My post was what I got from Seth's post, if I've misread or misinterpreted I'm sorry. I have no horse in this race or even watched the streams so I'm just an outsider. But don't play the 'hurt the community' card here please, first of all there's literally no one here and second being critical or passionate about a contest is probably good for the community in the long run. But I don't think I fully understand what's going on here so forget what I said.
Rekt lul. I had some drinks last night so I was being extra toxic but I still stand behind everything I said. What are your thoughts on the contest hex? How would you run a contest?
Better than this haha. A good start would be to nominate qualified judges and dedicated testers. Being involved in a map contest has been on my radar, though I don't see anything happening until Infinite. I'm down for setting up systems, rigoursly testing and managing submissions, as well as giving my 2 cents. Even then, I'd be insane to make myself an actual judge. I only know so much about level design and I don't really Forge, it'd be a wasted slot for sure.
Not to have contests.. Have playable tournaments where maps are actually played on. Yes. My name is Hex Screecher.
I kept my mouth mostly shut through this but I want to say that 3 of the top 4 have some major problems if you were to play the maps for money. Which I know is not everyone's standard here but it is something that this community needs to understand going into infinite. In fact most of the top 8 has this problem, including my own map. Honestly, my best map, based on playtests beyond 1 gamechat test was eliminated before top 8. It is what is though. Congrats to the winners.
The contest was kind of a joke and everything, it seems like most people here can see that, including some of the judges. But i mean, it's not like the top maps where terrible picks, it could have been a lot worse all things considered. I honestly don't know what maps should go where myself, i've barely played any of them
when submissions first opened up I said for a while that with love would take first followed by node to joy and maar dun, ice worm was posted after but I really enjoy boxes maps and you can tell he changed up his style for the contest.
Can we hear your top picks Box? And if you feel like it, a brief description of why you've placed them there?
I can’t answer because I haven’t played all of the maps enough. There are about 6-7 I’ve played over a dozen times. I strongly believe the top 8 would have changed if there were multiple play tests though. Going from 16-8 in one test was what kind of salted me. Especially when Seth said for his 8th submission he was just gonna “choose a weird one” to break the 3 way tie he was juggling (rather than just playing those 3 again to make a clear cut decision) Obviously the top 8 consisted of good quality and you guys did a good job at getting to that point, but perhaps too quick where some maps might have been overlooked. Edit: despite some polish things (rekt purely) I think 2 of his maps should have been top 8, with one possibly being top 4. Both of the maps have a learning curve where 2 play tests aren’t going to cut it.
It's too bad the whole contest is marred in controversy but at least we've got some good maps in there and the general consensus, even if how they got there wasn't great, is that they are for the most part acceptable. On the topic of the latest MCC update notes, I'm unjustifiably excited. I know that I shouldn't really be excited about this because what are the odds I'm actually going to go back and start building maps in Halo Reach . . . and yet still . . . ---------- In addition to adding PC native features, we are also including a larger Forge update that will improve the Forge experience on PC and console via our “Thorage” update. This update will include a lot of cool new features that go beyond what is available in any retail release of Halo: Reach today. We can’t wait to see what cool new things the community creates when this update goes live later this year. ----------- If that was the only thing they were upgrading in MCC it would be pretty impressive but it's just one of the many things listed. I don't know how many people out there appreciate the effort that has been made by 343 and Microsoft to support Master Chief collection but I'm really impressed with how they've chosen to handle it and applaud them for it. It harkens back to the best of the days of old when developers didn't stop just because the game was out. Bugs got crushed, refinements were made, and games got new features all for the cost of your initial purchase. If some of the big companies regain that mentality maybe the future will be bright. I'm trying to be realistic and not optimistic for the new Halo Infinite but with all the work in the MCC they really are hitting all the right chords for me. Now if they're updating Halo Reach's Forge, you don't think they might . . .
Every contest is going to have things about it people aren’t happy about. I accept that, and try to see the constructive aspects that come with these contests. With that said, I hope we use a different system to select judges in the future. I don’t think there should be mandatory staff, or anyone that would be anything less than excited to playtest the submissions that should be considered to be judges. This isn’t meant to be a shot at the judges, either. I know the general sentiment of Halo 5 isn’t great, but we need to make sure everyone is willing to test the maps enough to be able to make those difficult decisions with confidence. I would like a system as simple as nominating however many judges the contest will have, and then choosing the members with the most nominations that are willing to be judges. I will say I liked that you guys showed the top four from each judge. It feels more transparent than past systems.
Just thought id leave this for fun. All the feedback was posted within trello so thats nothing new but judge actual scores are. I played the **** out of these maps.
Say whatever else you will about Multi, but don't call him dispassionate. That dude lives and breathes Halo, and he was more than willing to judge. Remember the 1v1 contest? The smoothest competition ever run. Shout out to No God and Soldat, they did awesome too. And yes, I know, Christian was banned... but can we be real here? This isn't the supreme court. This is forgehub after 4 and a half years of Halo 5. He didn't post porn, he was banned upon request (sort of). If you really wanted the contest to run well, giving it to him would've been obvious and easy. Insert pride and stupid rules, fast forward a few months, and would you look at that! Didn't work out? That's crazy... remembers prize money actually, yeah, nvm the contest was perfect