Ya. I know a lot of people might dismiss it since its spits in the face of level design but Its nice not having to compromise with a layout for a change lol
Nah I’m not looking down on it. I don’t come here enough anymore to know what’s going on. Seems like this contest would actually have been pretty cool for me as layouts are so time consuming for me because I’m never satisfied. That’s why my last map was symmetrical. Wish I stilled forged but life is too full of other stuff for me. Le sigh
there's nothing left to argue over all of our positions are known all our foibles are accounted for and I don't write dissertations in here anymore this website is more stable in it's hibernation/decline than the scales of justice
It does spit in the face of level design lol But only because it spits in the face of game design It's just zerg rush fiesta jousting At least actual jousting involves some individual skill
Ummm im like really good with the nornfang and tatarus gavel, you are just bad so you complain I can turn a game around instantly with my sick Nornfang skills.
Im gonna say the sacred word..... My issue with aesthetic competitions is that once art starts to become really well made it basically becomes like a lottery of sorts since the "best" is subjective. Pretty much everyone can agree on an ugly map, but when you start comparing extremely well made content is anything really better? It basically just becomes whatever At least with say a 4v4 competition there are so many factors and a ton more objective things to judge. There is a lot less room for it to feel like a lottery of sorts. These competitions are pretty fun since you only have framerate and budget to worry about, but they really feel like a lottery.
Haha, you got me with this one, Mr. Koala. Mr. Dicks surely is going to be happy with the air conditioning in his new mansion. I also think, it's practical to put together the lamp with the ventilator. Do, as you like. I already stated my opinion on how I think the air circulation could be improved in that case. I didn't look up, how it generally is done in the industry, I simply wanted to create the best solution after looking at the structure of the connected rooms and imagine the air flow. @LargerFiend Yo, I've got some time now. I want to add to my initial thoughts before I go in. One critical thing I look at is anything that breaks my immersion, my understanding of natural lighting, colours, etc.. Basically, if something sticks out, I can't ignore it. When I load into a map, I want to be immersed by the visuals, I want to see the purpose of a location and understand it, I want to see working nature, phisics, etc.. Comparing it to what @icyhotspartin said, it's not too much about something specific like mixture of architectural styles, but rather about immersion, continuity (no things that break the formula of the chosen art drastically, e.g. egyptian themed tan railing with a black block mixed > doesn't fit in at all) and cohesiveness (is the chosen art applied smoothly throughout the level and matches together, e.g. rock formations not matching together naturally). Again, this has so many examples and facettes, I actually hate trying to describe it. @icyhotspartin , thanks for calling me mentally unstable? I know, I am not always able to get my thoughts across very well. I would rather create these posts in German. It's diffictult to express feelings in another language, I don't know the cultural meanings behind every English word nor have I been using the language my entire life. Think, what you want about me pulling this NOt mY fIrSt LaNguaGe ****, I don't care. Anyone, who uses multiple languages will understand that you often run into misunderstandings, especially between German and English, as German is more obvious when describing something. I know, you didn't really mean it that way when saying "...from mental migit to English...", however I still wanted to respond to that. @LargerFiend I pulled out my dusty InDesign and wrote some stuff together as promised: I hope, now you understand my thinking process a bit more, how I look at the art of levels. You do not need to answer any of the questions I stated in those pictures, those were just questions I ask myself when inspecting these pictures, just letting you inside my head. Do whatever you want with this feedback. Lastly, let me say, that you're one of the most inspiring forgers, when it comes to unique art creations. I'm thankful you reacted this way and gave me the opportunity to explain myself a bit more. It's always a bit of a vague and critical topic, as everyone has different experiences in real life and different eyes they see the world with. It is certain, though, that everyone has room to improve. ----- I' am disgusted by how @Xandrith is trying to twist my true intents and stating wrong things about me. First off, I always give detailed feedback, if somebody wants to hear it. At that, I am completely honest with anyone, there is no sugarcoating. Even close friends don't escape my at times brutal honesty. Some people might have a problem with such a feedback, I always say, it's better to have your friends be the biggest critics of yours than otherwise. There is a certain trust. Of course, I don't fully reveal everything I have to say right off the bat. I firstly give a few opinions and see how the person reacts. If the person wants more and asks how he/she doesn't understand this and that, or how I've come to conclusions, I lay everything down. Secondly, I told @LargerFiend and everyone that I don't have that much time at the moment. I "promised" that I give more detailed feedback, if it is wanted and I find the time. He answered in a completely mature way with a yes, so I delivered, as easy as that. There was nothing wrong about this situation, you just make everything up in your head and try to find something against, as you're pissed about my sentence about your WIP on nextleveldesign. I thought you would be over it, but looking at your last posts provocantly attacking me, it only proves how arrogant you've become and how full of yourself you are. Everyone, let me briefly fill you in on what happened over at nextleveldesign. Xan posted two pictures of one of his WIPs, I responded with a simple "negative" comment. No explanations, no arguments. Instead of asking me, how and why, he indirectly responded with the same wording of my message to someone else in a sarcastic manner. Instead of trying to see the comment as neutral as possible, he interpretes a bad intent into it (or whatever, I don't even know) without there being one. Hence, the childish comments. Instead of taking the feedback in or ignoring it (to be honest, everyone can do anything with feedback, as long as it doesn't attack the critc), he's straight up salty about it without trying to understand my original statement or getting to the root of it. If anyone wants to see it, there you go. I can only laugh about your unnecessary statements to put yourself in a superior place and trying to undermine my artistic work and knowledge. Wasn't it you that needed help with lighting, architecture and sells designs from other people as his own? Try to act in a more mature and respectful manner in the future and grow up. Enough said.
