo 3: Forge the Fight contest is a map building contest in which we will be revisiting our original roots of forge, but this time with the added bonus of new objects and more advanced forge controls. (We can phase objects by default now!). Lets go over the basics of the contest.
    • 4v4 Core Maps (Judges will be using BR starts for all gametypes)
    • Maps must be set up for at least one of the these core modes: Slayer, CTF, or KOTH
    • Maps can only be made using MCC Halo 3 forge
    • 3 map submission limit per contestant
    • No time restrictions on building. This means that if you have a map that you already started building or finished, you can work on it and submit it up until the end date.

    You will have one month to finish and submit your map. When the submission period ends the judging begins and will end when we review all of the maps.

    Start Date: August 19th, 2020
    End Date: September 19th, 2020 at 11:59PM PST
    Judging Period: Roughly a month and a half


    Guest Judges for the Top 10 Maps:
    Whos Blaze
    The main Judges will narrow the maps down to the top 10 maps which we will then bring in our guest judges to help determine the winners. Judging will primarily focus on gameplay and how well the maps fit the modes they are built for. We will also be looking at the technical aspect of the maps as well as art. With the new tools and objects introduced we expect to see maps utilize these new features.

    Judging will also be done on the Xbox version of MCC.

    There are some great prizes up for grabs this time around and just entering the contest means that your map may be considered for matchmaking!

    1st - $1,000 and a ForgeHub t-shirt from FH + 12 month Xbox Game Pass Ultimate code from 343
    2nd - $700 and a ForgeHub t-shirt from FH+ 12 month Xbox Game Pass Ultimate code from 343
    3rd - $300 and a ForgeHub t-shirt from FH + 12 month Xbox Game Pass Ultimate code from 343

    *Placing in the top three does not guarantee you map will make it into matchmaking.

    Important tip from Blaze to get the most out of Forge with the budget.

    "The items on the default canvases will count toward the hard object limitations of your overall piece budget. This is not conveyed in the UI and this happens even after they are deleted. They will act as a 'reserve' object. So the best practice is to reuse the existing pieces on the map toward your own. On Sandbox this will give you an additional 300+ pieces before hitting that object limit."

    Organized canvases with default map objects organized can be found from @Faulk Smash. To download these canvases, use the "Find Player" option on your profile and type in "Faulk Smash" the canvases are called
    Sandbox+ GBlock, Avalanche+, Foundry+
    Sandbox also has the Gaurdians blocked off so forging can be done in the surroundings of Sandbox.


    #1 SIR IRON WOLF, Aug 19, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2020
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Aug 19, 2020.

    1. D4rkDeath
      But you have coordinates now...
    2. Foge
      You can make the map on whichever platform you prefer. We have ways of getting the PC maps over to xbox.
      Fritzster likes this.
    3. Luminousiy
      The Tweet from the other day says we can submit up to 3 maps, so with that being said. Do we need to add any 2nd or 3rd maps to our original entry post or can we just post another reply in the thread?
    4. Stefan. I think
      Stefan. I think
      The new coordinate system is nice but unfortunately it's highly inconsistent and unpolished. Using it has caused more anger and fustration than just Forging normally like I did in OG Halo 3. I find precision editing to be much faster and useful than the coordinate system which constantly shifts pieces out of alignment or just straight up won't align to your other pieces on the same coordinate plane.

      I was excited for this contest because I enjoy Halo 3's Forge and gameplay but given the amount of time to make something of polish within a month that will be rated for Matchmaking is too daunting. I didn't even know Halo 3 got the Forge update and file share extension on XB1 until a few nights ago when I decided to make something for this contest - so starting from scratch is difficult. If I had known XB1 had these updates too I would have been doing so much more Forging in MCC.

      They also say any map is good to use for the contest but I think they forgot that the new Forge objects were only applied to three maps I believe. I would have loved to use these new pieces on Last Resort, Sandtrap, Standoff and Valhalla which would make amazing canvas maps. Unless weapon sandbox changes to pre-existing maps are allowed for the contest.

