You know what, I actually change my mind. It was stupid of me to say the left wasn't going more left. The reason they are now is because people are starting to realize how radical the Conservative party has become. People like AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Bernie are fairly generic leftists when going off of policy. When brought into the scope of American politics, they look radically left. Put them in any country in Europe and their policies wouldn't generate a fraction of controversy from the opposing party. It seems like most mainstream Conservative speakers assume the left consists solely of blue-haired 18-year old’s at Berkeley that want them jailed for mis gendering them. Like what **** does Postmodern Neo-Marxist even mean? Can you point me to one mainstream Postmodern Neo-Marxist American politician? The fact is the majority of the "Left" is still fairly Center/Center Left. That’s what I was basing my previous comment on. I mean Joe Biden is the front runner right now lmao, until the boomers are gone the left as a whole is going to stay Center.
Yeah but do you want to do the Joe dirt thing... or nah? Whats your opinion of the current democrat candidates for the 2020 election? Are you happy with the list? Do you have a favorite? Who would you vote for? Whats your flavor? A teaspoon of socialism, 2 cups of shoulder groping and hair sniffing, 0.1% of a pinch of native American, a side of infanticide? Does it really matter since the DNC chooses anyways? All these questions answered and more in the first episode of "Into its mind: The LargerFiend" Episode one: The Radical Right and how the Centrists Aim to take them DOWN!
Are you really trying to virtue signal to me Biden’s sexual harassment when we have a conservative president that has literally bragged about assaulting women and walking into underage girls dressing rooms? Why do you hold different people to different standards? I don't understand why you all get so butthurt when you get your opinions challenged. Seems to me you get angry that you can’t reasonably justify them. It would be stupid to decide now who I'm voting for right now, and I am ok with the list so far. I really don't like Biden since he's just Hillbot2.0 but somehow creepier. Warren biggest strength is in her policy positions, and I think she would make a good president. I don't know if she can compete with Trump and his fanatics since policy is something they don't care about whatsoever. Bernie is probably the one I like the most right now since the 2 things I value most are corporate influence relating to campaign financing and education. Money in politics has had horrible effects on our democracy, and what we are doing now isn't sustainable long term. Lack of access to quality education robs people of the opportunity to speak to others with different opinions and to learn how to think critically. This has led people to seek out outlets that they think are suitable replacements but are extremely dangerous, like the Intellectual dark web, where feelings are dressed up as facts and civil discourse is spit on. I don’t like Bernie's protectionist attitude, but that isn't really something I find significant. Are you happy we have a president that is racist, is constantly attacking our first amendment rights, has attempted to collude with hostile foreign dictatorships, is dropping a record number of bombs in the middle east, and has proposed a record $4.75 Trillion Budget...?
After he found out the Central Park 5 were innocent (5 black kids) he said he didn't care and wanted to keep them in prison becuase they probably did something else. He has said there were good people on both sides of a literal White Nationalist Neo-**** rally. He wants to ban all muslims. He has called majority of latinos coming to America murderers and rapists. Do you actually thing all these are things a non-racist would say?
@Xandrith "Those Few Words" was a better map name @MartianMallCop Lose the Light Rifle, pronto @SgtSlaphead Move on to bigger and better things, and I don't mean box canyons @Box Knows Take me out to dinner first before you **** me in the ass @purely fat Bring more lube, bring less snipers
when determining what is center, left, or right, you need to have a reference for the spectrum. Like center left to you @LargerFiend mean when you say center left might be different than what no god is interperets as center left. The objective source of the two sides/ extremes is order & chaos, the left being chaos the right being order. Empathy and compassion is chaotic because it creates exceptions for generaly accepted rules and regulations. This creates division and inconsistencies in infrastructures. the right is orderly and values consistency, optimisation, objectivity, efficiancy... now this relationship between the two can be easily reconsiled once love/ selflessness is introduced, allowing a give and take interaction to take place. The catch to this however is that chaos must First be submissive to order, this is because order can exist without chaos but not the other way around. Pure chaos is the litteral manifestation of hell. Pure order just looks like a cohesive logical puzzle, where no individuality exists, all gears work sinutaniously towarda single goal. chaos is cool though in controled ammounts because it allows us to have unuiqe qualities and preferences making us all feel a little bit special... anyways i would was going to say is that what you would probably percieve to be a conservative utopia is where th true balence lies. Where we are at right now we are snowballing into social colapse
Yes, he said there were good people in a gathering consisting of far-right people, and far-left people. Both extremes. No, he wanted to ban Muslims from certain countries entering the US. Big difference. No he hasnt. He said “...some, I assume, are good people”. Big difference. I dont think any of those things are enough to consider a person racist, but then again, people throw the word around like it doesnt mean anything anymore. Im not a Trump supporter, but i dont intentionally attempt to misinform and twist the truth to try to make him look like a monster.
