I was invited to it, and live in LA, so Anaheim’s pretty close. I wanted to talk actual level design, which barely happened beyond introducing the forge mechanics. The focus was more “buy Halo, make internet friends, and get into matchmaking” than anything else.
Well I felt like maybe it was too much. Was all in good fun, and I’ve been bashed on the Internet for a decade and a half for believing in God so I thought it would be ok for me to say that but oh well.
This isnt to shame you but just be more considerate. Gender Dysphoria is a serious mental illness. Dont play into his delusion the same as i wouldnt for you but the reaction from harrassment could be much more severe in his case. These people sincerely need support and i dont mean in the way society has incorrectly defined it here. Support shouldnt be acceptance but a more concerted effort into helping these people find a legitimate medical treatment that doesnt involve chemically or physically altering their bodies. I wouldnt put fault on you for not knowing though. The people that supposedly accept them as normal have inadvertently caused the general public to be unaware of just how intense the risk factors are from depression to suicide even without experiencing harassment.
Looks like they did it earlier this year. Reminds me of how ridiculous it was for the ADL to add pepe the frog to its database as a hate symbol. Society wants to be inclusive, understandable, but a spade is a spade whether it's called one or not. What a gross misstep by the WHO just to avoid the stigma and negative connotation around "mental disorder."
It's such a difficult and delicate subject and imo it's way too easy to just dump it in the 'mentall illness' pile and be done with it. There are studies it could be a hormonial imbalance in the fetus when the testosterone is not reaching the levels it should, or go way overboard, which could lead to conflicting feelings later on.
In the future if you get bored on forgehub and need some drama then **** on people's maps, not on people.
And depression is basically a chemical/hormonal imbalance in the brain to. And that's a mental illness. I do agree the classification of gender dysphoria as an illness is a delicate subject. Illness is actually a really lose term and while it has negative connotations it's kinda just a vague thing for something that effects the body or mind in some way. Besides, I almost would say gender dysphoria should be recognised as a mental illnesses simply due to the negative effects on the person that occur due to that disconnect between there body and what gender they feel they are. It can be distressing for people and treatment is useful to prevent suicide etc. This doesn't mean it's a bad thing and by treatment I don't mean some sorta thing where they brainwash you into being the feeling like you are the 'correct' gender or some ****. If you look at medical pages on gender dysphoria, treatment is often just advice to cope with the distress or something like surgery to get your body changed to match the gender you feel you are. No god is right. There's a real negative view of 'mental illness' when really there shouldn't be. I suppose it's easier to not classify something as an illness, than change people's bias towards the word illness.
I get that. I literally JUST NOW watched the beginning of the video and I had no idea this person was someone from or on FH.