      I know they're probably not looking for anything too artistically amazing and want maps that play really good like Onslaught but this seems pretty difficult unless you already had completed maps or maps that were already mostly worked on. I unfortunately missed the deadline for porting my old H3 maps to MCC because I didn't know they'd be extending Fileshare limit which I thought was still going to be at 50 lol. The logistics of this contest is way out of my favor but I'm still gonna attempt it but I'm kinda sad I won't be able to make anything really polished. But Forging for Halo 3 has been great, really nostalgic.
    5. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Stefan. I think likes this.
    6. The Grim Dealer
      The Grim Dealer
      That's true, but this implementation of coordinate editing sucks lol.
      Stefan. I think likes this.
    7. Netherious
      Looking forward to this. I'm coming over from Halotracks and it's very exciting to see so much h3 support these days. Thank you for the opportunity!
    8. D4rkDeath
      I’ve simply done the cords, rotated a snap and back and anything built on snaps seems to line up just fine for me. Either way it’s a daunting task, but I’m ready to forge. Who knows when we will be forging on infinite.
      Stefan. I think likes this.
    9. Stefan. I think
      Stefan. I think
      I just hope Forge is in Infinite at launch and is just as good or better than Halo 5's. I hope as well that every gametype we hope to expect is there. If we get that than I'd rate it my favorite Halo game just cause. I really really hope we get to see Forge for Infinite soon.
    10. WaiHo
      Been a long time guys, but I’m gonna try to create something as well. Never had the time to learn and memorize all they pieces in H5, so that version of forge never attracted me unfortunately.

      Few questions though:
      - Are the tin cups still unusable upside down due to the the invisible blocker in the middle? Or was that in H4? Can’t remember..
      - Does anybody have a version of Sandbox available where all the original pieces are sorted neatly next to eachother?

      Looking forward to seeing all the maps!
    11. D4rkDeath
      Does it count against you to remake a layout that you yourself have made in another Halo game?
    12. Mags
      Sir Iron Wolf already answered that "Remakes always have the chance for getting marks against originality"
    13. Luminousiy
      To be fair, he also said “but it can make up for that in gameplay and execution”
    14. Djzapper128
      I’m just wondering but can 1 map have multiple artists or does it have to be 1 artists per map in order to be qualified?
    15. Mags
      Only one person will get the prize
    16. Mags
    17. The Grim Dealer
      The Grim Dealer
      Are there set standards for weapon/equipment spawn times, like in H5? Or are we free to just do what feels best for the map?
    18. SgtSlaphead
      Spawn times are pretty all over the place in the standard official maps anyway so wouldn't worry too much. Some BRs have a 10s spawn time while others are 30s. Snipers on Foundry seem to be 90s while on Pit they are 150s but for Narrows it's 180s...

      Probably just go with whatever works best!
      The Grim Dealer likes this.
    19. Almighty Nubs
      Almighty Nubs
      I'm currently encountering a pretty major issue that I haven't seen anyone else mention yet, so I hope it's not just me. After I save and exit my map, upon reloading it, pretty much all of the pieces I have placed are rotated and/or translated in a random direction by a small amount. As you can imagine this is incredibly frustrating especially combined with the janky coordinate system making it extremely tedious to fix the affected pieces. It could potentially ruin some submissions for the contest, especially the maps I had planned out :(

      Unfortunately I also realised that this consistently happens for me on foundry and avalanche so far (haven't tested sandbox), meaning that spending all that time fixing it was pointless. Also since it occurs when the maps are loaded, it will occur when people download and load your maps for themselves, making it unavoidable and unfixable until it's patched.

      I really hope that this is only affecting me for the sake of everybody else's sanity :/
      EvadeR, C00K1E, SgtSlaphead and 2 others like this.
    20. Stefan. I think
      Stefan. I think
      Happens to me too on all three canvases including Sandbox, it's honestly just really janky. Might just have to work around it. The coordinate system I've found so far to be useless at the moment and not worth using yet.

      My pieces will actually shift or rotate while I'm in the game working on my map - I'll work on one part and go back to check on another part and pieces will ever so slightly move or do complete rotations out of alignment and it's caused some major headache.

      Not to mention that some pieces just won't even align correctly using the coordinates system - even if they're the same exact piece.
      C00K1E and RushMyPancake like this.

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