One side we had a group chanting "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and soil" while waving Swastikas and ended with a member ramming his car into a group of people killing one. On the other side we have Antifa members who were punching these ****'s. I don't believe these two are comparable, one is very clearly worse than the other. Trump calls for "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" He wanted to ban all Muslims. Later on, he issued the executive order I think you are referring to that is narrowed down to 7 countries. "They're sending people that have a lot of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." "Some" pronoun: at least a small amount or number of people or things. I don't see how this can be interpreted as him referring to a majority. I guess it is fair to believe that what I provided wasn't enough evidence, and a lot of it can be attributed to his horrible public speaking skills. I just hope you have the same amount of charitability for both sides. I don't believe anything I said was misleading or twisting the truth. I gave justifications for my beliefs and left it open to criticism. I know this forum in particular is only people that have their heals dug in too deep for me to convince them, so that wasn't my intent. I value the truth more than anything. If someone hits be back with a good arguement that they can substantiate, then I am 100% open to changing my mind. Plus these discussions are just fun for me honestly.
One side you have people attempting to spread their ideology, and the other you have people resorting to physical harm. I agree, one is definitely worse. Early on he wanted to ban all Muslims “from entering the country”. That isnt the same as banning all Muslims, which implies the ones currently in the country. “THEIR rapists and murderers”, as in beloging to the country. And some of THEIR good people, he assumes. I seriously doubt that. You belong here, because youre just as guilty of that stubborness you attribute to us.
Kinda interesting how these came up on YouTube when you've been having this debate. This is UK politics but the same ideas. Nowadays everyone sees one angry feminist video, where they shout about being misgendered, and suddenly the left has gone to far left and their all idiots. But vice versa, shouting about how all Trump supporters are neo ****'s just isn't true. I'm not an expert but the way I see American politics at the moment is if you vote for Trump, you are selfish. You want a better life, at the detriment to many others around the world and even others in the future. And honestly, that's fine. We all want a better life. And America has the power to be able to do these things. You can pull out of trade deals so other countries don't get as good a deal, but they still will trade with you cos you're America. It's not nice but it works. Voting democrat could potentially be the exact opposite. You can probably say you have better morals but you may have to make sacrifices in the name of progress and you may not live to know if it was worth it.
I appreciate the neutral attempt, but i dont agree with it. Most people vote for what benefits them personally. On both sides. If you find someone that will vote in a way that hurts them but benefits others, youve found an extremely rare person. There is nothing wrong with putting the interests of your country first, as a political leader or as a citizen. Again, i believe most people vote this way, regarless of their rhetoric. In terms of the trade deals, you need to have a basis of what is determined to be fair. Do you have any knowledge of the numbers? What if europe is benefitting more from the deal? Its easy to say its unfair when all you want is for the status quo to remain. The China trade war is an example of the US finally fighting back against the non-stop IP theft that China has no problem with. It hurt many working class people and investors through the stock market, but something had to be done to force China to start regulating its companies. It has had an impact on the US economy, but an even bigger impact on the Chinese economy. Which is something i fully support. There is nothing ‘less moral’ about voting conservative.