Im in west jordan. My mind started racing through a hundred possibilities of what was going on and then it clicked and i just dropped my headset and controller and ran to save my wifes life. After it stopped i ran back and finished the game while she was still freaking out in the bathroom. She was all like "WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" I was pretty hyped afterwards. It was a bucket list type thing for me, to experience a legit earthquake. Sorry im not following your train of thought?
I expierenced it just once. It woke me up and I thought my little sister was shaking my bed. It was a 5,8 but the epicentre was like 55 miles away. I had an old tv in my room and stuff just fell off. Pretty intense.
Yes it does, and it's a beautiful thing. However willful ignorance and indulgence in sinful practices is probably not the best way to live your life if you wish to be committed as to Christ. I just wish Christians fully understood what type of symbolism and occultic fantasies they are willingly submitting themselves too when they play these swine ass games. I really do hope you escape this garbage man, it took too many years of my life, still is, and I don't wanna see the same happen to you as your extremely passionate about Christ. Just know these games do not please or honor the Lord and there are alot of other activities you can do for entertainment and pleasure that are.
Now the idea of holding another's soul in one's hand is definitely swine. So the imagery in both pics is definitely swizic and I am actually tilted some edgelord thought that was a good picture to create of Thoth. It is a horrible misrepresentation of Thoth and the merkabah. Thoth is who brought knowledge and writing to humanity in Egyptian lore. A Merkabah is supposed to protect one's soul as it goes to the heavens. It is Judaic in origin and relates with the word chariot. What you got there is some spirit science bullshit that was made up in like the last 30 years. They combined a bunch of junk science with myths and religious concepts and made a convincing but historically rebuked trash can (which is still misleading and corrupt in it's own way, a giant con to sell quartz). Plus, there is no proof the emerald tablets exist outside of alchemical texts mentioning them and then there is the issue of whether Hermes and Thoth are the same being which is semi-believable but held back by the difference in their discussions of sacred geometries and other **** and that is important because most records of the emerald tablets relate to Greece and Hermes. There is my occult/religious rant for the day.
Okay let's assume this is a conscious effort by Bungie to infuse their game with imagery and symbolism... What damage does your soul take from just playing a game? It's not like Xandrith is playing Destiny and due to its imagery, indulges in a life of sin. It's a game. And even if that's not the problem, I don't believe any loving god would look down on you for playing a video game. It's just not sinful behaviour.
It is. It’s nothing new. Everything Bungie has made has mythological symbolism baked in. Destiny, Halo, Marathon, Myth, the old stuff, all of it uses more or less obscure mystical symbolism, from around the world, to various extents. A kid picking up Halo 3 and hearing about the Ark of the Covenant is totally different from a guy taking his business partner on a hike in Hollywood in order to rope him into practicing Kabbalah. I would be far more wary of schoolteachers teaching kids the original sin of racism and that you should hug a Chinese person so as to prove you aren’t a racist, even though you cannot absolve your original sin. Use your own heads. Wash your hands. And ass.
Utah Mormon. Romney Mormon Conservative, poses as Free Market guy - Utah Senator. Romney petition Gov’t, thru press release, to distribute $1 trillion stimulus for money amongst Americans. Stimulus package is directly opposed to conservative free market ideas. God ostensibly hears this idiocy and sends a message to him and the idiots that vote for him. Earthquake in Utah. Mormon Tabernacle in SLCity damaged, trumpet falls from angel statue. The figurehead falls, the message is clear: Romney is a dolt, and the US is reaping the rewards of 90 years of foreign/domestic/monetary policy. And ungodliness, if you want to go that route.
Ghosts were given to guardians when the Traveler died, which sounds a lot like the Holy Spirit, sent when Christ ascended. You know like... Holy ghost At the end of the day @SaltyKoala this is absolute foolishness. Satan is pleased with your distractions. You aren't genuinely worried about me, you're just obsessed with imagery, and you feel compelled to talk about it because you're a slave to your fear of conspiratory evil. Although, I don't doubt its existence. If abortion is openly accepted, how much more has evil advanced behind the scenes? But, heres the thing man, Christ has ascended! His church, and His will, has been predetermined to win. That's actually the point of Revelation, to remind us of our victory to come. Focus on that, actually read scripture every day, serve your fellow believers, and before all of that, examine yourself to see that you are in the faith. In the meantime, try to refrain from telling other people they aren't committed if they aren't as afraid as you to play pvp in Destiny.
I'll leave this. And I do care, more then you think man but since you don't care to hear it from me I'll leave it at that. Best of luck buddy.
Must’ve missed this, I like the Wizard-like rotational symmetry you have going. It’s a little difficult to read the geometry from the pictures, but the top down looks like it should play well. 40 spawns is perfectly fine for a 4v4 map of this size. If there are spawn issues, adding more spawns will rarely address the root cause. Idk about MCC when it comes to objectives. Sure sound like you have enough objects, though.
You'd think with the virus protocols that this thread would be overflowing with WIPs. Over the last couple of weeks, I did a design exercise to branch out into the world of single player level design, experiment with event scripting and learn the trenchbroom tools for quake. Here are some screenshots, share some stuff.
correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this same object labeled as Rock, Barrens (16x12x20) or something?
Come on guys, I’m running out of stuff to do in this social distancing. Post some maps or WIP’s already. You guys are getting boring af.
I want to say this about imagery and symbolism that is often overlooked because people who often pay a lot of attention to it are sort of shrugged off because interpretation and meaning varies and if you are not directly involved with said creators of the imagery. It is an incredible tool for hiding things because it allows one to hide something in plain sight. This is partially why it can sketch people out so much. Especially, if you consider factors concerning the uber wealthy and their religious practices.
I'm not sure how many of you guys own an Xbox one x but I currently use a 500GB crucial SSD and I have connected to a adapter to use externally and the thing is worth every penny for its load time savings. I'm just curious if anyone has hooked up an external nvme drive that has the appropriate adapter to utilize that speed? I'm curious if it'll double up on my SSD speeds. I haven't been able to track down any information outside of people just dismissing it. There was one YouTube video where it was tested and it showed no difference but he didn't give all the information on the enclosure that he had used so I have no idea if there was a bottleneck there. I believe the port should allow up to 10gbs