What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I love how many freedoms are being stripped by this nAtUrAl pAnDemIc. The things my state alone has done are damn near if not totally unconstitutional. Forcing businesses to close and giving mayor's the power to ban sales of specific things including but not limited too guns and liquor. Let's just collapse our entire economy, ruin the lives of low-middle class income workers an make the effects of a virus comparable to the flu cause way more harm then if people just got it and got over it like the flu. Which is literally going to happen eventually anyways. A good portion of us will eventually get it, just as we have influenza and other cold viruses.

    There is def am agenda behind this ****. Guessing it's caused by those who have the most to gain from in debt people. World Bankers.
    a Chunk likes this.
  2. PhoenixVax

    PhoenixVax Legendary
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    You seem to care about people. I don't like to do terrorism, but here you go. Same city of my other comment. Do you think all these people were rich?

    We don't have a vaccine. This virus is extremely contagious and certainly more dangerous. Loads of people who take COVID need the recovery, and the recovery, if they survive, is of three weeks, a lot more than normal flu. The result is the collapse of the healthcare system. This is why everything is shutting down, to spread over time the infections, and to avoid to make a choice between the life of one or the life of another.
  3. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    @Zombievillan Speaking of abortion - I can't help but think of Chapter of 18-19 in Revelation as a reference to America and her sins. Keep in mind, Babylon here refers to a city at the end of the 7 year tribulation, so it's likely not about all of America, but I think it's true for us like it will be then.


    It's worth reading both chapters with America in mind, as well as the first chapter of Romans.

    And before someone asks, no I don't think COVID is judgement. You'll know it when it actually comes
    Zombievillan likes this.
  4. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Forge hub of old would come crashing down on you for this post. Blaming a pandemic on our own “sin”?... how silly that sounds. We have been long over due for judgement and abortion is only half of it.
    Xandrith likes this.
  5. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    Older population. Tons of smokers. Reusable glassware for most coffee bars in all cities - to-go isn’t a thing there. Very up-close and personal greetings. Tight quarters. Public transit is huge in Milan. Heavily catholic, especially with older folks attending daily and hourly masses, where you are to shake hands and touch cheeks with your neighbors - also holy water basins can serve as breeding grounds or proximate vectors. Unshielded buffet restaurants and huge travel hub in the north around Milan and down to Florence. Higher humidity. There’s also the issue that many healthcare workers in nursing homes do not follow cleanliness guidelines to the letter, the world over - and they often treat the elderly without much respect.
    #35425 icyhotspartin, Mar 16, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020
    a Chunk likes this.
  6. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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  7. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's almost as if life is fatal
  8. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Xandrith, STFU about religion if you continue to play destiny hermetic occultism 2. If you were actually committed to that **** you wouldn't play this trash Halo included
    K a n t a l o p e likes this.

    Senior Member

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    Our prime minister even adressed the nation live on tv last night. Hasn't happened since the oil crisis in '73.
    Xandrith likes this.
  10. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    No way! MuSt MeAn ItS lEgIt!

    Senior Member

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    Jesus, you don't even have the slightest clue what's going on huh?

    Yeah yeah world bankers, freemasons blah blah.
  12. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What's going on then?
  13. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    God sent his Son into the world to live a perfect life and die an atoning death on the cross, so that I might escape judgement and enter into sonship through the imputation of Christ's righteousness. Luckily for us all, that sort of grace transcends even my playing trials of osiris for a weekend! :p
  14. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    In the fullness of time! Oh, and yeah, old Forgehub... I cringe at my former self, especially in regards to forum posting :facepalm:
    Zombievillan likes this.
  15. PhoenixVax

    PhoenixVax Legendary
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    - Older population: they aren't more contagious.
    - Tons of smokers: they aren't more contagious.
    - Reusable glassware for most coffee bars in all cities: if you wash it there is no problem.
    - Very up-close and personal greetings: Italy's population is composed by individuals, and individuals aren't all the same. Italy isn't all the same, there are enormous differences from one city to another even in a range of few miles. Anyway, a handshake is enough for the virus.
    - Tight quarters: again, you speak like Italy is all the same. Milan hasn't tight quarters and it's the city where the virus has spread more.
    - Public transit is huge in Milan: like it is in every city with millions of people.
    - Heavily catholic, especially with older folks attending daily and hourly masses, where you are to shake hands and touch cheeks with your neighbors: you greatly overestimate Italy's Catholicism. Nowadays it's present mostly in the South regions, but instead the virus has spread in the North.
    - Also holy water basins can serve as breeding grounds or proximate vectors: the same as above.
    - Unshielded buffet restaurants and huge travel hub in the north around Milan and down to Florence: the majority of italian restaurants don't have buffets. The second thing you said maybe is the only correct one, but it's not a "issue at the personal and local social level".
    - Higher humidity: maybe.
    - There’s also the issue that many healthcare workers in nursing homes do not follow cleanliness guidelines to the letter, the world over - and they often treat the elderly without much respect: you don't know for sure, but it's not an exclusive thing to Italy.

    Almost everything you said isn't an issue at the personal and local social level. And beside that, the virus is following the same exact path in countries very different from Italy.
    CANADIAN ECHO likes this.
  16. LargerFiend

    LargerFiend Legendary
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    Science fact: Schrodinger's Global Elite is a person/group who's power is blamed for the exploitation of the working class for their own personal gain, and who is responsible for secretly creating a virus to destroy the working classes ability to be exploited. This person/group exists in a superposition of both exploiting workers and taking away the opportunity for workers to be exploited, until the wave-function collapses to support a conspiracy theorists arguement.
  17. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I have deep concerns for this place.
  18. K a n t a l o p e

    K a n t a l o p e Promethean
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    Tbh the Reach comparison doesn't really impress me. Outside of a few examples of reflective surfaces being used, all that was apparent was an increase in saturation and some more contrast. The lighting was already well done for the mood the game was trying to set, and the major FPS drop due to the current iteration of Ray tracing have makes it the worse option in this case imo

    Also, H:CE:A + Reshade + Raytracing looks like an Nvidea tech demo from the late 2000's lol
    Preacher001 and icyhotspartin like this.
  19. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    Of course individuals are individuals. Individual behavior and health risks play a crucial role. Who said they don’t?

    I never said that older people or smokers were more contagious. They are more susceptible to respiratory diseases like this. And many of Italy’s older population are or were smokers for a very long time.

    There is also generally an older population in those churches. It is common to touch the door, the basin, the pews, your face, and others when attending a service. And with hourly services, that means there’s a big chance that one vector can affect up to the next 2-3 services. Especially before there was knowledge of a breakout, as I never saw any church employee wipe down any of the surfaces I mentioned when I was in Milan, Florence, or Rome this time last year.

    Is the aperitivo self-service meal not a common or popular thing in affordable restaurants? Is standing shoulder to shoulder waiting for your espresso in a small bar, with people talking and breathing over the counter onto the clean glassware not a thing in Italy? Is the metro system in Milan not viewed as the go-to metro system in Italy, a very confined space with recirculated air, and typically as packed as the one in NYC?

    I am aware that nursing homes are where there have been outbreaks in the US and elsewhere, and that it isn’t only an Italian thing. I said as much in the portion you quoted.

    The virus may follow the same pattern in different countries, and yes, these other countries don’t have the same factors in terms of individual behavior, susceptibility, or medical response, or government response - but they didn’t get hit first, nor have they wound up with nearly as many cases or deaths.

    Maybe I’m missing something. I don’t know what the nightclub scene is like, nor dating customs, nor how much tourism played a part, nor how handshakes and travel in business deals in the north played a part.

    If you know what the big issues are, please tell us.

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