What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
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  2. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    waywo is getting spicy again i like it
    Zombievillan and GrayishPoppy210 like this.
  3. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    lets face it guys, all games are **** competitively simply becauase there isn't a perfect game yet.

    Seriously try to name 1 game that doesn't have glaring issues as a competive game and simutaniously has layers of depth.

    CE has rng spawns that can be controled, until you both get wiped, and then you end up getting snowballed because of the poorly placed spawns on already poorly balenced maps.

    ssbm has puff and ledge camping, this long into the games evolving meta and the community is debating wether or not to ban puff or put a limit on cliffhanging.

    the overwatch community is going through a mid life crisis right now because of bad hero balence leading to a repetitive meta

    counterstrike is still going strong, but similar to cod it doesn't reward a variety of valuable skills, the offender being the fact the games meta revolves around the players ability to one tap targets. But at least the weapon wheel econony and team coordination is really powerfull
    SaltyKoala, Xandrith and a Chunk like this.
  4. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

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  5. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
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    I havent watched enough MW to have any solid feelings on the level design, but I will say BO4s level design is part of why I stopped playing it. I felt like i was having the same encounters on maps so frequently. Just chokepoint camping, and it got old to me real fast.
  6. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    I was talking about video games, but yes... And no. It's just pure logic with no compeling theme, also it's symetrical... So could be improved upon :D
    a Chunk likes this.

    S0UL FLAME Mythic
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    Quake Duels.
  8. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Quake sucks

    S0UL FLAME Mythic
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    Correction; 2v2 on Quake Champions suck. Actual Quake 1v1s are pretty cool
  10. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    Uhm, guys, it’s like
    Xandrith likes this.
  11. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    Chess is layered symmetry, so it plays entirely asymmetrically
    MULLERTJE and Xandrith like this.
  12. icyhotspartin

    icyhotspartin Legendary

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    Its an identity thing. The halo mechanics stand on their own merit. Combining them with sprint and other abilities was a big mistake, as far as keeping Halo Halo goes. The resultant mix is total dogshit. I’m not saying that further exploring what the base Halo 5 mechanics entail is a bad idea, it’s just that the nuances are so minor that it isn’t really worth the effort anymore. The game is an FPS at root, and if the aiming and shooting sucks, abilities that force movement or immobility aren’t really going to expand anything, except some minor in-air course-correction, which, as Xandrith mentioned, removes a lot of forethought from the combat equation and dumbs down the overall quality of play.
    That could be really cool for designing, if the game was well-constructed. But it isn’t, and it’s very unwieldy for the player. So that’s what I mean.
    SaltyKoala, a Chunk and Xandrith like this.
  13. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
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    I pointed out his KD and game time because he said it was easy and that I assumed he was bad. That was neccesary information to reveal to support my argument that he hasnt played the game and to question his easy stance which I literally asked him about with no response.

    For you to get caught up on 'he hasnt played the game' in such literal terms is unfortunate. Playing 27 games when it first came out means to me he hasnt 'played the game.'

    So now you've been corrected. What's up?
  14. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
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    27 games of notable sandbox issues yeah no thank you. The game was rushed, there are still things that aren’t in the game that were promised at launch. Cod has been going downhill, I will say modern warfare looks promising but I’m still skeptical.
    Yeti For Hire and Xandrith like this.
  15. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
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    Here’s a video to piss you off since I’m blatantly talking out of my ass with pure ignorance
    Yeti For Hire and Xandrith like this.
  16. HeX Reapers

    HeX Reapers Legendary
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    Bo4's battle pass system isn't the be-all-end-all for the game. I stopped playing primarily because of the specialists and absurd killstreaks. The maps were also pretty bad, but if the game played well I could bare it. Let's not forget Zombies is still a complete mess in all departments and was the main reason I bought the game. CoD Multiplayer died with Bo2, Modern Warfare 3.0 (or maybe MW5? Idk anymore it's not important) will not fare any better despite how promising it all sounds RIGHT NOW. Can we go back to focusing on making Halo better? MCC is still in a really shitty spot right now and needs much more support put towards restoring the trilogy and improving Matchmaking.
    Xandrith and Box Knows like this.
  17. K a n t a l o p e

    K a n t a l o p e Promethean
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    Duck Game is literally how Halo needs to design it's game: simple, intuitive, sandbox focused, and trusts players to be able to aim for themselves. It's also incredibly responsive. Basically buy Duck Game
    Xandrith likes this.
  18. no god anywhere

    no god anywhere Forerunner
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    This video means nothing to the foundation of this discussion between you and I. Basically to you a games worth is in its post launch content and how you access it but you seem to be using this metric as a means to cover gameplay aswell. I've never used that as a measurement for whether it's good or not. I base my opinion from gameplay and mechanics. Did you not like games until DLC was a concept?

    In that case yeah 27 games wouldn't make a difference and BO4 dlc model is bad but when speaking to sandbox and gameplay mechanics I would argue your lack of experience does make a difference.