You really don't need your German tongue to voice your opinions, you do it very well and understandable in English. You could be feeling you're blunt or rude because of the language barrier sure, but it really isn't. I envy your grammar and it's literally nothing less than an English speaking person on this site.
Really appreciate the effort, wish I could give it more than one like My justification for the sand was that I needed to blend more of the canvas itself on the map so it didn't seem like the forged parts were out of place given the desert setting. (Barrens being almost all sand and all rock, I felt they both needed to be incorporated somehow.) The rocky parts I agree with you 100% on. I redesigned those 3 times already, I'm just **** with natural terrain. I'll give it another go tonight. Side note: Your english is very good. I wouldn't have even known if it hadn't been brought up.
Hahaha no dude “mental midget” was a fun way of flipping the theme of “who? An ant?” back at you while both explaining what you said and calling you a retard in good fun, has nothing to do with German. Sometimes salt is needed to draw out the juices, no? Actually, to your point about languages, I have a friend in France who’s translating a bunch of philosophical texts consulting me for English meanings, and holy **** is there a paucity of conceptual freedom in French
Wasn't it you that needed help with lighting, architecture and sells designs from other people as his own? There you go, throw in that little Storm Peaks jab. That's how I know you don't have anything of substance to say. We all went over that at length here on Forgehub coming up on 2 years ago, at which point literally not a single person from the armada of attackers could prove a thing. I'm generally opposed to reopening old wounds, but seeing as you've done the art for multiple purely maps now and just happen to bring this up, I'll take the bait. If you really, really want to go down that road again, I will. I still possess all of the screenshot evidence, including messages asking me to delete the evidence. As far as the lighting help, yeah, I got help from Multi in the past. He's helped me more than anyone, because he's super talented and I asked for it. Point made I guess? First off, I always give detailed feedback, if somebody wants to hear it No, you don't. You've constantly "offered" everything you have to say about any WIP without anyone asking, and without explanation. The most recent example is compatible, where you try to tell people that they should try to adopt a sort artistic "third eye" that you can't illustrate or describe in detail, but that you yourself possess and utilize. This is essentially telling someone "you should try and get better" or "be more like me". I couldn't think of a more arrogant way to critique a person or work. Everyone, let me briefly fill you in on what happened over at nextleveldesign. Xan posted two pictures of one of his WIPs, I responded with a simple "negative" comment. No explanations, no arguments. There it is. I shouldn't react the way I do sometimes, and I definitely don't deny that I'm capable of misunderstanding intentions over text, but I don't think that's what this is. This is you critiquing a picture I posted in the WAYWO on a whim, with absolutely no explanation involved. You tell me, how should react to that sort of unsolicited affront? Even if you had proven yourself as someone I should trust as an artist or otherwise, what should I say? Is it up to me to reply with an inquiry once you've insulted the work so that I can fix it? Should I PM you for assistance? Should I delete the pictures? Seriously, what are you trying to accomplish with those sort of illusory passerby comments? Since it has developed into a roaring trend as of late, I'll suggest something. Next time, try to refrain from imparting your opinions on the world unless you intend on explaining your position in the first place. Then, if you've successfully exercised restraint in this way, you could try confronting the critiques about your own approach instead of listing the "deficiencies" or "scandals" of the critic as some sort of laughable attempt to deflect. I can only laugh about your unnecessary statements to put yourself in a superior place and trying to undermine my artistic work and knowledge We're all laughing now. This is what I said. "His last picture in the waywo was the art he did for a Purely map, and as I remember it was literally like a 3 piece bridge of primitives coated in stone and grime with perfectly flat natural terrain underneath." Okay. Even THAT statement afforded more information than the one you posted. With that in mind, I'm the one trying to put myself in a superior place? Maybe you should practice what you preach and refrain from taking offense when someone critiques your work, instead of ironically accusing that person of "Trying to undermine my artistic work and knowledge". With all of that being said, there's virtue in the Schnitzel archetype. I love Schnitzel, even though he seems to hate me most of the time, because he always, always explained in detail why he thought what he thought, told people to **** off when nobody else would, and he never cited his own abilities or utilized ad hominem as his primary tactic in disputation. At the end of the day, I don't care if nobody else sees it. I have eyes, and I'll use them. Buddy hasn't filled that role, and in his attempts to do so, he has been irritating more people than just myself for years.