Right??! The bullet ballistics were modeled after there real life counter parts and the map design looks amazing from what I've seen so far. Tons of geometry to manipulate and interact with and extremely cluttered environments that replicate real world environments , game should be gas. Oh and 50v50. Gonna be nutty
I definitely encourage this. I'd love to see more maps for Mythic outside of the group that has been building an official representation for the mode. One thing to keep in mind though, while scaling is important to be similar to classic, don't base everything off of remakes, your design philosophy will need to be somewhat different still. Most notably with cover. I recommend playing a good bit of what's already been polished before jumping right in, if you want to have a successful map in your first couple of attempts. I will say that Mythic has been the most fun that I've personally had with Halo 5 and I actually really enjoy playing H5 for what it is. There's just something about it.
It’s isn’t that they are inherently not worth designing for, it’s just the particular packaging of them with the ///iconic/// Halo gameplay
So I didn't have an update last week since I decided to remodel a portion of the map, but I have some screen shots for this week. I'm enjoying the way this is coming together so far.
I honestly don't understand what your getting at... Is your point that H5(HCS) as a whole isn't worth designing for? If thats your point then I agree to an extent as it's an FPS with terrible aiming mechanics and weapon sandbox. That being said we all still design for it,or have in the past, and ignoring Sprint, Thrust, Clamber and Stabliize as mechanics doesn't magically fix the games weapon sandbox/aiming mechanics. Id actually argue that not fully utlizing these mechanics and down playing there influence does the opposite and puts more of a spotlight on the poor weapon sandbox/aiming mechanics... So again I ask, what makes Sprint, Thrust and Clamber in the context of H5 unworthy of being designed for?
I mean I wouldn't really consider myself a troll. I do love a good laugh in the forums every now and then but I'm somewhat serious about forge. I know I'm not one of the best forgers by a long shot but I enjoy forging maps and seeing which of my ideas turn out good and which ones are **** XD.
Ok yeah it's a nice map I don't know why I thought it was btb especially with the pelican there lmao I guess I just thought it was btb because of all the objects and verticality
@nadekil I think the most valuable thing to help improve your forging from a design standpoint would be to play as much ranked Halo as you can from now until infinite release. Pick a Halo game you like and grind until your above average at it. I can't think of a good designer here that isn't above average or was above average at Halo during some point of there existence. It sounds obvious, but you can't be a good designer if you weren't ever good at the game as you need a good game sense to have a good design sense.
Dude why do you post stuff like this hahaha just stop Please keep making maps, the fact that you've shaped something organic like this with your first map means that you're already ahead of the curve. Quick tip, it's obvious that you were inspired by HighGround, and that's great, but try to ask yourself why you like HighGround in the first place, if you even like it, and work from from the source of why you might like or hate maps instead of reforming them I don't think people play cod for realism, but they were very smart to focus on weapon customization. It doesn't take much to craft a functioning cod, and class customization is a massively important facet I've heard the idea repeated ad nauseam that we could quote 'design for spartan abilities', but that's such an ambiguous thing to say. Even when Multi used to reference the idea, it wasn't entirely accurate. Maps like Legion and Oblivion weren't designed around spartan abilities to be 'utilized', but designed around spartan abilities in an attempt to patch the problems that arise when you DO allow spartan abilities to be fully utilized. He sort of filled in the gaps, allowed for Integrity when it would've otherwise been a mess. When you fail to approach Halo 5 from this angle, and even push it further in the other direction, you get maps like Salty's mausoleum. I don't mean to offend if you're reading this salty, and that's what Halo 5 is if we allow it to be, and Halo 5 would've certainly been an even bigger flop if it was allowed to be that. Also, it's not like we're throwing out the baby with the bathwater here. There is nothing worth saving in spartan ability-centric combat. The playstyles they allow for and award are squirrelly at best, and uncompromisingly frustrating to play against. The player isn't at all responsible for his positioning, and the worst part is that none of it is difficult. For example, Ground Pound is over-rewarding because you already had the high ground anyways, and then the game aims it for you via auto-aim. It's not deep, it's not even hard, it's just boring and one sided. Impossible to miss. Multiply problems like these across all abilities, then make sure that players can only use one ability at a time, then add cooldowns and endless hidden combat stipulations, and you have an incredibly shallow sandbox of abilities that disallows creativity, rewards players who just run away, and demands nothing from the player in terms of mastery, because each individual ability is incredibly easy to execute and fundamentally over-rewarding. I thrust slide jump the exact same way as I did 3 years ago, and so do you, and no, you didn't deserve to live all those times you sprinted away from me in customs.
I know im not great at halo but I would definitely say I'm a decent player. I almost always finish in the top half when I play I just have never been a big player of competitive halo. So it really depends how you consider "good players". No I'm not very active in competitive halo I usually play btb infection and warzone but I usually place high in the matches I play. My big thing is that I rarely follow the arena style of forging. I forge something because I think it looks good and it will be solid for gameplay if executed right. I don't design an arena and then make it into a map. This can be good or bad for my maps. I'll be honest I've made my fair share of shitty maps, but I've made plenty that play really well. My biggest weakness right now is thinking of fresh ideas anymore that will play well. Although my actual forging skills have improved, most of my best maps I made at least 2 years ago and I am running out of fresh ideas. Right now I am trying to make my last few maps before Halo infinite
You don't have to be good at the game, you just need to understand what makes a player 'good' and how they think
That depends on the mode and map but yeah I think I have a fair understanding of it. I'll admit tho I'm probably not active enough to be an expert on the tactics but I always try to flank and shoot players from behind as well as stay in higher areas with cover as much as possible.