Since we can basically create as many accounts as we want now, you could always create some new accounts and upload maps to the file shares. I've thought about that myself, but simply won't have the time to get it done.
Xbox Live accounts. There’s no limit to how many accounts you can create, and if you have 1 account with gold, they’ll all have gold.
My internet was shitty the last few days so I just now got my additional screenshots of Apprehension so here they are: (The bottom 2 pics show the layout of the map)
Thanks - it’s called Delos for now, but I may change the name. Expect a video / write up to accompany it.
I think what Salty was trying to say is that you might have lost a sense of scale when building your map. The general play spaces are very large, open, and stretched out. Something that might help as you're designing a map is to keep in mind the options you're giving players at any given time in a space. Players like having options and good players can see the choices available to them and make quick, calculated decisions that give them the best chance for the outcome they want. As the map designer you control what choices are and aren't available to the players, and there is a balance you need to find between not enough options and too many options. Take a hallway for example, hallways are a very direct way to control where a player goes. A person only has 2 options after they enter a hallway, keep pushing forward or turn around and go back. People dislike turning around, it feels like retreating and is usually wasting valuable time. Halo players are accustomed to making quick decisions every few seconds. A long hallway forces a player to surrender time to one choice they've made. While in the hallway, a player has no options, no alternate path they can use to gain advantage of or flank opponents in a fight. Look at your long hallways, large rooms, and open spaces and put yourself in the players position. What choices do they have once they enter the space? Walk a few paces in the direction of that choice then reevaluate. What options do you have now? Walk a little ways, what choices do you have now? Don't just put down cover like boxes or small walls. That only prolongs the battle and doesn't really change the players options. Change the geometry and let the geometry create the cover. A long hallway filled with boxes is still just push forward or retreat.
I am? I always thought so but I figured people would think I am crazy if I said it. Thanks for reassuring me what is this club waywo and how do I find it? Here is an updated preview of the map layout in its current form. The darker the grey, the higher the elevation. Instead of removing the entire upper floors for the first view, I only removed the parts that were overlapping a floor below. I hope it makes sense, I felt this was an easier way of showing it than my previous preview considering it now has various elevations instead of just two. Thin black lines are railings, thick black lines are walls, and the blue middle bit is still just the 4 way gravity lift (sends you to the right). It is now playable in the sense that weapons and spawn points are set up. I have no idea what respawn zones are and I'm confused on how you set up objectives because you can choose the gametype before you load forge, but just the standard forge gametype has all the objective objects anyway so wtf is that all about? But for just slayer, I'm pretty sure it is fully functional and ready for testing I do have screenshots of the map but I still don't know how to access fileshare to show them off. Is there a website to go to? I swear it was so much simpler in the H3/Reach days.
Yeah I tried to make the hallways have lots of turns and crossroads instead of constant long hallways. This gives players more options, but I can see how they can be a pain for some players. As for cover on the map, I know it is very open right now and I am working on adding cover before the map is finished.