Any tips on how to understand what makes a player good and learn how they think??? Hmmm... Wait a minute.. would actually playing the game and getting good at it help to teach you that? Nahhhhh no way it could do that lmao I don't think people play COD for realism either, glad we agree on that?? I was sharing, on a personal level, a few things that have me hyped for the game so far. I want it to be clear that when I advocate maximizing the utility of the H5 HCS(No Ground Pound or Spartan Charge) spartan abilities , I am making a clear departure from the values of 'arena/halo esque' game-play. Multi and I have extremely differing design goalposts, he clearly attempted to minimize the abilities usefulness and mitigate there influence as he doesn't want them to be part of the "Halo" 5 experience. I respect that, and agree with it to a large extent. As I said, this discussion is very hard to have with Halo designers and players as embracing the abilities for what they are is a HUGE departure from the traditional design values many of us have become comfortable with. Im offended that you would consider that build test a map at all. I could give you a laundry list of the personal issues I have with the wip concept, so its really odd you'd use it as metric for your point... but sure? It began life as a 4v4 wip that I have been slowing whittling away at trying to convert into a 2v2 experience. Im sure getting caught on obnoxious terrain/rocks and geometry was frustrating enough on top of getting destroyed by @Box Knows expert level of positioning and object manipulation. Meanwhile I'm just poking yall with shots from annoying ass angles abusing my own design and preying on your weak positioning. Just be glad I cant AIM! Box is an absolute beast on most of my wips/maps and I believe its because I design them with so much depth and geometry manipulation, it allows him to ascend multiple levels of godhood. Im sure it can be extremely overwhelming and frustrating for alot of players who arent at his skill level. I get that, and I feel you. I'm a radical and I will never conform to what you find to have the most "integrity" I design for the experiences and game play I personally find most self indulging and stimulating. I am an extremely selfish designer in that facet. I also agree that 'Halo' 5 (HCS) would've been an even larger flop if the disc maps were designed in a manner that allowed for the full utilization of the abilities. But that has nothing to do with the merit of the abilities themselves and everything to do with the player/consumer expectation. As it stands, its clear the maps were designed with a half in half out mindset, and were built to trick the consumer into thinking they were still playing "Halo". However, if the art style was changed along with the title of the game, and the maps/gametypes were designed to embrace the abilities fully I beleive the game would be a much bigger success then it is now. Oh and if you could aim, cuz ya know, aiming in an FPS is kind of important. Lul 343i "Halo' is an ideology, a human created construct that is every changing. It is not some pure form to which we can aspire. If my design choices are frustrating for you to play against, thats great. But that doesn't mean they are to others. There is a reason genre in art forms exists. People have different palates and tastes, and while we all might share the same basic desires, how we feed those desires various drastically from individual to individual. To some, RPG games are extremely frustrating to play and they prefer FPS games. To others FPS games may be extremely frustrating to play so they prefer to play racing games and so on. To some the quick kill times in COD may be uncompromisingly frustrating to play against, so they choose Halo. To others the longer kill times in Halo may be uncompromisingly frustrating to play against, so they choose COD. Differing tastes is why we see drastically different games even within the same genres. Variety is the spice of life and I know its hard for you to accept, but it really is true that people can have different tastes. You seem to be fixated on people running away from you. I find it amusing how entitled many Halo players feel to kills. They cant handle seeing a player and interacting with them but not being able to kill them easily. The amount of "its too easy to escape" ! feedback I get actually turns me on. I love punishing players that feel entitled to kills. I love letting players taste a kill, then snatching it away and punishing them for being to greedy or trying to chase. That being said, I do understand this is at odds with what slayer is a gametype and that is why I believe slayer wouldn't be part of "Halo" 5 if it were to be designed with the embrace of its mechanics.
I know kills don't mean everything but it's a first person shooter. Kills are the common denominator to every game mode. They may not be the biggest difference in each game mode but they are at least the second biggest decider and in Slayer they are the main objective. I'm not saying kills are everything win percentage is big too and I'll admit my win percentage is trash. But if you ask me kills and win percentage pretty much says whether it's a good player or not.
Seeing COD casuals hyped for these trash maps about to drop on MW is amusing to me. Especially considering its happening even here on a map design forum. To be fair the map design is entirely beholden to how the game mechanics end up. In this case they'll play poorly if knowledge of player positioning and general map awareness doesnt shape up which seems to be the case. Can never expect much from infinity ward though. Regardless the map design does seem to fit the game well. It looks to be the perfect cod for casuals which is fine too. I just wont be playing it for long if the game doesnt hold up in a competitive environment. 2v2 looks promising though. Either way i have BO4 still. Long TTKs, quick maneuverability, controlled healing, good map awareness and non cluttered 3 lane map glory. The best combination ever produced by a cod studio.
You must like the pay to win aspect too lol bo4 is being torn apart by people all over social media, I uninstalled that game after a couple months
Idk man I'm pretty hyped for the new modern warfare game. It probably won't live up to all the hype but it'll be a **** load better than all the recent call of duty games
So you uninstall the game after two months and then with complete ignorance of the state of the game you repeat what theyre saying? Thats exactly it. Just a bunch of circle jerks talking out of their asses. BO4 has no pay to win.
