With that I meant that vague words like cohesiveness or whatever are difficult for me to explain. Same thing goes for everything talking visual design, as everyone understands things differently and sees things differently, especially in such a philosophical and cultural topic. Thank you very much for your nice words, they wouldn't have been necessary. ^^ No problem, man. I get what you mean with the sand. If you got a little bit more budget left, you could try and enclose the entire map with canyons/holes in the mountains and maybe make it, so you barely see the ground of the canvas. This would make the grass everywhere more believable. However, I understand, if you stick to this style. Yeah, the Barrens rock is a real ***** to handle. I avoid it everytime, if possible, haha! Oh damn, I completely forgot about that. I didn't even know, who made the comment about the coordinates. Now it all makes sense, thanks. Unfortunately, I don't know the French language, I took the Ancient Greek path in school. ^^ Really quickly, about the coordinates: I find them very useful, when building man-made structures, as you can align the pieces more easily and with having the base of the structure on even coordinates you don't have to depend on magnets all the time, which, if you ask me, are not reliable a lot of times. I think, I don't need to tell anyone that using coordinates for terrain is crazy, haha. Ey, I'm sorry, I don't give you the full chance to explain yourself, however I didn't even want to read your whole post. You showed your true colours twice now and I do not want to feed your toxic behaviour. Yes, maybe I could change it in the future to where I specifically ask the person, if they want to hear feedback in the first place, instead of giving them a short unexplained opinion, I'll give you that much. But man, from my understanding it's an open, public forum. When people post something they know exactly what comes with it. By posting something, even feedback, you obviously make yourself "vulnerable" to comments, that's only natural. E.g. I made myself vulnerable, when I posted short opinions. So what? I know what the consequences could be. But boasting yourself up by basically interfering in the "normal dialoque" between @LargerFiend and me in this case was completely unnecessary. It was all fine, until you tried to start this hate train, like what in the world. I just want to express myself with this editor and connect with people in the community from time to time and you come in here and try to piss me off. Like, go outside and focus on something else, if you've got that much free time. I'm done here.
I didn't try to piss you off, I pointed out your tendency to annoy myself and others with your unsolicited drive-by comments that, in my experience, rarely include explanation. Apparently even you can recognize that as annoying, which I appreciate you saying. Unfortunately, you then tried to dig up the Storm Peaks event, along with other things, and throw it all in my face. What a genuinely sad attempt to insult me. You say that I need to go outside, or that I need to grow up, or that I should deal with my toxicity, or that I shouldn't start a hate train, and yet, you are the only one who has decided to throw insults and ironically react with toxicity when someone critiqued you.
I can confirm this. I'm looking at the original file with my magic 343 programs and it says Brusky is the father.