    You started with mentioning pay to win and game difficulty. I still dont even know what "easy" is supposed to mean but regardless they are relevant to gameplay, so if you want to talk game mechanics and sandbox let's go, otherwise you're talking out of your ass. Do some research.

    I'll steer you towards your first comments once again. Wheres the pay to win and what is "easy" ?
    #34478 no god anywhere, Aug 5, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2019
  19. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    Blaze and Box Knows like this.
  20. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    I never specified how "good" he needed to get at the game, only that he try his best to get "good". I suggested this because based on what little Iv'e seen of his designs, they don't appear to be designed in a way that would lead me to believe the designer has a great grasp on even the fundamental basics of Halo as an FPS. Playing Halo is a great time efficient way to self teach these design fundamentals. Consider the difference between passive learning and active learning/practice. https://jamesclear.com/learning-vs-practicing

    Yet you did not participate in the same exact way I did. You participated by quoting a post of mine you didn't "like" and then began by sharing your opinion of "I dont think players play cod for realism" which I took as a reference to my own excitement about the realism of the maps and bullet mechanics. This led me to believe you were responding to my post and my view points, not merely sharing your own. If I was mistaken, forgive me.

    I did not defend spartan abilities in my post. However I will fully articulate why Sprint, Thrust, Clamber and Stabilize merit worthy abilities or "ingredients" that can be used whilst crafting a consumable FPS experience and likewise can in fact be designed for.

    You do seem to get overly frustrated at many of my maps, It's a common trend I've seen unfold time and time again and when I watch your film its clear you aren't playing them in a manner that allows you success. After losing games vs me and my teammates Ive heard you give me feedback similar to "(x) map is too easy to escape on and overly awards running away" Yet in many of those games, kill limit was reached and my teammates and I had no problems with punishing you or your teammates "escaping" So yes it is entirely presumptuous of me, and Ill admit that, but from this standpoint cant you see how it'd be easy to assume that you either don't understand how to be successful on them, or lack the skills required to be successful on them? As your having issues that the successful team isn't?

    The thing is Xandrith, is you seemingly lack any content of your own that truly gives me insight into your design sense or values. I feel I do have a rudimentary understanding of what you claim those values to be, but I've yet to see it in action. Almost every map you have ever made as been a massive let down to your own self, leading me to believe you actually arent sure of what you want or how to achieve it. So please, create content your pleased with. IF you can do this, I wont be so quick to take your feedback about my designs as a lack of understanding.

    The human genome shows that our closest living relatives the chimpanzee shares 96 percent of our DNA. Chimps are MUCH more alike genetically then they are are different. So there is really no meaningful differences between us right?

    "We are all MUCH more alike than different subconsciously, psychologically, and morally." This is something
    Ive seen parroted ad nauseum. This has little relevance to me when discussing nuance in personal tastes. I don't care if humans are 99.999999999999999% similar, the fraction of a percentage of our differences is what Im interested in and is what means everything!

    If your argument was that designing to fully utilize and maximize the HCS spartan abilities is an incorrect design path to take, then YES, the map you use as a reference to your assertion is absolutely paramount to your point.

    Gold Leaf or Masoluem, are both terrible examples because in my opinion neither of those maps fully utilize or maximize the design potential of the HCS spartan abilities.

    You don't get to be judge and jury on what has "integrity" and what doesn't. Thats always been my problem with this train of thought. Sure, integrity exists and we should always strive towards it, but not any of us, as flawed imperfect creations, can definitively determine what is wholly truthful and integral. So please, miss me with that. Yet EVEN if we could, integrity and pleasure are often at direct odds with each other. FPS games are a consumable product that Individuals consume for a variety of differing reasons, one of which being PLEASURE. In fact I would argue the primary reason most consumers use video games as a product, is for pleasure.

    So to presuppose you have a understanding of something as complex as the philosophy of pleasure is lul able to me.

    Do you like fast food hamburgers? Hamburgers have very little integrity in regards to their negative effects on the world via the meat industry and on nutritional level. Yet you consume them regardless as they are provide you a pleasure. When we engage in pleasureful indulgence's we often forgo integrity as means of attaining a greater pleasure. Is this right, is it wrong? Im not entirely sure, but I do know it stems from our broken nature as imperfect beings.
    Id like you to articulate why the Jump mechanic has any mechanical merit, and how it has integrity.

    An individual that is new to modern day FPS games has the complaint:

    I was about to head-shot someone and all they did was press one button that allowed them to suddenly and with extreme velocity change their direction vertically, this caused my reticule to no longer be on the players head and I ended up shooting them in the body and then dying to return fire. That jump mechanic felt incredibly powerful and forgiving, and not at all difficult or creatively empowering. It was just so easy for them to push that one button and instantly avoid my head-shot. I really think jump as a mechanic should be removed from the game because games should be about thought and it literally took no thought to press a button to jump. I dont find the jump mechanic has much integrity, I much pefer FPS games with no jump as they have more integrity.

    What would your response to this player be? (Anyone feel free to answer)
    #34480 SaltyKoala, Aug 5, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2019

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