Why are you blatantly talking out of your ass? lol Ill play your game. What is considered "easy" in this context?
You assume because I’m “circle jerking” I am a bad player at cod. Lol I am by no means a bad player. Cod has been trash for years now. I was excited for bo4 I bought the season pass and was let down tremendously
Regarding being good at games, I foresee that argument becoming semantic all too quickly. I'll just say this. I don't Have all the randoms memorized in CE, but I understand the spawning system. I don't know all the nade spots, but I know why I like weapon nading. On the topic of Cod, I'm literally doing exactly what everyone else does on this forum and should, sharing what I think true with a reply. I don't know why you seem like 7 times more confrontational in text, but there's really no need to react defensively when I am participating in the exact same way you did, and everyone else has. Those are my opinions, and a sarcastic response is uncalled for. Should I ask your permission next time to comment on a new game coming out, or what? New cod looks cool, moving on Regarding Halo, I don't see any discernible defense of spartan abilities and their merits in this post. The only palpable thing I can take from this is an assumption, one that asserts that "your map is so deep, and Box is so much better, that I was probably frustrated." Please don't assume that my opinions are clouded by frustration or some sort of inability to comprehend the depth at which Box plays your maps. I'm not buying it, it's downright insulting, and I would never assume as much in the other direction. Please keep in mind, I'm not arguing that spartan abilities "aren't Halo" and therefore bad, I'm arguing that they are fundamentally broken, regardless of what game they happen to find themselves in. This is about implementation, and has nothing to do with 'the spice of life'. And yes, if I find something fundamentally frustrating, especially if I can articulate why, other people probably do too. That idea, and the inverse of it, is literally the basis of all design, as we are all MUCH more alike than different subconsciously, psychologically, and morally. If that wasn't true, you couldn't design anything. In the same way, if the laws of physics weren't essentially constant, we wouldn't have math. Order can only come from order, and that is one of the most apparent and fundamental truths on our existence, one which I have no interest in arguing about. Also, you can't just make whatever you want and say 'well, that was my goal!' or 'well, that's what I like.' Okay you CAN, but it doesn't mean anything. You can Justify literally anything you want with the simple utterance of 'that was my design goal' or 'that's just my taste'. No, that's bullshit and I'm not about to have the subjective argument again. That actually went on for years, if you really don't want to believe that, then fine, go on making 'maps for gods' and justifying it in all the ways you do, but there's nothing convincing to me about that perspective. Finally, I could've listed a thousand maps, and your mausoleum happened to be the first to come to mind. That detail wasn't central to the argument. How about Goldleaf? that works fine. Are you happy with that example? Also, again, I really don't think the facade and title of Halo is what makes the playstyle fundamentally broken. Honestly, it has nothing to do with Halo, and has everything to do with the Idea of integrity. The abilities are incredibly powerful and forgiving, and not at all difficult or creatively empowering. It's literally the opposite of what a game could and should be. A 'game' is synonymous with thought, and a game that disallows thought is no game at all, or a 'bad' one if you prefer to call it that. I'll reiterate a final time. You will never find me defending Halo as some sort of ideological paramount, and to assume as much is to again assume something unfounded. In fact, I dislike Halo more than I like it at this point, but the few gems of truth to be discovered via the analyzing of Halo is worth preserving, and could be implemented in literally any game, as these truths, especially regarding Integrity, are transcendent. in my opinion of course
Sorry bo4 is a truly memorable game. You’re right, have fun paying for a $15 reticule. Oh and that black market, good stuff. Have fun on money ops 4 collecting stickers.
that's because casual is the only way you should be playing cod, even at it's most balenced it's still underwhelming as a competitive experience. I'd rather run around on poorly balenced but very ambitous mw2 maps than play those bland treyarch balenced maps and fool myself into thinking i'm demonstrating valuable skills when succeeding at that game.
Sounds like you have no arguement. Also I dont play a game for cosmetic dlc nor am I stupid enough to waste money on microtransactions or a season pass. I suppose that's just you. Microtransactions which give no advantage on gameplay dont determine whether the game is good or bad. I'm not as simple minded as you seem. You bought the game, barely touched it, mad you payed an extra $40 and didnt get enough stickers for it, then quit. That's about what I thought. That isnt my beef with you though. I just dont like ignorance and now I know you're one to speak through it. That's how your opinions become worthless.
Yeah there's no substance to the argument of 'I'm better, therefore I know better' in the slightest, or even the other way around. Not only that, but Box is beyond competent, you'd be better off assuming that he just didn't care about the game than assuming he isn't good at it
I wouldn't necessarily agree but it's not in my interest to debate because it was never my point. Nor was his competence. My point is he didnt play the game. That's ignorance. That's my point.
Okay so your point is that he "didn't play the game" and yet you brought up that he did play the game in order to point out his low k/d and you started this conversation by calling everyone's opinion laughable coming from quote 'casuals' k